Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 193: Kosem Vega 2

Chapter 193: Kosem Vega 2

Her heterochrome eyes seemed everchanging yet delivered the same message:

"And the next time you speak of the Emperor."

Her every move seemed to hold the darkness and the light in it:

"You will address him as his Majesty the Emperor, Mal Vega."

"Sole inheritor of the Will of the Vega Dynasty."

She took off her scimitar immediately as Margaret gulped up and down.

"I gave you the honor of serving him."

"If you have any other intentions."

Scorn and disdain appeared on her heterochrome eyes:

"You are merely useless trash in my eyes."

She looked deeply into her, like she was prying into her very soul:

"I know they sent you because you are the closest to me."

"And this is my response."

Margaret even in the face of death itself had deep bitter frustration clenching to her very soul.


'Why don't you ascend to the throne yourself?!'

'Why serve bellow such a useless and talentless bum!!!'

Kosem was the one who awakened to the Dark Kindness the earliest. As a great character of the Vega Dynasty her charisma was unmatched!!

In front of her

Even the great Emperors of the Saharan Dynasty were only that!

With her simple presence, she invoked devotion and deep love from her followers. Like she was the blessed child of the world.

She was as Raquela Saharan said:


Her existence itself was the sign of the upcoming of a new Tumultuous Era!!

By her side, invisible to even Margerite, a gorgeous crimson little fairy was sitting on air, a little interest in her eyes. She could only be seen by the Princess.

"Good job!! Ko-chan!!"

"This is indeed my descendance!!!"

The Princess completely ignored the words of the Fairy, as per her habit.

"NowGet out of my sight!"

Margerite looked down for a while before disappearing into nothingness.

The Fairy flew around like a bee around a flower.

A childish tone on her:

"Weren't you a little too harsh on her?"

Kosem only pouted:

"Hmph?!! Dare to threaten my Mal? How brazen could they become?!!"

The Fairy lied down on the Princess' shoulder. Uncovering the pretty little legs under her skirt:

"Isn't your own fault? Growing this much men under your wingsYet expecting them to serve another person."

She whimpered:

"If they don't serve Little Mal. They are useless to me."

"After all"

She smiled powerfully:

"I am plenty strong myself!"

The Fairy flew around once again, a difficult expression on her:

"I already told youNo matter how strong are you"

"If you want to rule with your lover in the Primordial Ream. Individual strength will never be enough."

She chuckled charmingly:

"You said there was an exception to this rule."

She had a determined gaze on:

"Becoming a Great Monarch."

The Fairy flew around suddenly! Nagging once again!

"What are you even saying you brat!!"

"Do you know how much work do you have to put in to reach that level?!!"

"Even soIt is practically impossible feat!!"

"A Great Monarch is someone who creates an Era!! An Era I tell you!!!"

Kosem smiled lightly:

"It may be impossible for me"

Her beautiful heterochrome eyes, were looking with longing at the Imperial Capital. Her face that held indifference to existence, seemed to shine brightly as the womanly charm of love enchanted her whole beauty even more.

If some men saw her like that, they could die just by the ethereal maidenly charm she exuded.

"But I know that Mal will be able to do it."

The Fairy was even pissed off:

"You arrogant child?!! You are talking like I never had the chance to see this kid!!"

"He is talentless!!"

"And a lost cause!!"

"A Monarch of my Glorious Vega Dynasty?!! Hmph!! Dream on!!"

Kosem seemed to have veins on her forehead:

"Shut up!"

"What do you even now?! You old hag!!"

"What do I know?!! I am the one who taught you everything you know?!! You ungrateful brat!!"

Kosem negated her claims:

"This has nothing to do with your techniques."

"How can withered woman like you, understand the keen intuition of a maiden in love?"

Veins started appearing on the Fairy's forehead:


The Fairy seemed to have lost her voice in anger!! But actually she noticed the change in expression of her disciple.

Her hand was on her firm yet shaply chest. Her eyes brimming with unhidden longing.

She looked like a lost fairy, searching for her nest. Her powerful countenance constating with her fragile affection, made her irresistible.

'What is this bad feeling'

'Little MalAre you alright?'

She shut her eyes in remembrance. A cute little boy appeared on her memories, he had deep flickering light in his big eyes!!

He fidgeted around her every time she was training:

"Wow!! So cool!!"

"Elder Sister! You are my goal!!"

"I want to be as strong as you!!"

The young Kosem smiled bitterly:

"What are you sayingI failedthe white-haired girl."

".I couldn't beat her"

This was the first time she ever doubted herself. She was born as the jewel of the dynasty.

The hope of the White Side of the Vega Dynasty.

The one that was destined to completely bring an end to the Dark Side lineage who gave birth to the 5 Great Monarchs that have shaped the current Primordial Realm.

This was the great aspiration she was forced upon since birth.

And so as someone who inherited the will and hopes of Lorengar's inheritors Faction.

She was fated to one day destroy the young boy cheering her up even now.

But in the end.

.She made her own choice. Even if she has to betray her own father.

As the name of her Father came back to her own memoriesHer face wrinkled.

Those emotionless eyes, hiding under his seemingly affectionate smile. The Fiery ambition in his eyes. And above allThe resentment he held for his whole blood, in general.

And his Brother specifically. After allHe was

The Man who vowed to destroy his brother's throne.

In the same way, Linealla made the choice to betray her brother and follow her father.

She will do it.

If it was for the sake of seeing his childlish smile one more time.

The burden of this betrayal didn't weight on her mind at all.



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