Monster Breeder

75. Another Quiet Night At Home, Part 2 (R-18)

75. Another Quiet Night At Home, Part 2 (R-18)

“More importantly, Alex, the roast is finally finished.” Gabby puts her dicks away, dons protective mitts to remove the food from the hot coals, and serves me dinner.

It’s a whole suckling pig (definitely not a pig-type monster, but a real pig!) with roasted onions and carrots! A bundle of herbs in its mouth fills the air with a subtle sweet aroma. The skin looks perfectly crispy, the halved onions are a beautiful caramel color, and the carrots are bathed in pork fat drippings. The smell is to die for.

“G-Gabby! Where did you find this?!?” I ask in total shock.

The prey animals that ancient humans once farmed for food have long since disappeared from most areas after being hunted to near extinction by various predatory monsters. On top of that, prey monsters like Fuzzies, Lambies, and Taurines replaced their ecological niches. That’s why my hometown went ovo-vegetarian, it’s basically impossible to hunt for a living without killing sapient monsters. That’s not to say we’ve entirely lost the taste for meat…

I wipe drool from my mouth for the second time in under a minute.

“You have Suka to thank for that. She’s an impressive hunter. I foraged the vegetables, but I’d never have found red meat without the mutt.” Her tone when she says ‘mutt’ no longer has the dismissive tone of yesterday, perhaps replaced with a hint of respect and an ember of affection. “I kept its head on in case you feel weird eating flesh without being able to see it didn’t come from a monster.”

Ordinarily, she’s right, I’d never accept meat without getting a good look at the body, but… “You gave me your word. I trust you, honey.” I lean forward and kiss my green-skinned bride. “I do appreciate the thought. Very considerate; you’re definitely getting laid tonight.”

Gabby takes my joke with a greedy glint in her eye. She waves the Apprentice Rod at me lasciviously, and asks in a husky voice, “Who’s laying who?”

I prepare to tear into my meal with gusto as I reply, “I’m thinking a little of both. I’ve got a few surprises for you…”

Her big yellow eyes fall on my naked crotch’s new reptilian hemipenis. “I can see two from here.”

“Mmm, dat smell good!” Dura interrupts our flirting as she approaches on her knees to avoid hitting her head on the ceiling. “Ooo, Dura love meat!” The Goblin girl somehow produces a wooden spoon to rap the Ogress’ knuckles as Dura reaches to steal a piece from my dinner. Dura retracts her hand with a surprisingly mortified expression. I didn’t think the situation called for such a visceral emotional response.

“This food is for Alex!” the tiny, if voluptuous, Goblin girl reprimands while shaking her spoon at the offending thief. “If you want a meal, you’ve got three options.” Gabby points her spoon at my twin mammaries and cocks. “Well, four at the moment.”

Dura’s gaze drifts from my nethers to Gabby’s naked loins and the shocking new addition there. “Gabby got cock? Since when?!?”

“Since last night after you left,” my green-skinned lover replies.

“It’s fully functional, and all the knots and whirls feel great,” I add, pointing at the twisted, bumpy length of her rod. While Dura takes a moment to let this new information percolate, I take a bite of the pork. It fucking melts in my mouth. “Mmm!!! Gabby, this is amazing!”

“I should hope so,” Gabby says as she adjusts her glasses with evident pride. “I combined years of experience and herb lore with techniques I copied from all the cooks in the clan and culinary theory I translated from an ancient human cookbook. It’d better be worth all the effort.”

“It’s worth all that, plus a secret ingredient.”

“I’ve done no such thing!” Gabby objects with brows furrowed in confusion. “It’s not like I need drugs to get you to sleep with me anymore, Alex.”

I give her an impish smile. “The secret ingredient is love.”

“T-that’s! That’s n-not a real ingredient,” Gabby splutters, blushing dark green as she protests to hide how much she enjoyed my compliment and teasing.

I turn to watch my brides and lovers fornicate as I eat. Dinner and a show; I give Gabby’s hut five stars, ten stars, full stars!

“Anyway, Dura,” I grab the Ogress’s attention away from the distracting spectacle, “This is too much food for me to finish on my own. I’d be willing to share with you, provided you have that discussion we were talking about outside…”

Gabby frowns before relenting. “Hmph, I suppose you’re only human. Any Gobbo could finish that much in one sitting, but I should’ve adjusted my expectations to human dietary portions even if you are quite large. Good thing I decided to pickle the innards and feet for later. Well, although I made the food, it’s yours to share as you wish, Alex.”

“Gabby, um, Dura… Dura…” The powerful Ogress trails off, clearly struggling to express something.

“Well, Dura what?” Gabby asks.

“Dura… Dura app’logize Gabby!” she finally spits out.

“W-whatever for?” My Goblin wife’s eyes narrow. “Better question, what do you want? Wait, don’t answer that, it’s obvious.” Dura glances at me and a blush touches her face that’s surprisingly cute on the muscular Amazon. At the same time, Gabby sniffs the air. “Damn, Alex, your scent changed again. Just a whiff of your precum is making me unbearably horny. No wonder she wants you.”

“Dat not it!” Dura is quick to object before amending her stance, “Um, dat not only it. Alex win Dura dual! Alex fight big bird! Alex fuck, make Dura scream name! Dura… wan’ stay, but Gabby no let.”

Gabby adjusts her spectacles and cocks her head. “Whyever shouldn’t I? We hadn’t done each other in a while, but yesterday was,” she smiles while staring at nothing, “Nice. So, there’s no issue there. Alex likes both of us, so no issue there either. She has two cocks, and there’re two of us. It’s simple arithmetic.”

“Gabby no ‘fraid Dura take… like in Fen?”

“What did you take from me in the Ogre Fen?”

I knew it was a misunderstanding! I bite my tongue to keep from shouting.

Dura and Gabby seem equally confused. The Ogress especially seems taken aback. “When Goblins, Dura Gabby promise!”

“Yes, I recall, we swore to look out for one another and share everything. That’s another reason I shouldn’t object to letting you marry my wife.”

“Den Dura Orc, Dura take Gabby food, leave scraps. Gabby mad; leave Fen. Dura sorry, ver’ sorry, app’logize!”

Gabby blinks in utter disbelief. “Dura, you grew to thrice my size overnight! Of course, you should naturally take the larger portion! I never considered it a breach of our agreement, and you continued protecting me until I had to leave after setting Dag on fire. I wasn’t mad at you!”

“Ha ha, Dura ‘member dat funny. All Dag hair burn. Wear grass on head. Him bug bites all over. Complain to Bruke for days! Ha ha ha!” The laughter dies on Dura’s lips as she absorbs what Gabby has been saying. Sober now, the Ogress says, “Dura come see Gabby, but feel awkwar’. Not wan’ make Gabby more mad.”

“I wondered why you were suddenly acting like a stranger around me and coming by less often. How frustrating I didn’t realize it! We’d never have talked this over without Alex.” My Goblin wife smiles at me gratefully.

“Yeah, yeah! Alex d’serve biggest rewar’!”

Both girls’ smiles turn hungry as their eyes drop to my privates. The double dragons rise from their slumber.

“I guess it’d be impolite to refuse…” Fuck yes! Fuck yes! Fuck yes! Sisters for the win! Wincest!

Gabby licks her luscious lips while Dura openly drools. Both of them sniff the air as they approach my crotch. “This smell…”

“So good!” the Ogress rumbles.

“That’s my new Lure mark in action,” I say, then take another bite of pork. At the same time, both broodsisters take me in their mouths. “Mmm!!!”

Combining the flavor of perfectly cooked and seasoned meat with the feeling of two soft mouths on my twinned rods is a euphoric, elevating experience.



Both Goblinoid girls slur their words around my members as they lick my dicks and suck my precum. Gabby’s mouth is tight around my girth; she’s struggled to orally accommodate me before, and she’s gotten better, but her small stature means she’ll always have trouble with larger cocks. Dura’s maw, by contrast, is soft and sloppily wet with saliva. The Ogress’ jaws are a squishy, velvet wonderland of textures from her firm palate to yielding cheeks and squeezing esophagus.

Both of them have hearts in their eyes as they enthusiastically go down on me. Meanwhile, I’m watching and listening to how the harem orgy is progressing. It’s a feast for the senses!

“Mmmph!!!” Megan screams around Olindia’s throat-fucking tentacle as the mouse girl cums on her Harpy lover’s lips. The little mouse’s tummy is large with the slime she’s been swallowing.

Gale harmonizes with her diminutive wife as pink tendrils double-penetrate her nether holes, visibly writhing in her distended belly. The Harpy’s cunt sprays liquid pleasure on Olindia’s limbs while her legs quake with ecstasy.

A third voice joins the choir as Olindia withdraws from Lucinia’s mouth long enough to let the Siren sing, “~Aaahhhnnn~!!!”

More cum spurts from Spindle’s bunny-fucked cunt as Cottontail creampies her yet again. Then Olindia drags the small rabbit girl into the air by the butt tentacle, off the Weaver’s wicked purple spider ovipositor still slick with saliva, and out of her white-painted channel.

Cottontail’s belly is also swollen with animate pink slime. The bunny girl convulses as she grabs at her tummy, then breasts as her Fuzzy Slime B-cup boobs attack the sensitive natural nipples underneath with tiny hidden mouths. Cottontail climaxes once more in the slow cum-trickle of a powerful prostate orgasm midair.

Suka thrashes against her Dark Magic restraints in the throes of orgasm, tail wagging rapidly over a pink backdoor pseudopod as the Webling’s tender oral loving brings her to aphrodisiac-assisted completion once again. The Cinderwolf girl collapses in place with stars in her eyes as Spindle thoroughly cleans her labia, thighs, and squirming-with-slime belly of every drop of spilled girl-juice. Such an attentive little spider girl!

Meanwhile, Gabby’s mouth tightens on my length even further as she clutches at my legs. Looking down, I see the Flou cushion the Goblin girl used as a seat has ramped up the action on her pussy and rear.

Dura is next to go over the edge as Olindia’s questing limbs finally find her nethers.

I don’t last much longer. The erotic scenes plus my double blowjob and orgasmically delicious dinner have me blowing my load in a few more seconds.


Both Goblinoid girls’ pupils dilate in rapture as they swallow my seed. I’ve kindly modified my semen’s flavor using the new Qualities mark to increase its umami into a creamy, savory soup. They clearly appreciate my work.


The broodsisters gulp fast as I fill their bellies with an inhumanly heavy load. I watch in awe as a stylized halo brand appears over my heart-shaped mark on Gabby’s tummy, with the same pattern being mirrored on Dura’s belly.

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