Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 165: Tragic Fate

Chapter 165: Tragic Fate

The Power of the Barrier would dim out, a little.

The arrival of the harvest would also mark. The Awakening of the Ancestor.

The tribe chiefs, would then enter in the tree. To pay their respect.

The tribe chiefs no matter the conflicts, or the issues, always held a sense of intimacy with each other.

Their eyes were always filled during their whole life time with quiet, yet resolute patience. Their shoulders always appeared to be arched.

Like old men and women tired of carrying a burden since birth.

They will probably, like their predecessors, live and die, carrying this burden with them and passing it on to their children.

When this will end?

There wasn't a tribe leader that didn't ask for such a question.

They've been waiting for freedom for so long.

TodayThe Time they've been waiting for has arrived.

But it was only met with horror and panic.

The Barrier that has been protecting them from the monster on the other side, was waning.

The Beautiful Green three was slowly losing it's lifeforce. It's Green leaves turning brown.

The Four tribe leaders were all brought together once again.

Outside the trunk of the tree.

A beautiful, snow-white haired woman, was pleading, her eyes watery.

The love and sadness in her eyes couldn't be replicated.

She was the strongest warrior of the 4 Enka Tribes, ever.

In it's whole history.

The Sole direct disciple of the Ancestor. She had quite the reputation and had immense strength that could probably rival a 10th Ranked Knight.

But that was clearly not enough.

When she was young, she held a lot of hope for the future.

She was the only one ever chosen as the disciple of the Ancestor. She wanted to be the one that could finally be able to break the shackles of her kin.

She knew that her people were dying here. She with her own eyes, saw the horror of the starvation times.

She saw how her people were reduced to cannibalism and misery. Their will reduced to smithereens.

After, attaining the position she held.

She pleaded several times with each of the tribe leaders, to try and leave the territory.

The Barrier was obviously too weak now.

Even she could break it, if she tried for a long time.

She, who passed a long time with the Ancestor knew that his power as well as his lifeforce were only getting weaker by the day.

But all she received was plain refusal.

No explanation was given.

No words were spoken.

She could see that there was something deeper going on.

YetIt was something neither her teacher, nor her kin leaders wanted to tell her.

TodayThat time finally came. The day she dreaded the most was here.

For a week now. The Barrier have been bombarded continuously. The tree had lost it's luster.

And even the Ancestor who she relied on the most, was absent.

Even then, she immediately readied and rallied all the population in fear.

She had great leadership, and a great reputation. So she could keep people calm for a while.

The Tribe Leaders only kept silent, and resolute faces.

Their eyes had complex and unreadable emotions in them. Like it was the case for all their lives.

Finally, the signal for the Ancestor awakening was announced.

ImmediatelyThe people's hope were reignited. That tree was after all the pillar of those men and women.

Those Four Figures immediately reunited before going straight to the tree.

In front it, as they expected, they found, the headstrong girl in their way. Her eyes watery with shed tears, her gaze profound with rage:


"Just why?"

"We could have escaped this disaster."

"Is resisting the Sahros Empire that important?"

"Is it more important than the safety of our people?"

An elderly man, in his Fifty narrowed his eyes as he closed the distance. His face was at peace, as he seemed completely calm. Like impending doom wasn't at his door:

"We could have never escaped."

"Facing this disaster is our fate."

The Three others only sighed, as they nodded. With the same unbending calm.

"WhatWhat is that supposed to mean?!!"

"Is it our fate to be slaughtered like dogs?!!"

"Why are you doing this? Are you relying on the ancestors?!!"

"Do you have a way to counter-attack?!!"

Liz, the Amazonas tribe leader, and the one closest to her, approached, held her cheek in her hand:

"Ajika. The Brightest star of our tribes."

The leader held a gaze with deep affection, as she caressed the girl.

"You are our pride, my dear."

"Caring, powerful and beautiful"

The Elderly tribe leaders, also shut their eyes, their faces becoming more and more relaxed.

"And more important as innocent, like white snow."

"Our beautiful parting gift."

"Let us deal with the demons of our sins ourselves."

"You don't have to taint yourself."

It was at that time, she realized.

The Tribe Leaders weren't over confident, weren't stupid either, weren't ignorant of the powerful foes outside.

Now the reality is that.

'They never even wanted to survive in the first place!!!'

They all held a small smile, as they entered the ancestral tree one last time.

Earthland, Ishgar Continent.

Fiore, Magnolia.

Two handsome men, were standing atop of a roof. Their eyes in a deep shade of black.

The two were brothers and two of the strongest existences in the Atleasian Empire:

The Captain of the Janissaries, Izuna Uchiha.

The First Marshall, Red Falcon, Madara Uchiha.

Madara Uchiha had a calm, yet indifferent a gaze as he overlooked, the town.

Izuna had a slight smile:

"His Highness the Grand Vizir did a wonderful job."

His elder brother only grunted in response.

"It is true. Even Magnolia, the strongest power in Ishgar didn't make any move."

Seeing his brother's indifference, Izuna laughed lightly:

"You are just in a sour mood, because everything has been going so smoothly. Nii-san."

Madara opened his eyes:

"It seems my fun has to wait for another day."

A slight smile appeared on his face:

"But at least, I made some discoveries."

Izuna nodded:

"I also sensed some things."

"There is definitely much more than the Three Worlds, it's probably even more than just a Hundred Worlds."

Madara agreed:

"Which means that the superior beings, known as Gods are probably much stronger than expected."

He smiled evilly:

"They didn't make their move."

"Either they don't mind us intruding this much."

"Or are unable to act for now"

He had a long smile:

"AnywayWe will continue to test their bottom line until they show up. From their rat's nest!!"

Izuna's eyes then landed on a certain building:

"So this is the famous Fairy Tail Guild, huh"

Madara's eyes had a little disdain as he overlooked the guild:

"They are all so weak. I don't know what Marek is worried about."

Izuna laughed:

"Nii-sanYou should know by now."

"Strength is never what Aniki is worried about"

"The two Empresses are not here, for now. It is the best time to move."

Madara nodded:

"WellLet's get to it. I hope he won't disappoint me too much."

Izuna laughed again:

"You are actually looking forward to it, aren't you?"

"After all, it's our first time meeting our youngest brother."

Madara clicked his tongue:

"Youngest BrotherHmph!"

"He needs to be worthy of the title."

He advanced.

Izuna titled his head:

"SighYou never grow up, do you? You said the same thing about Aniki in the beginning."

He stared fiercely at his brother:

"Let's go! More action Less shatter Izuna!!"

Izuna titled his head:

"Okay, okayPlay it as you wish."



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