Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 196: The Sage journey!!

Chapter 196: The Sage journey!!

"Let's get to real business shall weUrahara-kun"

He made eye contact with him. And as he looked into the Emperor's eyes, even though he didn't show it. Inwardly he felt shivers down his spine:

'SighSuch PresenceEven the Captain Commander didn't give this kind of feeling'

Looking into the eyes of the Emperor was like plunging into a deep well of darkness.

Marek spoke calmly:

"You obviously have reservations about joining my side."

"It is understandable, Urahara-kun"

The Emperor narrowed his eyes:

"But we obviously hold something the other desiresAnd we are both intelligent menSo let's cut to the chase."

The Emperor's words alerted both of the childhood friends.

There was a faint smile on the his face:

"In the next 5 years"

"I have in my plans to lead by myself different research groups in numerous fields to further significatively the level of understanding of the current Atleasian Empire in those subjects."

"The Most Important Ones for me are"

"Magic, Bloodline, Soul, Dao, Time andCreation."

His eyes held a dark shade that seemed to see through everything.

He smiled lightly:

"To reach that goalI plan on gathering as many talents in these fields as possible"

".And put them in teams, I will lead personally"

"Those team will cooperate with each other tooFor only when those fields are explored to the apex could they help each other grow."

"Especially those Three"

"Magic, Dao and Soul."

Urahara narrowed his eyes as he murmured:


He continued:

"I will hire you as a contracted researcher on my team"

"You will be rewarded handsomely and you can use the result of your research however it please you"

His eyes become more intense:

"Of courseNeedless to sayThat using them against the Empire and his citizens would have consequences."

Urahara kept a calm demeanor, as he seemed in deep thought under Yoruichi's curious gaze.

He mumbled before suddenly he stood uprightly as he faced the Emperor one more time:

"In this caseCould I add a condition on my part?"


Marek already knew what it was about.

"The results couldn't be used against the Soul Society either."

Marek smiled lightly:

"If it is what it costs to have you on my teamSo be it."

Urahara bowed humbly:

"It's an honor to work by your majesty's side. I look forward to it."

Marek sighed deeply, as Yoruichi had an acknowledging smile on her face. Somehow watching her childhood friend and the man she took a liking to, get a long made her feel fluttery inside.

The Emperor spoke curtly:

"WellFor the things you wanted to understand."

He spoke in a humble manner that didn't seem believable at all:

"Those are my meagre observations, as I analyzed the discrepancies between worlds"

The Emperor took a light breath. Both Urahara and Yoruichi felt the atmosphere turn solemn.

In the time he spent healing on his throne. The Emperor already came to some frightening conclusions reviewing his battle against the God of Destruction.

He not only observed Beerus but also observed the Strongest Beings in the Multiverse

And as he used his power to their limit he already started planning out the future path ahead.

Those observationsAre the result of his deep analysis of his own path and the next steps he should take to break past the Low Multiversal Level (2-C) and attain a Higher level of existence.

To attain this levelAny amount of DBS Training becomes meaningless.

Pure Physical Power could only bring him to this level.

To attain a higher level of existence. The 2-A, The Higher Multiversal Level and the 1-C Extradimensional Tier.

A level of power that eludes even Zeno and the High Priest.

A Level where the whole DBZ Verse would be unable to even resist. Where the whole DBZ Multiverse would be nothing but an iteration for him to ignore.

His Path was that of The Sage Saiyan Emperor.

And his Most Powerful and most important transformation was the Ultra Sage Mode.

This transformation was still in it's infancy stage. It's potential was limitless.

And as he clashed with the God of DestructionHe already understood the path ahead.

Physical Training had already reached it's limit for now. Not until he unlocked the Legendary Super Saiyan Transformation would Physical Training be relevant again.

And even if it wasEven that only augmented his Raw Power.But didn't raise his level of existence.

Unlocking the Legendary Super Saiyan Transformation would need himTo lose control of his emotions.

He didn't look forward to such a thing happening. So he planned for it to never happen to begin with.

Of course

.He knew that such a thing was bound to happen sooner or later.

Sooner or later he will be met with a wall that physical power couldn't be overcome with.

Like the wall faced by the God of Destruction in front of the Angels and the Omniking, Zeno.

Existences held hierarchies withing them.

And to raise his level of existence, himA Mortal, in the Mortal way

He found the Path of the Sage as the answer. And the Ultra Sage Mode was his medium.


The Path of the the Path of Understanding.

As a Sage understand and delves deeply into the Endless Omniverse. He gets the Ability to control it or

The Emperor smirked lightly:

'.Rule it!!'

As he dwelled on his recent findings he finally spoke calmly:

"Urahara-sanWhat you need to comprehend is that"

"There are different ways, different mortals explore the Universe around them"

Urahara narrowed his eyes. Marek continued to speak with solemnity:

"The First and the most known is the Scientific way."

"Or the Path of Research."

"Through experimentations, reasoning and hypothesis."

"The Mortal builds a cognitive process that allows him to explore the world around him."

He looked deeply into Urahara's eyes:

"This is the way, you, Bulma, Yamuri, and Aizen try to understand the world."

Urahara's attention peaked, as he asked in a dumbfounded way:


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