Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 167: Embarrassement

Chapter 167: Embarrassement

'What their relationship with Elfboy?'

Gildartz narrowed his eyes and loosened his stance.

'Atleast, there is absolutely no killing intent on their part.'

The same was going on all the mind of all elder mages of the guild. The Two clearly seemed like dangerous men, but they kept a tempered attitude.

They didn't seem to hold any hostility. The coldness and haughtiness was their personal temperament.

Madara spoke with authority to the boy: His voice held undeniable might.

"Come here."

Elfman, felt chills down his spine.

He looked into the eyes of the man. Gathered his courage and advanced.

"No!! Nii-chan!!"

Elfman responded:

"Don't worryLissana. I got this."

His made a difficult face.

"A Man needs to be meets challenges head-on after all"

Hearing those words, smirks appeared on both of the monsters' faces. Madara more so than his brother.

Of course, he would need to tell that to his frightened face to convince them. But let's do that one step at a time.

'At least he isn't completely useless.'

As he arrived in front of the table.He had a feeble aura around him. As if he would disappear underground the next moment. This made the brother's eye twitch

What is this really their brother?

Madara spoke strictly:

"What's wrong with you? Why are you looking down again?!"

On the other side. Izuna smiled at him brightly, obviously taking another approach:

"Don't worry, we are not here to cause you any harm. Elfman."

His words made everyone at the guild at ease.

Izuna, as a men's leader had great charisma. And it was showing up here. His tone was friendly and approachable.

Immediately the boy, felt more comfortable.

Elfman noticed what he was doing. He lifted his head up, looking at those up close again. Only to be immediately be scared again!!

'Those twoScary!!'

IndeedThe Uchiha although are handsome have this dangerous aura that never seem to fade away. But he still maintained eye contact

"Stand straight!"

Immediately the boy without even realizing it, corrected his posture.

"Bomb your chest!!"

The boy seemed to grow an additional torso that he was never aware of!

"Look ahead!!"

Madara kept bombarding him with orders!!

And the boy sweaty and tensed kept answering them with a helpless expression on his face.

Poor Elfman

He was about to explore the tough brand of Uchiha Brotherly love


Under the absolute orders, he kept modifying his stance accordingly, under the mesmerized expression of the Guild Members

'What in the hell is going on..'

"Open your eyes!!!"

"Your pupils need to stay still, too!!"

And finally, when he looked good enough. Madara sighed:

"FineYou at least, now look like a normal human being."

Hearing these words, all the members felt bad for the boy.

'Too HarshWay too harsh!!'

'Even Erza is a fairy in front of this guy!!'


The Uchiha Brotherly brand of love was probably too harsh for the Fairy Tail Guild.

Izuna laughed wryly:

"Nii-san is a little strict."

" You will get used to that, eventually. I think"

Izuna sighed looking at his elder brother.

'I will tell you when I get used to it, sigh'

He addressed the boy who was at the brink of tears:

"Here. Elfman. Could you sit with us please?"

The words of Izuna were in complete contrast with the aura he was giving off. Even his expression had warmth in it.

Elfman nodded, as he sat down, giving grateful look to Izuna.

In front of the scary Madara, Izuna looked like an angel for the boy.

And While talking to the strict man. He felt extremely familiar. Like

'Like when I am with Nee-san and Erza-san.'

Lissanna also noticed it, and the confusion in her eyes only grew.

Izuna spoke, the happiness in his tone unhidden:

"Tell meElfman. How are you doing?"

"Are you happy with your life at the guild?"

Makarov narrowed his eyes deeply. All the mages did.

Elfman fidgeted a little before answering:

"Yes.Everyone in the guild is kind and also there is a lot of men here."

Madara snorted, the scorn in his tone quite evident. But he still not chose to comment on 'the men' words. Of course, this scorn didn't go unhiddenBut this was not the time for that.

Izuna then, looked intensely into his eyes. He had great interpersonal skills, and such a young boy, would find it difficult to hide anything from him.

For Izuna, Elfman was an open book:

"Good. Tell meIs there something bothering you?"

His eyes were welcoming. And Elfman, since the beginning felt a weird connection with these two. This pushed him to open up:

"I had problems lately with my magic"

Izuna had an inquiring gaze.

"The Beast Soul, right?"

Everyone took a deep breath, as they understood. This two had a connection with the boy. They already knew about his MagicOr perhapsDo they know about everyone's magic?

"What is it?"

Elfman sighed, a little sad:

"I can't seem to be able to achieve a complete transformation."

Izuna laughed a little:

"OhI seeAnd what are those beasts you are trying to transform into"

"MaybeI can help youI am quite strong after all"

It was said in such a cheerful tone. But the most experienced mage felt chills donw their spine.

They could seeThat this man wasn't 'quite strong'.

They were 'quite strong'.

This guy was probably an atrocity like Gildartz.

At this question the boy perked up!!

"Oh!! All of them are Super Manly!!!"

Madara's interest was also piqued. Maybe this new brother of his had some qualities after all

Butwhat waited for him was

"There is the Beast!!"

"The Weretiger!!"

"The Lizardman!! They all super strong and manly!!"

"There is also the SandBeast and Werelion!!"

"But I am far from reaching that level"

Hearing that, the two brothers' expression seemed to freeze, and even harden.

It actually looked like someone took a shit in their face.

For the others, this seemed like good enough ambitions and potential!! But for the two proud brothers, this was akin to a magistral slap in the face!!

Actually, since they were born, they never thought they would feel this embarrassed in their life!!

Their own brother is talking about Werelion and Fucking Lizards, like they were a huge deal!!

Madara even felt like he wanted to burry himself on the ground and never appear again!!

Izuna, man of experience he was, tried his best to maintain composure. But inside he felt as embarrassed.

'What the fuck is a Werelion? Lizardmen?!! What the Hell?!!'

'How can they call them beasts?'

'Those are domestic pets in the Primordial Realm!!'

'What if the Jannisaries or the people of the Empire heard that?

'What kind of torture would that be?!!

The mages noticed that as the little boy kept rambling, the faces of the brothers became difficult to look at!!

Izuna stopped the little boy, with all the kindness he could muster as the older brother:


Madara's reaction was more temperamental:

"Partial transformationSuch weak abilitiesThis is too disappointing."

The boy looked down, a little saddened by the words of the man. Somehow, his opinion began to matter for him. Lissana looked at the boy:


Gildartz who saw how sad the boy was had to intervene:

"HeyDon't you think you are a little too harsh man? He is only Thirteen."

Madara hearing those words, moved his eyes immediately on the man.

He smirked:

"Of course, you would think that, wouldn't you?"

"Your standards are evidently too low."

"Your weakness is so obvious; it makes me want to barf."

Gildartz hearing these words, smiled provocatively, a little pissed off by the Marshall's scorn:

"Is that so?"

"Why don't you come and try-"

As he was about to respond, he was stopped by the guild Master.

"Gildartz, let's not do anything rash."

Gildartz only had to take one look at the old man, before he realized that this was a way bigger deal than it appeared to be.

Madara only smirked, but still didn't do anything.

Izuna looked at the little Elfman. And sighed.

Madara stood up, he looked over his shoulders at the boy:

"Follow me."


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