Mutated Tao

Chapter 728: Model

Chapter 728: Model

Yuan Heping tried to pull his hand back, but Li Huowang stomped on his wrist. He couldn’t move his hands at all!

“Wait! Stop, stop!”

The sharp knife cut open his skin. Li Huowang looked at Yuan Heping. “Talk. Who are you people? What’s your objective?”

“I… I don’t know!” Yuan Heping innocently said. “We escaped together from the hospital and wanted to find something nice to eat when there was no one around at night.”

“Bullshit! Do you really think I would believe that? Why did you run from us then?”

“You… You chased after us with a cleaver like a madman. Who wouldn’t run away?”

Qian Fu suddenly glared at Yuan Heping. “Stop lying! We already saw through your tricks! You are Leotians! You came to conquer Earth! We already know who you are!”

Yuan Heping was stunned. He looked at Qian Fu and then at Li Huowang before quickly nodding.

“Yes! That’s right! We are the Leotians! We came here to conquer Earth!”

Li Huowang’s face twitched. He pushed the cleaver down until Yuan Heping’s fingertips were bleeding. “Are you going to talk or not?”

“What do you want me to say?!” Yuan Heping was already on the brink of tears.

“Why did you follow me? Why did you put needles in my food? Don’t tell me you weren’t the one who did it!”

“Fine! You are right! I placed the needles and followed you!”

“Why? What’s your goal? Why are you following and monitoring me?!”

“Because… Because…” Yuan Heping tried to come up with a reason.

As Yuan Heping stayed silent and unsure of how to respond, Qing Wanglai helped him to his feet.

“Don’t arbitrarily decide that he’s the culprit. It’s possible that he was being used.”

Yuan Heping hid behind Qing Wanglai and trembled.

“Come, drink some water. Don’t be nervous.”

Li Huowang wanted to rebuke Qing Wanglai before he realized they were playing good cop, bad cop. His role was over.

Qing Wanglai might be able to coax out the truth.

To increase their chances of success, Li Huowang copied a drama he had seen before, raising his cleaver and licking the blood on it.

Li Huowang’s act worked. Yuan Heping shivered and tried to distance himself from Qing Wanglai.

“I’m just putting up an act to scare him,” Li Huowang whispered to Yang Na.

Yang Na worriedly looked at Qing Wanglai as he was talking to Yuan Heping. “Maybe he really doesn’t know anything?”

“Impossible. It might’ve been a coincidence the first time, but it cannot be a coincidence the second time. The world is vast, and yet he still managed to find me? He’s just stubborn! He must have some kind of connection with the organization. Let’s see what kind of method Qing Wanglai has. I will have to use force if Qing Wanglai can’t get any information from Yuan Heping.”

Li Huowang then started looking for tools around Zhao Lei’s messy house.

Maybe it was because Zhao Lei's job involved creating models, but there were several knives in the place. Li Huowang thought that despite the limited variety, these knives would suffice.

As Li Huowang was grinding some of the knives using the edge of the sink, Qing Wanglai finished his interrogation.

Qing Wanglai took out a large wad of cash and gave it to Yuan Heping, significantly reducing the latter’s fear.

“He’s just a pawn that follows orders blindly. He doesn't even know the people that were projected here.”

Li Huowang was tired of the excuses. “Then did he give us a name? Who’s the one giving out orders?”

Qing Wanglai didn’t answer but instead looked at Wang Gang lying motionlessly on the ground.

Wang Gang was the main culprit here.

Li Huowang grabbed the knives and approached Wang Gang before he saw the latter smiling at him bitterly.

In contrast with Yuan Heping, Wang Gang had no intention of lying.

“I never thought I would lose to a little lady. I thought she would be easy to deal with, but I never imagined she would be super tough.”

Li Huowang became excited when he heard this. Is he finally telling the truth?

The conversation visibly intrigued the others, who promptly circled them.

“I know what you want to ask, but can you let me go afterward?”

“Fine. Talk.”

Wang Gang shook his head. “Not you. I’m talking to him.” Wang Gang pointed at Qing Wanglai.

Qing Wanglai nodded. “I accept your request. If you tell us the truth, I will send you out of this country.”

Wang Gang nodded and finally said, “You are right. We are here to monitor Li Huowang. This is our job.”

“Who sent you?” Li Huowang’s heart was thumping.

“My higher-ups. I never saw their faces before, and they always gave us the orders through paper memos.”

“What’s their goal? Why are they targeting me?”

“I don’t know. They just said something along the lines of you being hard to deal with.”

Li Huowang clenched his teeth when he heard that. “I knew it!”

Bam! Just then, the sound of cloth smacking onto the table could be heard. Li Huowang turned around and saw Zhao Lei frantically looking for something.

“What’s going on with you?” Wu Qi was confused.

“My things! They are gone! It was here just now! Everything is visibly fake, so why did you take it?!”

Li Huowang ignored him and continued to interrogate Wang Gang.

“What else do you know?”

Wang Gang looked at Zhao Lei before he stammered, “I a-also know… One of you has been bought off by them.”

“What? Who is it?!”

Li Huowang was looking at Wang Gang when he saw the reflection in Wang Gang’s eyes.

Li Huowang swiftly turned around. Zhao Lei was swinging one of the large glass bottles towards his head!

“Why are you stealing my things?! They’re mine!”

Before the glass bottle hit Li Huowang’s head, the wooden boat model in the bottle swayed vigorously with the water. One of the wooden figurines in the glass bottle had a sword that pierced the glass bottle.

Crack. The glass bottle shattered as the water splashed onto Li Huowang’s face.

Li Huowang let go of his cleaver and grabbed the wooden boat instead. “You dare attack me?!”

Li Huowang gripped the wooden boat model and smashed it into Zhao Lei’s face. The entire wooden boat model cracked into pieces.

The wooden figurines with swords were also stabbed into Zhao Lei’s eyes.

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