Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 213: Message to his Majesty the Emperor.

Chapter 213: Message to his Majesty the Emperor.

Klatos Union.

A Woman meditating a trident on her lap, suddenly opened her eyes in surprise.

'This Energy'

A Mix of Longing and Nostalgia appeared on her face.

In this continent only her had keen enough sense to detect this energy.

Not even the hidden Marshalls had the ability.

Her calm demeanor for the first time broke, and her eyes became nay watery, emotion in her profound eyes.

'In the end'

'She made it back here. This silly child.'

She had a wry smile, as she sighed deeply. How long did she have to slumberin the depths of the Impirium, like the other children

'She did go early so she could wake up now.'

And For only a wisp of her consciousness was able to escape.

She felt her heart ache just from thinking about itA Motherly face appeared on her once again.

'I don't know whether I should cry and laugh.'

'Yashin was too young so he escaped her grasp."

She knew what were her intentions.As she felt a little bad for the New Monarch. She then saw through her actions, and titled her head helplessly:

'This child.Why is she so clumsy like that?'

'NoShe might not see it in her current form'

'After allShe is more weakened than me'

She sighed to the sky as she remarked the Saharan Army approaching her borders.

A snarky smile onNot putting any of them in her eyes:

'Silly Impostors'

'Do you really think you rule the world, just because you own it's Capital?'

Of courseEven if she was weakened since 'that incident'. Even if she lost all her powersAnd was not even in a gogol-th of her former power.

For her who looked down on Titans, Gods and Demons.

Who once destroyed Universal Empires by a simple glare, who fought into Omniversal Wars over the Hegemony of the Primordial Realm.

Who was there when the Gods, the Angels, the Demons and The Monarchs neared extinction.

In front of the Advance of the Ancient Vega Monarchs.

When they silently enduring the glorious war between the Titanus Lineages and the Ancient Monarchs.

Where were they back then?

Could she put the Saharan Dynasty in her eyes.?

For her it was not worth even getting revenge for. Their apparent blazing glory is only a little inconvenience in the never-ending glory of the Vega Dynasty.

Even The Four of the Rebellion allied with the Saharos are mere opportunists. Only some weaklings who feasted on the flesh of a wounded Behemoth!!

But if the Current Vega Monarch and the Future Ruler of this Era finds their destruction to his taste and finds pleasure in their agony.

How could she deprive him of that joy?

Sooner or Later.

They were bound to face extinction. Deep down even them, knew it.

Even the Titanus who are banned from existence are still agonizing about how to destroy the Vega Dynasty.

Let alone the Saharan Empire.

She smiled wickedly:

'This is only a fair retribution.'

'For offending the Rulers of the World!!!'

Her smile disappeared, and her fair face retained a motherly glint, that she would never show to the fiery haired woman.

'So much time passed.And there is nothing to do about this temper of hers'

'This move was unnecessaryHurrem'

Her current concern was in another place.

'If I don't make my move, Little Hurrem is bound to make something more Impulsive again'

'WellIt Is good news, that his Majesty will heal'

'Igniting his Imperium is also a good way to make him aware of his powers'

'I can't stay still, can I?'

She sighed and spoke to the air:

"You twoAren't you tired of peeping on an old lady like that?"

"Or Does Marek Vega find me that interesting?"

Suddenly!!! Two Powerful Auras!!! Took over the whole room!!

The Priestess kept her casual smile and scoffed foxily:

"OyOyYouthHow beautiful is it?"

"Could you please not scare me like that..?'

"I am not as strong as I used to beSigh"

"I am an allyAfter all."

Immediately two silhouettes appeared in front of her. One of woman, the other of a man.

A Smirking Man appeared!! His Haki enveloping the whole place!!

"An Ally? HuhThe Vega Dynasty has no alliesIt has only subordinates!"

Hearing that, the Priestess laughed, amused by these words:

"Good words.I see that the current Monarch has also talent for building trustworthy men."

"Izuna Uchiha and the one who named himself Altair are good seeds."

"You too, also made this old lady a little excited."

She stroked her immaculate chin, like an old man would while evaluating the younger generation:

"And in such a short timeUmm.Probably using some time dilatation methods to his advantage hum"

"Not badNot badThe Awakening of the King Piece did bring out some good surprises."

"It seems us old hags could be proud of what's happening today."

The Two Members of the Brotherhood were immediately frightened by this conclusion!!

Her eyes were clear and calm, as she seemed to see through everything in a glance.

They still kept their cool and poker face. The Priestess kept talking:


"Your words are true. The Vega dynasty is like that."

"But it's also much more than that!!"

She suddenly widened her eyes!! Reptilian silts appeared!!

A Powerful Aura was unleashed destroying that of the two!!! And immediately stopping their every movement!!

It was the will!! Once again that will!

That could stop Multivesral Transcendentz with a simple thought!!

'This Power!!'

'This Domineering aura'

They didn't want to admit!! But it reminded only of one person!!

'His Majesty!!'

Not just in powerButIn Essence!!

As they stood in front of herThey felt this incontrolable sense of familiarity!!

'This woman!! She is dangerous!!!'

"But having two little kidsTeach me about the Vega Dynasty isn't that too much of a joke?"

Her words were calm but her aura didn't permit any contestation!!

Bayek had trouble even breathing!! His eyes solemn:

'So this is what they look like.'

He looked at the calm and easy-going demeanor she had. Her face has even a hint of scolding.

Like she was punishing kids for being disrespectful to their elders!

'The Powerhouses of the Primordial Realm!!'

Seeing their surprised reaction, she chuckled cheekily, she found this two somehow endearing. Even cute

She smiled brilliantly:

"NowThat the two of you are in a mood to listen"

She had a solemn gaze, a million years reverent aura appeared on her face, at this moment, under the eyes of the two assassins.

She changed from a beautiful mature woman, to an old sage as the ineluctable advance of time left it's trace on every corner of her face.

It wasn't with wrinkles but with this simple expression, the simple aura. Evoked the inevitable advance of time.

Her voice, also changed from the lively scolding tone, to that of a grave and haughty one:

"Deliver my words to his Majesty the Emperor."

She narrowed her eyes. Profound poise and grace in her every move.

Her focus drifting awayThrough the Billions years.

In times like this.She always remembered the first time

She sat on a throne that is.

Hers was a little smallerCompared to the one by her side. She still could touch upon the joy and happiness she felt at that time.

Sitting by the side of the Man she followed her whole life.

That dayWill forever be engraved in her heart

The Day she married Lorengar Vega.

And The Day she became the First Empress of the Vega Dynasty.

The Empress of the Founding Grand Monarch, Lorengar Vega.

Looking over the whole countryWith nothing but hope and love. She considered this country she built with her husband, her own progeny in the same title as her own children.

SadlyThis happiness, the love, all that faded away.

'It is time for another story to begin'

Memories upon Memories passed in her mind.

Since thenSince that EraEons away

How many stories did she witness?

How many glories did she celebrate?

How many Vega Emperors did she serve?

And How many Great Monarchs did she witness that shined their glory upon the world?


She spectated the blazing glory of 6 Great Monarchs burning through the Primordial Realm. Some were long, some were shortStill all were beautiful

Creating their own Era.

At that timeWhat if it was Destructions Gods?

What if it was Omniversal Angels?

What if it was Transcendent Magus?

Or Space and Time warping Scientists?

Everything and everyone knelt in reverence.

And now a Seventh was on the way But her heart was still clear, still blazing and her love for this Dynasty never faded.

At the same time!! Bayek and Aya used all their powers to try to contact the Empire!!!

'It doesn't work!!'

Only one person could respond!!! The only person they had a telepathic link with!!

'Aya!! Bayek!! What's going on?!!'

There was a glint of joy in their eyes!! But was repressed flawlessly.


Aya sighed deeply, how could she explain something she couldn't even begin to understand?

'ThisSee through my eyes.'

'And make your own conclusion.'

The two didn't even plead for help. For themThere was still information to be gathered. Even if she had killing intent, they will bet their life to have it!!

Ezio felt the bad feeling he had brewing for a while grow once again!!

He clenched his fists:

'Something is going on!!'

The Priestess sighed.How could she not see what's going on here?

ActuallyThere isn't a thing that goes on in the Continent that escapes her sight.

She never lacked foresight, she was only weakened, but her senses were those of a being on a completely other level.

She was after all, the one and only Great Matriarch of the Dynasty, and the Vega Clan.

How many Monarch had she seen grow?

At this state

She could already understand the thought process of Marek Vega without even having talked to him once.

Even himThe 7th of the Great Vega Monarchs. Couldn't elude her eyes:

"To the inheritor of the Will of the Six."

Her words were clear yet held deep magnetism. That resonated deep within the soul of the two assassins. Her Charisma was unmatched and imposed worship and awe!!

But more dangerously, summoned a weird brand of intimacy in the heart of the two assassins

"To The Wielder of the Ultimate Imperium."

Her tone seemed to seep into the deepest and most guarded secrets in the world. But at the same time seemed to be barely announcing the obvious.

"To The Rightful Emperor of the World."

Yet when these words were spokenIt seemed like something was happening deep in the heart of the two kids. The Magnetism of her voice seemed to even affect the structure of existence!

A sense of liberation never felt before. An ecstasy that couldn't be resisted.

"The Seventh Great Monarch of the Vega Dynasty."

"His Imperial Majesty, Marek Vega."

It was like a Million-year-old fog that was shrouding their whole being suddenly dispersed.

"I know of your pastand I can predict your future. Your Majesty."

She smiled lightly, nostalgia and wisdom only enforcing her Ethereal Beauty.

"Your eyes are filled with hatred and rage."

"As should any offended Vega Monarch feel."

Bayek and Aya felt chills in their back.

She had a brilliant smile

"And you are perfectly entitled to that."

"If it is your will to burn the world."

She had cold eyes as if the whole world was similar to dust in her eyes:

"Then It shall be burned to ashes."

Ezio on the other side took a deep breath.

'These words.'

'It's like she already knew his Majesty very well!!'

Her reptilian eyes were narrowed once again. Beauty and Mature Charm exuded from every pore of her being.

It was like she was the Mother of existence. Blessing it with obscure knowledge and enlightening the children of the world:

"But.Do not let it blind your eyes"

Bayek and Aya were in trance. Her intense eyes seemed to see through the past and the future, she extended her handsIn the air

Her hands seemed to want to reach out to something. Inaccessible.

"In front of you not only enemies lie ahead."

She sighed:

"Don't look only at the steel on your doorstep."

"Look also at the hidden blades waiting for your awakening."

Ezio who was telepathically connected couldn't believe his ears!!

"Our Dynasty runs deep; our servants are endlessAnd their loyalty is unquestionable."

"They've been laying lowEnduring hellWaiting for your inevitable descent."

"Be it in this land"

"Or in the rest of the world."

His clear mind immediately understood her meaning. His face distorted, as a sharp glint appeared on his eyes!!!

Ezio clenched his fists!!


'.What is the meaning of this'

"7th Child"

"You are not only the Emperor of your people."

"You are also the Emperor of the whole Dyansty."

Her reptilian gaze seemed to hold hidden secrets and mysteries:

"Through the past, through the future, the dimensions and realities."

"You are the Emperor of the Vega Dynasty."

"The Accumulation of endless tears and endless prayers."

Her powerful voice seemed to hold absolute truth within.

A truth that didn't allow for any challenge or compromise. She continued to speak calmly:

"Do not make any mistakes."

"For all those who died waiting and those who lived waiting."

"You are not allowed to."

"You've been blessed with wisdom, luck and power."

"Calculate every move, estimate every variable."

"Do not allow for one life to be lost."

"Do not allow for one battle to be lost."

"And do not allow for anyone to best you."

"Until the slumbers of the Imperium, and the endless night of our people ends"

"This is what it really means to be"

"A Great Monarch of the Vega Dynasty."

She spoke final words as all the Assassins felt their breath cut:

"Acknowledge your identity. And understand who you are. Only then"

She smiled wickedly

"Could you declare war on existence!!"

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