My beast Emperor System

Chapter 159: An intense Battle

Chapter 159: An intense Battle

"If you weren't too focused on yourself and just looked forward for just a moment you would have realized how much damage you have caused As your grandson and family, it is my duty to put an end to all of this Old men like you shouldn't exist anymore, you all should die off here!" Lucien was ruthless as he leaned forward and


Leaving behind countless after images, Lucien was like a black bolt of lightning as he charging towards Lukas. This is the first time he is pushing his body to its limit and beyond!

"HAAAAAA!" Lucien's roar shook the forest as he smashed into Lukas, delivering hundreds of punches in an intense battle but Lukas was no pushover. 

At his peak, he only feared the emperor and no one else. Back then he was a peerless expert that even the emperor had a hard time dealing with! Even after the defeat of the Raizen clan, they were not subjugated like other clans. The emperor had to formally invite him to join his campaign! Someone was powerful as Emperor Fei showed him respect then, talk less of a child who doesn't know the DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE EARTH AND THE HEAVENS!

"IMPUDENT BRAT!" Lukas growled as he had no intentions of dodging Lucien's attacks, instead, he threw his attacks in hopes of crushing Lucien with overwhelming power!


As their first set of blows clashed, both men retreated and gazed at each other with astonished looks on their faces. For Lucien he didn't think Lukas would be able to face him head-on even when using his martial technique to strengthen his attacks with his wind and lightning element, allowing him to literarily throw lightning-fast punches, meanwhile Lukas was stunned because the first exchanged proved to him that Lucien was in no way weaker than him. While his past glory martial technique returned him to the time when he was only in his mid-twenties yet Lucien is only fourteen and can match his power!

"I REFUSE TO ACCEPT THIS!" Lukas growled like a mad man as he exploded and charged forward with blazing silver eyes but even then Lucien didn't panic.

His eyes released black bolts of lightning as his hands slowly made a circular movement in front of him, creating the Ying and Yang Chinese symbol. Even though his movements looked slow and refined it was so fast, it could even be considered faster than that of Lukas!

"Strike!" Lucien growled as he punched the symbol in front of him, releasing terrifying waves of lightning, just when Lukas was only a few breathes away! 


"Shadowless flight!" Lukas muttered calmly.

Suddenly it looked like time paused and the countless bolts of black lightning were only a breath away from reducing him to a corpse but then, Lukas' feet lightly tapped the ground and he was gone!

Lucien completely lost sight of him but one thing he noticed was the shadow circling him at an incredible speed. In normal circumstances, he felt dismissive about the shadow and was compelled to look the opposite way but his beast instincts kept warning him that if he takes his eyes off this shadow, he will definitely die!

"Scram!" Lucien growled as he waved his hand recklessly, releasing a powerful arc-shaped wind blade towards the shadow, and just before the attack could reach the shadow, Lukas came into view, sliding off to the side and barely evading the attack.

"You saw through it?" Lukas's words were more like a rhetorical question than an actual question. While he was stunned by the fact that Lucien was able to see through his movement technique that only the emperor has managed to see through.

Back then in his prime, it is said that anyone who witnesses his shadowless flight dies, and many were scared of him back then. No man has ever managed to see his technique and lived to tell the story until the emperor appeared and conquered the entire region with overwhelming power. Seeing that Lucien was able to counter it even though it was only his first time, left Lukas more terrified than stunned

Unknown to him, Lucien was terrified as well. He realized something from the little exchange between him and Lukas right now! While he only possessed overwhelming strength, speed, talent, and all that he has been wasting his time all this while. He kept using his strength in its raw form with no technique to bring out the best in it. He could tell he was faster than Lukas but the old man could cover up his lacking areas with superior technique!

'He needs to die here and now! If he lives, I will never be able to live peacefully!' Lucien and Lukas growled in their minds as they both charged forward.


The nobles of the empire were summoned for an emergency meeting at the royal palace leaving many stunned. They all heard of Instructor Han's unfortunate situation due to an assassination attempt by people who are not registered by the empire, making it impossible for them to track their roots. They considered this a serious matter but never for once did they assume this will be serious enough to make the empire call them together just hours after the incident.

When everyone gathered, as usual, the Wuxing clan patriarch stood behind the emperor but this time Instructor Han stood behind him too. The entire hall was filled with only two seats empty and those were the ones belonging to the Rakuzen and Raizen clan heads. On normal occasions, they would discuss amongst themselves and share their opinions but today no one dared to speak since the entire hall was boiling with Emperor Fei's anger.

His eyes were scorching red and the room constantly trembling but it didn't exceed that. It was just high enough for everyone to feel uncomfortable but not high enough to harm someone.

"Absolute control that's what always made him stand out amongst his peers" Wuxing clan head muttered to the stunned instructor Han with a slight smile on his face.

He found it amusing how much many feared the emperor even after so many centuries of seeing him in action. He must have left a long lasting impression in their hearts!

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