Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 198: The Power to gather

Chapter 198: The Power to gather

Urahara nodded his eyes gleaming with a sharp glint:


Urahara wasn't dumb, he played this role sometimes, but he was actually one of the sharpest mind of the whole Soul Society.

This Gu world wasn't a Soul only world. It wasn't like the Soul Society.

This means that a world where soul power is only one of the different powers, attainted this level.

And the Emperor planned on bringing this Mountain to the Hueoco Mundo.?

He could see the power of the 'wounded' Emperor. The level of his Soul alone could probably crush the Soul King and it's Zero Division to bits

Does he really need to strength his 'soul' before going to the Soul Society?

And if this was the caseWhy did he wait until now to do it?

This generous explanation from the Emperor was also suspicious.

'You don't have enough attainment'

This was the only response he bargained and he should have received. Yet the Emperor took his time to explain the differences between the civilizations.

AnyoneEspecially someone like Urahara with an ambitious mind would obviously make a connection.

And as he made a frightening deduction Urahara couldn't keep his mouth shut any longer

All the deductions of the Scientist, couldn't possibly elude the Monarch. He had a gentle and calm smile, as he waited for his question.

And as expected:

"Your MajestyI have an inquiryIf it's too rude of me"

Marek had a longer grin:

"Of course"

His eyes became intense. Yoruichi also has her attention peeked by the Atmosphere:

"Is your plan"

He narrowed his eyes:

"The Creation of a new Soul Society?"

Yoruichi had her eyes opened in shock. She knew Urahara and she knew Marek.

She knew Urahara wouldn't ask such a question if he wasn't at least 80percent sure.

And She knew Marek....

andin her eyes

He was totally capable of doing that!!

A heavy silence landed on the Mountain. The Two Shinigami waited for the response of the Emperor.


"I know you already heard that"

"But you are too smart for your own good Urahara-san."

Urahara laughed dumbly to lighten the mood:

"HahahaIt's because I know his Majesty has a kind heart."

The Emperor laughed back.

Since when was the last time, he was called a man with a kind heart?

Even his Empresses didn't call him that!

He laughed once again before responding:

"You are right"

"This is one of my plans"

Urahara had a complex glint in his eyes.

'Him studying the Soul powers'

'Trying to understand our world and this world view on souls'

'All this'

'Is to create a more advance, more powerful Soul SocietyFor his Empire.'

But what did this mean for their worldNo

There was only one response as to why the Emperor wanted to roam the Shinigami World.

"And for this Soul Society"

"You plan is to gather qualified manpowerIsn't that right?"

The Emperor titled his head:

"IndeedThat is possibility."

Urahara sighed:

"It seems you already some namesNo.."

As he saw the villainous smile on the Emperor face:

"You probably already have some men in the Soul Society working for you."

The Emperor's doubled laugh roamed the Aperture:

"MaybeMaybe not"

Urahara sighed deeply:

"It seems you already have some targets in your mind"

"Who could they be?"

The Emperor looked deeply into the Shinigami as he responded with a light smile:

"IndeedWho could they be? "

"You could answer the question Urahara"

He narrowed his eyes:

"Who do you think, I, Marek Vega, would deem worthy of serving me ?"

Seeing the dangerous glint in the eyes of the Emperor, Urahara already had a name in his mouth. Yet, he refused to pronounce it. After allIt was too preposterous

"Your Majesty"

"This is a dangerous gamble you are going to take"

"That person"

"is dangerous"

The Emperor already waiting for this remark only laughed louder!!

It was indeed dangerous!!

It was indeed difficult to predict!!

But would that stop him?!!


"What do you think the best quality an Emperor should have?"

Urahara kept a silent sigh on.

Marek knew he wouldn't respond so he answered:

"Some, may think that it is strength"

"Other may think it's benevolence"

"There is a lot of qualities that an Emperor, should have"

"But the more important one is."

He smiled widely:

"The ability to gather"

"Whether you use words, acts, love, hate, violence or peace."

"No matter the method"

The Emperor had a sharp glint in his eyes:

"The Emperor needs to be able to gather all his followers around himThis is the more important part."

He looked deeply into the eyes of the Scientists:

"This what The Soul King and the First Captain lack."

At the mention of these people the Shinigami shiveredThey knewThat this was indeed the case.

If it wasn't the caseWould they be deserters? Would they have left the Soul Society?

He continued calmly:

"And this what Yhawch possess. Abundantly so."

He continued; his eyes filled with this determination that never seemed to leave his gaze

"And this followers"

"It would be too nave to expect them to act the same way or have the same requirements"

He looked up:

"In the Multiverse, some are born greedy, some are born gluttonous, some are born evil and some are born spineless, some are with endless ambitious."

He spoke with deep poise:

"A Ruler need to be able to deal with all of it"

"To understand how to control the greed, satiate the appetite, give confidence to the spinelessand use the ambitious"

"And much importantly".

"A Monarch should be comfortable to deal with Evil and Good alike."

"Neither should repulse him."

"For Evil and Good are the Nature of all Things."

Yoruichi sighed deeply, understanding his words. If the First Captain was less concerned about the rules and more concerned about how to deal with the overall situation of the Shinigami world

Would they have been brought to this situation?

Would have he been used by Aizen so easily?

A Being with Strength, doesn't mean that it is a being that is a skilled ruler

The logic of the ruler is the strongest, is stupid.

Strength is only a requirement for rulingBut it is not everything.

"And both Evil and Good are important."

He had a deep understanding and spoke it flawlessly:

"An Empire run by a band of Marie Sues would crumble at the first challenge."

"No matter how strong it is."

"And an Empire run by a bunch of self-interested sociopaths would be able to face challenges"

"But would destroy itself in a period of peace without anyone intervening"

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