Monster Breeder

70. Returning Home

70. Returning Home

“With that settled, we can resume our… romantic affair?” Aello sidles up to me, flaunting her large breasts like the horny bird she is by squishing them against my armor.

“Momma! We need a nest, remember? ‘No sex outside the nest.’ That’s what you told Gale, and she’s been a good girl this whole time!”

“…Ah, yes, momma did say that, didn’t she? Well, human, where were you taking my daughter?”

Like a good wife, I turn to my primary spouse. “Gabby, we have a guest and some new tenants; is it alright if I…?”

My Goblin bride is a little miffed with me, but that’s offset by smugness at her impending win in the bet she made with Suka. “Go ahead, Alex. Do what you have to while we finish… Dinner! The roast! Suka, mount up!” The Cinderwolf approaches the green-skinned magic user from behind at a run, snout ducking between her legs to let the Goblin’s ample rear slide onto her shoulders while breaking into a sprint. “If my roast is burnt because of this overgrown pigeon, you’re next on the spit!” Gabby calls over her shoulder, pointing at Aello.

“What… charming companions you have,” the Matron says, choosing a diplomatic approach.

I nod, Gabby having once again proved herself the most brazen Goblin I’ve ever met. This is my first time experiencing ‘Homemaker Gabby,’ though, and she’s even scarier than normal.

“I was going to have Gale make her nest next to the hut in the middle of Fuzzy Field.”

“That’ll take forever,” Gale pouts, clearly impatient to skip to the fun part.

“Don’t fret, baby bird,” Aello assures as she takes off into the air. “Momma will take care of it.” Apparently, she’s as or more eager than Gale because the Matron shoots into the sky in the hut’s direction.

“W-wait, Momma! Help?”

That’s not Gale’s voice…

I turn my attention to the source of the melodious pleas. It’s Lucinia, the Lesser Siren who stayed to fight. After approaching her fallen form, I get a look at what I’m dealing with.

Despite being a casualty of battle, she took relatively minor damage from the crystal-blood darts. Aside from a few scattered feathers, the woman is clearly rattled from her fall, gingerly holding what looks like a sprained wing. A few spatters of blood from cuts and scrapes speckle her body. A glance at the nearby motionless bodies reveals the Bloodwings were not so fortunate.

Lucinia has an aquiline nose, smooth features, and creamy skin. Her hair is long and black, though her wings are plain brown, and the feathers on her abdomen are pale beige. However, striking blue feathers gleam on her throat like jewelry. Like Canary, her best features are her Double-D’s, but Lucinia’s nipples are especially puffy and suckable. I’m taking everything with a grain of salt, however, because I’m very much an ass-woman, and Sirens have a sad, chronic case of bird-butt. 6/10

“P-please, don’t kill me…”

I turn to my Harpy bride. “Gale, did this monster bully you or anything in the past?”

Lucinia silently begs Gale with watery eyes and a trembling lip.

The Harpy girl ponders, then shakes her head. “Lucinia sings for the Chicklins sometimes. I like her voice.”

“It seems like karma is working hard for you today,” I say as I scoop the magically lightweight bird woman into my arms.

“O-oh! Thank you, thank you, thank you~!” Lucinia says, turning from me to Gale and back as she expresses gratitude at my mercy. The Siren wraps her good wing around my neck, both hugging me despite the armor and holding on for the ride.

“Technically, you’re my subordinate starting today. I’ve never been a boss before, but I’m thinking my leadership style will mostly be delegating jobs and the distribution of clemency. You fought against me but stayed by your Matron’s side… unlike a certain other Lesser Siren who’s in big trouble. With that in mind, I’ll have your wounds tended to, and you can spend the night with us.”

“Yay, sleepover!” Gale celebrates.

“You’re too generous, Milady.”

“Stop it; I’m immune to compliments.” I’m not, though. I can’t help feeling happy about myself after sparing the life of a cute monster. “Spindle, the rodent siblings are being awfully quiet. You’re being good, right?” I say before turning around.

“She’ll have you know she is the very picture of restraint!” Spindle says, already most of the way through Shibari-tying Cottontail and Megan after having gagged them. Their wide, frantic eyes show they didn’t necessarily agree to this.

“At least wait until we’re home. And please, make sure their normal partners are around when you play with them until they’ve gotten used to you. I’m sure you know predator-play with a strange monster can be very stressful without a loved one nearby.”

The spider girl idly caresses her captives with all four hands but refrains from touching their erogenous zones for now. “Spindle will be considerate.”

“Wow, that looks fun! Can I try? Well, I have a date with Momma and Alex, but maybe later?” Gale says after admiring the ropework on Megan. She has the fearlessness of blind trust around the corrupted spider girl.

Megan might be begging for assistance with her eyes, but the Harpy girl is far too dense to correctly interpret such subtle body language (especially with the mouse girl’s nipples erect and her pussy dripping with anticipation; being tied up by a sexy domme tends to have that effect).

“A budding enthusiast? Of course, Spindle would love to show a beautiful bird such as yourself the many benefits of bondage after your date.”

Gale is a bit too straightforward for roleplay, but I don’t doubt the two of them will have fun with suspended positions. I’m confident Megan will learn to love it too once the prey-panic wears off.

My heart is light with relief on our walk home. My girls are hitting it off!

“Mph, mmph!” Cottontail and Megan say through their gags.

“Wow, look at Momma go!” Gale exclaims before flapping over to get a closer look.

As we approach the hut, Aello’s work is widely evident. The grass is shaved low around Gabby’s residence with the trimmings borne through the air on invisible currents of wind. Our Harpy Matron hovers in the sky above the hut while directing breezes with beats of her wings as if using telekinesis.

She uses air blades to cut, and her control is fine enough to weave the nest remotely. A sizable structure appears before our eyes as the grass seems to fall into place. It has about the same square footage as the hut.

“Dura confuse. Wat birds doin wit nest on ground?” The Ogress stands outside the hut watching the construction with a furrowed brow.

“You’re back!” I exclaim, happy to see Dura return to honor our bargain from yesterday.

“She’s been waiting here for a few hours,” Suka says while leaning against the doorframe in humanoid form. “Heard about the Matron attack same time as Gabby and me, but decided you were a big girl.”

“Dura promise bear Alex spawn, not fight Alex battles.”

Oh, so that’s how it is? “Not trying to get out of our deal, are you?”

The Ogress grins, showing her shrunken yet still impressively sharp tusks, and pats her stomach. “Alex no live, she no d’serve put baby in belly. Also, Dura horny. Hurry up get pregnant, so Dura use pussy again. Dura only has mouth and butt to feel good waiting fill promise.”

It’s good she’s following the letter of the deal, but I’m frustrated she’s been lending out her ass for use. There’s no point just taking Potent Sperm or Bunny Patron Induce Ovulation to get her pregnant. I want to thoroughly addict her to sex with me before fulfilling our arrangement. That, and I want to ensure she doesn’t fuck anyone besides me and my harem.

I need to Tame her for real this time.

“Spindle will be taking these two inside,” the spider girl says with Cottontail and Megan in her arms as she brushes past Suka, bumping the Cinderwolf with her hip and throwing a scorching look over her shoulder at the wolf girl. Dura raises an eyebrow at the interaction.

Suka swallows audibly, her tough-girl act thrown off by the blatant come-on. “I’m… going inside.” She disappears into the hut, only to duck back out to pass on a message, “Dinner will be ready by the time you’re through with them, Alex.”

Despite my photosynthesis, breakfast was a long time ago. My stomach grumbles, but I’ve got the energy to finish things out here.

“Well, Dura, I have a previous engagement to take care of first,” I say, nodding towards the Harpy Matron. “You’re welcome to watch, though.” Let her stew in her horniness for a while. She can work herself up before we get started, plus it gives me a few more minutes to plan.

“Fine. Dura wait.” The Ogress’s gaze drifts to the girl in my arms. “You go’n fuck dat too?”

Lucinia blushes at the suggestion but doesn’t presume to voice her opinion while her betters are talking.

I look at the bird woman in contemplation while she refuses to meet my gaze and swallows nervously. She’s more than a little cute like this… I’m considering a revision of my earlier rating. “Hmm, at some point, probably.”

Lucinia’s blush deepens to scarlet, her expression torn between lusty eagerness and what I realize is intimidation at my presence. I scared off Canary with a few words and defeated a Harpy Matron, after all. I have to admit, her tinge of fear makes me feel like a bad bitch with a big swinging hog. The influx of Big Dick Energy is a welcome boost to my pride and warms me to the Siren by a few degrees.

Something stirs beneath my armor, and I feel my clothes dissipate as Flou extracts herself to form a bunny-eared furry blob beside me.

“It seems like you don’t need my help anymore today, Alex,” the Fuzzy Slime says. “No offense, but I’d rather make sure Cottontail and Megan are okay than watch you fuck the birds.”

“None taken,” I reply. “Family comes first. All I ask is that you remember Megan has strong feelings for Gale. Depending on how officially you want to count their vows, they’re basically in an open marriage. That ‘bird’ I’m fucking is practically family.”

The Fuzzy Slime shifts in place and burbles to herself. “Maybe you’re right. It’s difficult thinking about other monster types as family, though. But, if Megan is serious about that bird, I may have to accept it.”

“Take this bird with you as well, please.” I offer a deathly still Lesser Siren to the deadly carnivorous Slime morphing into a cushion with legs to accept her. Lucinia saw what Flou did to the Bloodwings; we both know all too well that ‘cushion’ could grow teeth in an instant. “Tell Gabby I want her wounds tended.”

“Will do,” Flou accepts my instructions with grace and waddles inside the hut with her passenger in tow.

Then I feel something wet trickle down my leg.


Olindia slithers out of me and reforms her Large Pink Jellyfish Slime body complete with an oversized dress that barely hides her nips. She puffs up her ample chest and says, “Welp, I think I earned a little relaxation after saving your life twice and helping in those fights. All in a day’s work, and whatnot.”

“Hmm, I can’t argue you held up your end of the bargain.” I pat her on the head and brush her jelly-hair affectionately. “Thanks.”

Olindia blushes neon pink and blinks her downturned eyes at me in surprise. “W-w-wha?”

“Yep, good job today. Play nice, take turns with the other dommes, and be polite. Other than that, have at ‘em.”

“G-g-good job? Good… job? I don’t remember anybody ever said nothin’ like that to me before. Even thinking back so far it makes my head hurt… ‘Lazy git,’ yep. ‘Useless lump,’ yeah. But she told me, ‘Good job,’ huh…?” Olindia wanders into the hut while muttering to herself in a state of confusion mixed with hesitant pride and a demure smile on her lips.

I scratch my head. Was it something I said?

“Ben busy,” Dura looks at the hut and back, eyeing me up and down. “No Gabby this time keep watch Alex but come back safe with many baby-makers and slaves. Start’n clan?”

“Um…?” I hadn’t really thought about it like that, besides arguing semantics. When I have so many of my girls in the same place, it’s starting to look a little impressive, huh? Between this spot in Fuzzy Field, the onslaught of newborns coming in a few months, and my new dominion over Harpy Mountain, a clan isn’t out of the question, is it? “Yeah, I guess.”

She smirks at me. “Long way from challenge Bruke.”

I give her a steely grin, “We’ll see about that.”

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