Mob Yandere

Chapter 152.2

Chapter 152.2

[Part 2/4]

Well, that's beside the point...

"...What is that?"


I asked, looking at the puppy perched on the head of the bear youkai. It was covered in fur as white as snow or silver, and it was incredibly cute, almost too cute. However, there was a presence emanating from its body...

"Divine energy?"

'My granddaughter brought it home. Just think of it as an experimental animal.'"

As I furrowed my brow, feeling a sense similar to that of the foolish spider, a hoarse reply echoed from somewhere. I turned my gaze towards the surroundings. From a corner of the bookshelf emerged the hunched figure of an old man, his body supported by a cane and covered in wrinkles. It was Matsuhige's old man, the wanted man...

"...Could it be related to the Ezo Princess case?"

"Indeed, it is."

"By what means did such a thing... What are you looking at?"

I asked him while the puppy that has been staring at me intently from above the bear's head. The puppy looks at me absentmindedly. And suddenly, it flashes a smug expression (at least that's how it appears to me).

...I feel like I've been categorized without my consent. Don't mess with me.

"It seems like it hasn't been properly trained, huh?"

"It's quite troublesome indeed. The person who brought it home doesn't seem to take care of it properly. When you own a living being, you should take responsibility until the end, don't you think..."

"Are they more of a cat person then? Who takes care of it?"


"Hey, aren't you the one being kept as well?"

As I reminisce about the cat she always had by her side, I am shocked by the shocking truth and respond with disbelief. By responding, I prove to myself that I'm not being manipulated or brainwashed.

Because I understood that the old man's trivial conversation was meant to gauge the flexibility of my thinking.

"...Hmm. It's just like that. At least it seems that no commands have been implanted in you to deceive me, right? Quite good, quite good."

“Even though I'm blindfolded, you’re being cautious, aren’t you?"

"If I weren't cautious, I'd be done for by now."

I almost agreed with the old man's words. But then, does that mean lurking under the Imperial Court's protection is... like hiding in plain sight?

"...By the way, what about Botan-sama?"

And I mentioned a person who wasn't present in this place. The last time we met, things seemed to have gotten quite troublesome... Is she really safe?

"Don't worry about her. She's just away from her seat. Well, at least she's alive."

"That's an unsettling way to put it..."

I instinctively frowned at the paradoxical statement. In this world, the phrase "just being alive" is not merely a figure of speech or a metaphor. In fact, it can also mean being in a state where it's unclear how she can be kept alive...

"Rest assured. She's whole and intact, with all her organs in place."

"Then say it properly!"

The way this old man says it makes it even more unsettling!! So, is there anything else besides that!?


"Huh!? Are you okay?"


The bear growls, trying to reassure me in response to my suspicions. It's strange, almost familiar... Is this bear getting too comfortable with me? Could it be because I'm getting closer to becoming a monster, so it sees me as one of its own?

"Alright, calm down, calm down. Would you like some tea?"

"...I'm fine, but are you going to make me drink it?"

The old man offers me a teacup, the contents of which I have no idea about. But I have no right to reject it.

"I have to ensure there are no tricks up your sleeve. This bookstore is isolated from the outside world. I've eliminated any threats in the vicinity... I can't even distinguish them, so I took care of all of them. There's no risk of anyone overhearing this conversation. And there's no way they can track our location either. I've also arranged decoys. No one knows your whereabouts or your activities."

"For how long?"

The old man nods in confirmation. Despite his previous position as the second in command at the Omnyouji Bureau, he has his limitations. He was never adept at handling the dirty work. If the sword fanatics continue causing trouble without any regard, there are only limited actions we can take.

So, the time I can stay here is limited. If there is something implanted in my body when I return, it would be fatal for the old man and a matter of life and death for me. It's not just me and Matsuhige's granddaughter who will be captured and beheaded, but also many others who will be implicated.

That's why this is, in a sense, a natural obligation...


"What are you doing? Hurry up. Time is running out."


"By the way, the effect increases as it cools down."

"Is it that demon!?"

As I make a comment, I sip the tea. It tastes terrible. Bitter, sour, salty. I force myself to swallow it. I pour it into my stomach. And...

"...Where's the restroom?"

"It's over there."

I was running in the direction he pointed.

...By the way, I put it down from the top of my mouth. It didn't make me feel refreshed at all. Ugh.

* * *

"Do you want some water?"

"...Is there something in it?"

"There's no need to put anything in it. I don't have much money to spare."

The old man handed me a cup of tea after I had vomited everything in my stomach. I watched him warily for a second, but then sipped it as a sign of acceptance to his persuasive words.

"Mm, mm... Huff"

"Do you want more tea?"

"No, thank you. ...Can I sit down?"

"You're free to do so."

With the old man's permission, I deeply sit in a nearby chair and face him. After calming my breath, heart, and body, I finally get to the point.

"Mt. Anma, Tengu... I've been appointed as a member of the surveillance team."

Since he has probably heard some rumors to some extent, I straightforwardly mention my current situation.

"Oh? So it's your turn first? I thought you wanted to escape from the current surveillance system."

"It's certainly not a good feeling to be constantly watched... but as for that, you don't intend to lend a hand, do you?"

When the resurrection of the family head intensified the surveillance by the Onitsuki family, it was just that. It was a matter of degree. Ever since meeting this old man, I had been under surveillance with rebellion and escape in mind, and if I tried to run, I would be cursed and killed. Just because it became a little stricter doesn't mean that Matsuhige has any reason to help me and respond to it.

...For him, there is no reason to remove the collar of a monster that could become a bomb at any time.

"...Hmm. If you understand your position, that's good. Ah, rest assured. I have considered the tricks for your return, you know?"

"Instead, why initiate contact when there is no anticipation of the consequences?"

"That's also valid."

The old man laughed with a hoarse voice, sounding suspiciously like a lie. I shrugged my shoulders and took a sip of the remaining water in the teacup. And then, I returned to the main topic.

"Do you happen to know anything about the Tengu group in that mountain?"

I have limited knowledge about Tengu. It's unclear how closely it adheres to the source material, but at least in the original 'Firefly of the Dark Night (Yamiyo no Hotaru)' and its derivative works, Tengu's presence didn't seem to significantly impact the story.

Officially confirmed details include the existence of a Tengu who was a collaborator with the first emperor, later harshly expelled from Fusō-kuni, and the Tengu as a species being particularly intelligent and cunning among youkai. There are rumors about Tengu attacking Fusō-kuni from the side of the Salvation Youkai Group depending on the route towards the end of the main story. Additionally, it's mentioned in a hearsay format that the feathers of Tengu are highly valued.

In both the main story and side stories, Tengu are not directly shown, and there's only one individual that can be said to have a notable reputation.

"Tengu, huh? I don't know much about those guys. The information I know is not much different from what you can find in public books."

The old man speaks. The content he shares is indeed not significantly different from what I have learned since I was born in this world.

...Deep in the forest, in the mountains, there live Tengu who form a society. They have wings on their backs and beast-like faces with long hair, resembling birds. They speak a language, have their own unique personalities, and are rumored to have done shady business, tricking people in the past.

"However, compared to other creatures, they have relatively few cases of attacking humans. It is said that they actively prey on lower-ranking deities and other youkai. ...According to the records in the books in the library, the early imperial court had some agreements of mutual non-aggression with certain Tengu tribes and conducted trade with them. Anma's Tengu is one of them."

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