Mob Yandere

Chapter 157-3

Chapter 157-3

[Part 3/4]

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I wonder how much time has passed since then. After re-examining the room for a while, unable to do anything, my futile efforts came to an end when the Middle Counselor naturally began to eat the meal served.

"Hmm. There is no lacquer or vermilion. No patterns. It's difficult to call it an elegant bowl... but the shape is well balanced. One could say it's quite skillful. The color of the wood also has a charm."

The food is a soup-like dish similar to clear soup... Did they use mushrooms for the broth? The Middle Counselor sips it while speaking. He picks up the green vegetables and mountain vegetables with chopsticks, put them in his mouth, and nod.

"The saltiness is mild, but the umami flavor has soaked in well."

It was a carefree culinary commentary by the Middle Counselor on Tengu cuisine. He crunchs on the pickled turnip, savoring it, and eat the meal.

The dish prepared by the Tengu was similar to shojin ryori. It consisted of rice with one soup and three side dishes. There were also sweet pickled fruits, and the drinks included tea and fruit juice. There was no meat or fish, which was unusual for youkai cuisine. (T/N: Shojin Ryoyi: traditional dining style of Buddhist monks in Japan)

"I should mention that this meal is specifically for guests. It's recorded that they eat both meat and fish, and drink alcohol. The absence of those items is a certain consideration."


"Well, there are examples like the Oni."

"I see..."

It is a well-known fact that an Oni disguised as a human would cook human or youkai meat and serve it to unsuspecting travelers or guests, or even consume them whole after getting them drunk.

"It's quite old-fashioned, but there was a time when I had dealings and negotiations. This arrangement and reflection might have come from that period."

"Seems rather high-handed, but you're cautious on this side?"

"Well, well. I can't comprehend the thought process of a scatterbrain like you. ...Hmm, hmm. This has an interesting texture, don't you think?"

The Middle Counselor tore apart a mass of gray squares and began to comment further. By the way, when I tasted it, it was a mixture of tofu and konjac, cooked and seasoned. It felt like a product trying to imitate tofu.

"...Inaba-hime, are you alright? Are you feeling well? Can you eat?"

I asked while observing the progress of the girl's meal beside me. Kakitsugi Inaba, who was sitting properly and nodding, lacked emotions, and her meal had hardly progressed.

However, it was natural, of course.

"...I'm sorry about your father. I understand that you don't have the motivation to eat a meal prepared by the enemy. But now, it's a situation where you must eat. Please suppress your regrets for now."

I comforted her, reminiscent of Princess Kikyou at Kurou's place. Inaba-hime nodded slightly with chopsticks in her mouth. That was all. No response. No sound. Not even a sob...


While continuing a conversation with Middle Counselor Hachigaku (80%), myself (20%), and Inaba-hime (0%), the meal seemed to go on endlessly. However, in reality, such a thing would be impossible. No matter how it starts, there must be an end.

'Hey, man with a mask! You're alive!!"


The Bouchou Tengu who had swatted away Hina appears. I instinctively jump back to create distance. I distance myself and click my tongue at its meaninglessness. Middle Counselor and Inaba-hime show no reaction and don't distance themselves. Middle Counselor even continues eating as if he doesn't intend to do anything else.

'...Don't be so scared. You make me disappointed.'

"What do you want?"

I quietly question the Tengu who pretends to be disappointed.

'I came to greet you. ...Oh my, are you still in the middle of your meal? Really, you guys eat so slowly, don't you?'

"Appreciating the appearance, feeling the fragrance, savoring the texture, and savoring the aftertaste is what elegance is all about, you know?"

In response to Tengu's mockery, the Middle Counselor interjected with a response that made it difficult to determine whether his focus was off or on point. It was an obvious and reckless interruption.

"Middle Counselor-sama...!"


As I issued a warning, Tengu fell silent for a moment. Probably taking a quick glance at the Middle Counselor under his robes, he turned back to me.

'Well, it's fine if we stop here. Look, it's here. You understand there's no choice, right?'

Tengu reached out his hand. It seemed he intended to take me outside. And I was not in a position to refuse.


I complied. I headed towards Tengu. And as I tried to grab his arm... I was suddenly pulled in, both shoulders caught.


'I'll secure you, but don't struggle if you don't want to fall, okay?'

The rope extended around my shoulders, wrapped around my sides, and tied my abdomen to secure me. At the same, his Tengu's wings flapped.


'...That's a utensil for eating, right?'

Just as I was panicking, I heard Tengu whisper and crackle. Chopsticks fell from the air to the floor with a clang. Inaba-hime sat down, and the chopsticks that were supposed to be in her hands were no longer there.

It was thrown. Probably in the face. And it was blown away with a wing.

"!!? Princess, don't do anything reckless, use Middle Counselor's protection!!"

'We're leaving!'

Before I could say anything, the wings flapped even more strongly and I was taken high into the sky. I soared all at once. A gust of wind drowned out my voice.

"What! All of a sudden!!?"

'You're taking a lot more steps than the Oni guys, aren't you? ...It's more of a pain than that. Do I have to observe it? It's an opportunity to gather valuable information.'

"What something like that?"

My eyelids narrowed as the strong wind hit me directly in the face, but as I shifted my gaze to my surroundings, I understood Tengu's sarcasm.

The perspective from the sky, obtained by Tengu, provided me with valuable information.

The sea of clouds. The blue sky. Looking down from there, the field of view expanded to the endless expanse of canyons and giant trees.

"That rock surface... is it Reitetsu!?" (T/N: Reitetsu: legendary type of iron that is believed to possess magical or spiritual properties)

High in the sky, the towering range of rocky mountains meant that the unique rock surface peeking through the moss and grass contained spirit ore, and even high-quality spirit iron. No mistake about it. I've seen it on a mission in the mines.

"And, this one is..."

In between, densely packed, are none other than Kyoreiju, each easily over a thousand years old. Moreover, they are far superior to what I've seen in the forests of the outer edge of Mount Anma, and even surpass the "Forbidden Curse Deep Forest". Perhaps the bow and arrows carved from this spirit tree would be suitable for first-class exorcists, and the talisman made from its bark would likely become a seal for calamity youkai. (T/N: Kyoreiju: a massive, ancient tree imbued with spiritual energy or mystical properties)

The items obtained at the outer edge are as good as dust. To those who see it, the entire landscape would appear to be a mountain of gold. To mountain men and woodcutters, it would be a shout of "Overwhelmed by numbers. Charge!" as they rush in.

'I'm going to lower the altitude a bit.'

"Huh...!? Is this the village?"

As the altitude dropped and the resolution of the scenery increased, I spotted it in the midst of the towering canyon and giant trees.

It was what they called a treehouse in my previous life. Treehouses of various sizes were installed on the walls of the canyon or between the branches of the giant trees. There were at least a hundred visible in my field of vision, undoubtedly many more hidden in places I couldn't see. The estimated population would be no less than a thousand.

Through the dimly lit windows of the treehouse, numerous gazes were watching me...

'What do you think?'

"What do you mean, 'what'?"

'Just be honest. Give me your impressions.'

As various information was being pounded into my head, a teasing whisper echoed in my ear. I felt a shiver down my spine. It was uncomfortable. I turned my gaze slightly towards the source. I could see a mischievous smirk. Reluctantly, I answered.

"...A base set up in a high place that's difficult for people to climb. It would be difficult to attack a base beyond treacherous mountains."

'The room where you guys stayed was something similar. Don't think you can let the Middle Counselor escape alone, okay?'

"I've heard that Tengu likes to teach... I see."

Is this the meaning of such sadistic torment? Or is it to indulge in a sense of superiority? In any case, it's malicious. But...

"I still don't understand. Why reveal valuable information? What are you plotting?"

'That will be clear soon... Alright, we've arrived.'

"What... Nooooo!!?"

Before voicing my doubts, I suddenly descended almost horizontally. When I hurriedly looked ahead, a significantly large circular treehouse was right in front of me. Given Tengu's speed, there was no time left before the collision.

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We also have a project about someone who has returned from an isekai. The main character is a hero who has defeated the Demon Lord. However, for some reason, the human-demon war has resumed and will take place in the MC's original world. The MC, unaware of this, meets a Saint from that world and asks them to join the war. But what does the MC say? They refuse. Is it because their love was rejected by the princess when they adventured together in the past or are they simply fed up? And are the MC will join later? You can find out by clicking on the following => [Link]

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