Moon Lovers: Bound by Blood and Revenge

Chapter 37 Being Summoned

There was something mysterious about Marceline that Kira could hardly figure out. He didn't know if he was just overthinking but he felt like Marceline had two souls residing in her body.

One moment, she wanted to keep her distance from him. Then time like this would happen wherein she was taking the initiative to be intimate with him.

'Does she have a split personality? She is so unpredictable.' Kira thought to himself while watching Marceline who was lying on the couch.

She fainted once again after that intense kiss. Fortunately, she was leaning on him while hugging his waist so she didn't fall on the ground. Besides, Kira was there to catch her.

But for now, he was more concerned about her eyes. How could it be possible to change the shades of her eyes at a given moment?

Kira was still observing her when Marceline finally woke up, slowly opening her eyes. Kira's handsome face was the first thing that greeted her sight.

"What happened?" She asked, sitting up while rubbing her temples. She felt a throbbing pain in her head.

"You kissed me and you passed out," Kira replied, pouting his lips.

Marceline hastily turned, gazing at him with her mouth hung open. There was a hint of disbelief in her eyes although she vaguely remembered what transpired. Her memories got mixed up as if she had a dream.

"Does your lips have a sleeping effect?" Marceline suddenly blurted out, making Kira chuckle with glowing eyes.

"I've been wondering the same thing. Maybe I am your sweet dreams," he responded, flashing a conceited smile.

Marceline just rolled her eyes, shaking her head helplessly. Then she stood up and stretched her arms while bending her body side by side. She didn't feel dizzy anymore.

"Boss Lin," he softly called her name.

Marceline responded with a simple "Hmm?"

"Can I speak my mind regarding your condition?"

Marceline glanced at Kira expectantly, taking an interest in what he was about to say. "Go on."

"I suspect that you are infected by a werewolf's blood. That's the only explanation I could think of regarding your odd behavior." Kira had a serious look in his eyes when he shared his thoughts with her.

Her emerald orbs flickered the moment she caught on to his words. Her heart constricted as a portion of her memory on that tragic night resurfaced in her mind.

"I got bitten by a werewolf… So are you implying that I became one of them? Are my actions manifesting behaviors of a werewolf? Is that what you mean by saying I am infected by a werewolf's blood?" She despised this thought.

If this was the case, Marceline didn't know how she would take this. She would never want to be like those creatures who killed her parents.

Meanwhile, Kira paused for a moment, thinking hard about it. He couldn't tell if she's half-werewolf and half-human now. But her strength was undeniably more powerful than a mere human. Her eyes were changing colors.

However, it was unusual that Kira couldn't smell a werewolf scent in her. He also wanted to make sure that Marceline was not a werewolf.

He tried scanning her mind while she was asleep a while ago but unluckily, he couldn't pass through nor penetrate her mind. A force was blocking him from entering her subconscious. In the end, he failed to read her.

"I'm not certain about it. But there is a kind of werewolf who can turn human as one of them in just one bite. They are called the Gamma."

Marceline started to worry. To think about it, sometimes she felt like she was not in her usual self. Weird things kept on happening to her– waking up in the middle of nowhere while naked and not remembering something.

The intense urges brought by her mysterious illness and her crazy strength– She wondered if this had something to do with the werewolf's bite.

Both of them were still lost in their train of thoughts when they heard a knock outside the door. Marceline told the person to enter. It was her personal assistant, Aunt Brianna.

"Marceline, your Uncle, I mean the CEO asked for your presence including Kira, your bodyguard," Aunt Brianna informed them.

Marceline sighed deeply as she rubbed her forehead. She knew it! Her white lotus cousin would create some trouble for her.

"Okay, Aunt Bri, I understand." She turned to Kira. Lifting an eyebrow, she asked him, "Why did you beat those guys?"

"Because they were saying bad things about you. I had to give them a lesson," Kira promptly responded, justifying his actions.

Marceline didn't know whether she should be thankful or not. She was already used to people badmouthing her so she wouldn't be surprised if those three guys did the same.

"You shouldn't beat people around just because of that. Lots of employees here are even cursing me to death." Marceline said it as if this was just a normal thing there and she didn't give a damn to them anymore.

"But they talked about lewd things and perverted thoughts about you! I can't let that slide."

Kira told Marceline everything about what he heard. Her expression immediately turned ugly. She wanted to beat those guys herself.

A chilly glint flickered through her eyes. "Let's go. Meet my Uncle."

Marceline came out of her office with a dark face while Kira was following her behind. She would defend Kira for this incident. No one was allowed to mistreat her own staff.

When they arrived in the CEO's office, Ronan, Natasha and the three men whom Kira beat up were already inside, waiting for them.

Marceline shot the three men a cold sharp glare. One of them was a program manager while the other two were finance staff under Natasha's department. As she could see their injuries were already treated with those bandages, arm sling, and ointment on their faces.

With her head held high, Marceline faced everyone, showing them her superiority and overbearing aura. She looked so fierce along with her mighty bodyguard escorting her inside.

"Uncle, Thank you for gathering these scumbags here. Don't be troubled, I will deal with them myself," Marceline muttered, an evil smile flashing on her face.

Everyone: "..."

They were gathered there to ask for an explanation from Marceline for Kira's action. An official apology from Marceline and Kira perhaps could satisfy the victims. They wanted to punish her bodyguard. However, Marceline sounded like she was the one going to punish the three men.

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