Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 185: Lorenzo Saharan

Chapter 185: Lorenzo Saharan

Raquela took a light breath, as she nodded to the Sect Master:

"ThenPlease, lead the way."

The Sect Master responded courtly:

"As you wish, your Majesty."

She made her way, and as she got closer, she felt that more and more powerful disciples started appearing one by one.

She even saw among the bowing crowd some known faces in the Empire. A lot of Families had a custom of sending their descendants here around the same time the Crown Prince is sent here.

To win, his favor with their skills

Finally, the gorgeous blond princess made her way to a large luxurious door adorned with the most elegant of crests.

She examined the crests, and extended, her hand to touch upon the fine refineries, she was witnessing. Beautiful orange and blue flaming lotus were constantly intertwining sometimes it looked like a calm lake the other times it looked like a raging flame.

The decoration was extremely beautiful and would daze anyone who would look at it.

Some even could loose their soul just by staring it for a long time.

The decorum itself seem to contain endless laws and rules.

Magic laws, technological laws, and Dao Laws.Dancing each other in each petals

It was truly a beauty to behold.

A wry smile on, she muttered softly with a barely audible voice:

"5rd Monarch Period of the Vega Dynasty, ornaments."

"The rose flame decorum of the 5rd Monarch, the Empress Hurrem Vega."

She sighed as she kept caressing the beautiful door, as if enchanted by its Billion Years beauty.

She sighed in her mind:

'As always'

'Even you can't escape it my brother.'

'The Magnetism of the Past.'

She gently pushed the door. Only to be exposed to the sight of him, once again.

Long Sky Blue treads of hair were descending to his shoulder blades. Each tread seemed thick and seemed to mirror the clear sky of a peaceful spring.

He was on the balcony, and the wind blowing his way, seemed able to fly him away. His immaculate hair was kept untidily, as it followed the whims of the wind.

His Wide white immaculate robe, revealed even more of his slim figure. His humble torso, his slim waist and slender legs, would make his figure almost resemble a woman if it was not for his large shoulders.

His white skin seemed to almost hold the pinkish hue of a jade beauty, as it played hide and seek with his fluttering robe.

His eyes were in a clear and clean vegetal green. Like a peaceful prairie was thriving in his eyes.

On his waist, to add to his simple attire, was a casual looking wooden sword. The wooden sword seemed to be the most ordinary item in the world.

Yet it didn't take away from his prestige. But somehow added to it.

It seemed like he was an ethereal being completely detached of worldly affairs.

If Marek Vega had the aura that made people want to follow him.

Lorenzo Saharan had the aura that made people want to worship him.

The wind continued to push him.

And he seemed Like a beautiful flower dancing in the breeze of the spring, as his eyes landed on the princess:

"Raquela, my lovely sister"

He smiled with an unadulterated elegance, it was a smile that could build words and end them at the same time.

"Today is a blessed day, that I get to see you again."

Raquela bowed brightly:

"Imperial Older Brother honors me with such words."

He spoke mildly:

"I hear that you are sent ahead of me in the Lan Empire."

"I am sure Father has his reasons."

Raquela took a deep breath:

"This is an important job. I can't escape my responsibility."

The Prince smiled faintly as he approached his sister, he held her face in the palm of his hand, his long fingers caressing her cheek with affection:

His immaculate handsome face, that held the beauty of a woman, and the sturdiness of a man, would be able to bring the most pious woman to her knees.

The Power hidden in his temperament, his natural arrogance and haughtiness as a being who looked down on the world since birth give him endless charisma.

"You do not need to hide your happiness, Princess."

"I do know that you hated Yasrib since youth."

The Princess seemed to wallow briefly in the tenderness of his touch, before she responded calmly:

"Your MajestyPlease take this seriously."

"This was not a result of my pleading, but a reaction to the prior events that transpired."

Hearing that, his aimless vegetal green eyes finally held a glint of light in them.

He took off his hand, and faced the balcony once again, his eyes on a certain place on the Continent.

He sighed, his picturesque frame on display for the whole world to observe:


He looked in the horizon for a while as if wallowing in the breeze in the air.

"Such a tragedy"

"What happened to Nodria."

In that moment, he didn't seem like a dignified prince, but an amorous poet lamenting the sorrows of the world.

"I have some men here in the sect, that are from that country"

He smiled wryly:

"Generous, joyful and brave men"

"Their smiles and laughs were refreshing in the morning."

He narrowed his eyes:

"I didn't see them smile since then."

Raquela nodded plainly:

"We did visit them once too."

"Very warm and welcoming people indeed."

Their words were nostalgic with a hint of sorrow. In their heart, it was such a shame, what happened to this Empire.

But it was only thatA little bit of pity and sympathy.

His eyes brimming with vitality assisted his suave, rhythmic voice:

"Zoldyck Family."

He had an enchanting smile:

"I wonder if they are fair game."

Raquela could see the ambition brimming in every corner of his face. She sighedThis is why she came.

She knew that her brother may do something rash.

'This Brother of mine. For how long could he tolerate being under the rule of another.'

She sighed:

'Even if this person is his own Father.'

Raquela knew that, the greater part of the information has been hidden from the Imperial Gate.

'As expected.He is being used as bait.'

This why she took a detour before making it to the Lan Empire. The moment she arrives in the Orient, she will be way too busy fighting for territorial Hegemony with the Atleasian Empire.

"Forget it elder Brother. They already swore allegiance to another Dynasty."

Lorenzo smiled charmingly:

"So they are still fair game, indeed."

As if them swearing allegiance to another force was something to be expected.

StillEven if they were under foreign continents lineages, he was confident. He was after all

Lorenzo Saharan. The Next Great Monarch of this Era.

But before he could start planning, some words came to shake him for the the first in a while.

"Forget it."

Raquela had a cold glint in her golden eyes:

"They are serving the Vega Dynasty."



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