Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 138: Ki Nature and Shape transformation

Chapter 138: Ki Nature and Shape transformation

6 Months in.

A Monstruous Imperial Aura was hovering all over the field!!! Yet it was resisted firmly by another display of Kings!!

A Monstruous clash of Haki was going on!!! Two youth were bleeding from all orifices.

Their Sharingan already awakened to the Three Tomoe level was rotating in frenzy!!!

"Izuna keep yourself in sync with me!!! This time!!! I won't let him trample over me!!!"

The same pressure that paralyzed the whole clan was now resisted by the two youth's efforts.

The Emperor looking at their combined efforts snorted:

"Those two little brothers of mine are getting a little too cocky"

Yet only his wives knew how happy he was feeling inside!

He augmented his power a notch!! Immediately they began wobbling!! He wore a disappointed expression.

"Is that only the Level of your Determination!?"

"Izuna!!! Madara!!!"

Hearing that the both of them roared!!! Incredible levels of Haki coming out from them, like endless waves of pure unadulterated power!!

The both of them had smug smiles as they looked at the invincible man!! Izuna was the first to speak :

"You seem to have gone a little softAniki!!"

He had battle lust in his red demonic eyes:

"Did you already reach your limit?"

Madara also laughed zealously:

"Hmph! Sooner or later I will become strong enough to contend with you!!"

Hearing that the onlooking empresses were chuckling their eyes on their husband. Marek only kept a wide smile as he clenched his fist! On his fist, visible ki blades were made!

"You brats...Be ready"

"This Aniki won't go easy on you two!!!"

He said as he propelled himself to attack the two!

The two boys looked at each other acknowledging the other's intention. Like Dark Thunder Bolts they crashed on the Emperor!! Not a Shred of fear on their eyes!!

Seeing their attitude!! Marek had elation in his heart!!

'Good!! Those are my brothers!!!'

'Even if someone is a million times stronger than you!! So what?!!!'

Their dark red eyes were moving at top speed!! Not daring to make the slight miscalculation!!

'Fight!! Fight!!! And Fight again!!!'

Their eyes had already transcended their limits, trying to catch up to Marek's speed!!

'Such reading speed!!'

'I don't think even the Original Madara and Sasuke can attain such pupil mastery with the Three Tomoe alone !!!'

They reappeared and disappeared trying to strike in the most violent and destructive way!!! Like unrelenting gladiators!!

'Good!! Nothing acts as a tool of improvement and resistance to fear than pain!!'

'If Some Pain makes you feel fear!! Then more pain will make you fearless!!!'

'If facing deep immeasurable strength makes you feel awe!! Then Facing an abyss of power will make you indifferent to the world!!'

They clashed on the Monarch, facing his killing intent like they were his equals!! Trying their best to prove their power!!

A sense of power was oozing from them!! Like they were already at the Apex of the World!!!

Their attacks kept raining and they kept getting knock out cold by the Emperor seemingly perfect defense!!

He seemed like an unreachable mountain!! Everything about him was mysterious, superior and powerful!!!

Spending this time with him!! They have deeply realized.

This big brother is the most powerful person. Not the most powerful they have ever seen.

The most powerful person in the history of the world.

Even the Sage of the Six Path wouldn't be this good.

His dojutsu is unmatched, his taijutsu is impeccable, his techniques don't even need use hand signs.

He is a monster on a complete unparallel level and no shinobi would even be able to compare to him even if he was given 1 Million Lives.

At this realization, they felt pride and extreme pressure.

Pride from the fact that their teacher and brother is such a being and pressure from the confidence he had given them.

Would they be able to reach his standards? Would they be able to stand alongside him?

How could they call themselves his brothers otherwise?!! Wouldn't all the hopes of their Aniki and their Nee-san be a joke?!!

How could they protect their loved ones if they are not strong enough to look after them!!

The Ki Mastery has strengthened their body to the Max!!

Their Talent was boundless!! The Power of their eyes who fed on the Ki since it's awakening was growing in a unmatched manner!!! Nearing the state of the Magnekyou!!

Actually, some of their properties it had already reached the level of Magnekyou!!

The Skies were parting again and again signaling the power of the confrontation taking place!!

"Katon!! Goka Meikayaku!!!"

An endless stream of fire descended on the world!! Yes this attack they he was supposed against the Shinobi Alliance was used casually!!

Just now!!!

"Raiton!! Black Dragon!!!"

Long, colossal dark lightening wings appeared on Izuna's back!!!

Flickering Lightning horn started appearing on his head!!! As his red eyes were rotating in Frenzy!!!

Izuna descended like a calamity on the world, clashing with the Emperor, annihilating every shred of land and air he came across!!


'To think those two could come up with something like that!!!'

Normally Ki is a non-elemental power. This was final.

Unless someone uses Nen Transformation like Killua and Altair that would be somewhat unchangeable.

One need to be at least be born with the Affinity for Transformation to be able to transform something like Ki in the first place.

And even thena large amount of power is to be given in exchange of such a feat, some ki would be even consumed in the process.

Only rare geniuses like Killua could make Ki stronger via transformation. And Altair would need manipulation on top of it too. It's an arduous process.

Even Marek doesn't use much transformation, his Jahanam is a natural ability, a natural genetic transformer.

'IndeedUchiha are different.'

Madara and Izuna helpless in front of the might of their brother, always came together at the rare times of rest to come up with new ways to get stronger.

They thought that the classic Jutsu always made them exert stronger might than their original body power.

Izuna and Madara also kept in mind the worlds of Roygun.

'Always innovate, never get complacent with your current power.'

'Your potential only ends, when you give it the chance to!!'

Finally time after time, they finally came up with a plausible theory. So they asked their kindest Big Sister Shahrazad to find them tapes of numerous Jutsu to analyze.

By this time they have gotten used to foreign and advanced techniques. They were still children after all! They adapted quickly.

The result of this theory is now in front of the Emperor's eyes!!!

'The Black Lighting!! He could even bypass Kekkai Genkai regulations!! Beautiful!!!'

He then observed the other genius!!!

'To see him use this technique as such young age!!! Great!!!'

Turns outAwakening the Sharingan with the Ki gave a much bigger qualitative change than expected.

The Analytic and copying abilities of their eyes already left a monster like Kakashi Hatake in the dust!

And with rigorous training they are able to perform Ki Nature and Shape transformation!!

Yes!!! Ki Nature and Shape transformation!! Like Chakra's!!

Their ideas was already thought off by a great a number of monsters in the brotherhood, but it was too difficult, took too much time.

And the alternative of Nen Transformation was already there!!

Even Altair and Killua who are unparalleled geniuses in transformation couldn't do it!

As for MarekWell he was to focused on other trainings and didn't try it.

Turn outUsing their eyes to naturally copy abilities, they could transform their Ki!!

It takes them a large amount of concentration, and a great deal of skill, but they could recreate the process of Chakra Transformation on Ki.

But even thatis only possible using Ki!!

'If all them and the other members of the Uchiha Clan become Saiyans'

YesKi Nature and Shape Transformation is the first clan exclusive technique of the Atlasian Empire, like the likes of transposition or shadow binding!!!

'.From now onThe Saiyan of the Uchiha Clan will be known for Ki Nature and Shape transformation!!'

Parrying the attack of the two!!!

'They haven't become Saiyans yet!! They are this strong!!'

'Haki, KiNothing seems too difficult for them, they are like sponges.'

He though as he easily sent the two flying!!

They continued to fight for a while before the two fell, once again.

"Not badNot bad"

He laughed as he continued:

"I think it's time for you to return to your clan."

The two exhausted suddenly had a resolute light in their eyes.

"Aniki is right. I think it's time of the Uchiha Clan to break the shackles of their ancestors."

Madara nodded:

"We need to fulfil our purpose. The time has come, indeed."



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I had this idea while writing my work!! I hope you will like it!! It's time for this Flashback to end soe we can go back to real business!!

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