Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 187: Promise

Chapter 187: Promise

ActuallyThis was the case of a lot of Imperial Family Members and the Emperor.

Nobody in the whole Astaroth Continent understood the Vega Dynasty more than the Saharan Dynasty.

It all began with Saharos. But only continued to grow as time passed.A deep fascination of the past and with it a endless dread of the future.

The years passed and this dread only continued to grow

It actually got to the point it became an unhealthy obsession.

And as they understood this Dynasty.

Although, they have been doing everything to bring it to the brink of destruction.

Although, they have been acting Mighty within the continent, and used of their influence to weaken them to the extreme.

Deep downAnd through the thousand's years of existence.

All the Members of the Saharan Dynastyknew that one day

They will be back.

This explained the calm reaction of the Saharos Empire.

Lorenzo was even more convinced of that. Even if everything was for naught.

Even if the efforts of his Ancestors to create a peaceful Astaroth Contient through the eons, will remain unrewarded.

Even if the evil of this dynasty will finally and unexplainably resurface.

He kept a calm, and composed manner.

Actually as it was in the eyes of the Princess, previously.

There was a complex feeling. As if a man waiting for his sentence, so long.

The wait itself became a prison.

NowThat the sentence was finally delivered.

There was only relief. This wasn't something neither of them could control.

This sigh of relief was a sigh coming from generations upon generations of Emperors and Empresses.

Finally it was time

Lorenzo narrowed his eyes:

'For the whole world to be destroyed.'

The Saharos Dynasty never underestimated the Vega Dynasty and prepared in the most complete way possible.

Since the day, the Vega were exiled out of Yasrib.

To the present time.

For the war that would end existence.

This war might be planned by Marek Vega for 5 years. But for The Saharians it was panned for Hundreds of Millenia.

The Blue haired Prince, felt deep pressure in his shoulders.

His whole body began to brim with power. As if his own blood was reacting to this simple realization.

Lorenzo already understood.

The incoming war was above his ambitions and his claims.

It was about existence and purpose.

The Purpose of their existence. Their own survival was also at stake.

ActuallyEven Marek Vega and Linaella Vega don't realize the real stakes of this oncoming war.

The silent monsters all over the Primordial Realm, may be awakened.

The Sealed Gods outside the boundary of existence may find a way to return.

Some of the Vanquished Titanus, may consumed their essence to make a come back

As the Rebellious four, waiting for both the Dynasties to consume each other out. May strike at any moment.

Extremely ancient lineages who understood the significance of such an event will also keep an eye on the Tiny Astaroth Continent.

The board is much much broader than expected.

AndWhy is that?

It's simple.

It's because the Vega Dynasty is once again involved.

The current Vega Family don't know of their 'real' history. But the rest of the Primordial Realm does.

Not even The Eldest Princess Raquela knows of the reasons that the Vega Dynasty was still alive.

But the Crown Prince and the Future Emperor, Lorenzo Saharan does.

And it was a reason far beyond the understanding and the scale of the Astaroth continent

Lorenzo gradually retrieved his previous casual appearance.

"SoWhat are your instructionsPrincess?"

Lorenzo had a blind trust in his sister. She was his anchor in the Capital, a person of deep wisdom and clear head.

The Crown Prince always considered himself lucky.

To have Raquela as his sister and Aeleis as his childhood sweetheart.

His slender and exuberantly handsome face smiled lightly. He knew that Raquela came here with a plan in mind.

She whispered once again:

"Don't move"

"Don't recruit and wait."

"He will come in the Lan Emperor's to see his sister."

"I will prepare the field for you."

"Until then"

"Until the Imperial Gate reappears in the Martial Tournament."

She had a nearly begging tone:

"Promise me"

"Never set a foot in the Orient."

Lorenzo sighed, his long treads of hair covering his concerned expression:

"And what about you?"

"What if they decide to kill you..?"

Raquela giggled:

"It's not a very bright move to do so"

"It will only precipitate the war"

".And even if I am killed. I am not irreplaceable."

"They will only send another shrewd character in the Ambassy."

"It's useless to kill me."

"And they know it."

He took her hand, as he spoke softly:

"You are irreplaceable to me."

She smiled charmingly, as she landed her cheek on his powerful back:

"But you are irreplaceable to the Empire. My Lorenzo."

"If we lose you."

"We lose everything."

"Even his Majesty the Emperor knows that."

Lorenzo took a deep breath. Just this morning he was brimming with happiness at the though of reuniting with his Sister.

He was in his way to become a Monarch and to open a new Era of the Lower Primordial Realm.

He turned around, took her in his arms.

"This was too much. This too heavy of a burden on you."

The Princess leaning against his chest, felt at peace.

"Promise me. Lorenzo."

The green eyed youth stared silently into her dark blueish eyes.

"This man named Marek extremely dangerous."

"I feel it."

She looked resolutely into his pupils:

"I won't leave until you promise me."

Lorenzo finally relented:

"I promise you."

Raquela's gaze brimmed with unhidden tenderness:

"My prince"

"For nowYour enemy is at the other side of the Mountains."

Lorenzo Saharan narrowed his gaze. He knew who she was talking about.

"Kosem Vega."

"I am stronger than her."

"StillShe is not normal."

"She is stronger than all the other disciples."

"And the only one I could call a rival."



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