My beast Emperor System

Chapter 233: Ant men

Chapter 233: Ant men

"So where are we going? We have been traveling for over three days now?" Lucien complained which made Derik chuckle slightly.

Since the journey started, their relationship had only gotten better and right now they could be considered good friends. Derik got to know Lucien's story and he also shared his story with Lucien. Both of them soon realized they were similar in so many ways and since then, their killing intentions directed towards each other have vanished and are replaced with some sort of brotherly love.

"To think you actually decided to follow me, purely based on trust! Without knowing where we are heading to? You are either too confident in your abilities or just plain cocky" Derik chuckled and Lucien made a confused face.

"What's the worst you can do?" Lucien asked. He strongly believed that with his Raizen god spirit inheritance, he can escape Derik if he wanted.

"I can see you are cocky and confident in your abilities," Derik said with a rare smile.

"More like I am confident in my ability to flee battles" Lucien patted his chest with pride as he said those words.

Hearing this, Derik just chuckled in response as they were almost at the edge of the cliff. He didn't want to get into an argument with Lucien, at least not now. Just like Lucien, Derik believed in his abilities too and was pretty sure Lucien cannot escape from him. But this is the problem with two powerful people. None doubt their skills so it's hard to tell who will win in a battle unless they actually fight.

"We are here" Derik finally said as they reached the edge of the cliff and looked down, only for Lucien to shiver in disgust and fear.

Down there were countless numbers of human-shaped ant men, clustered together in what seemed like a bottomless pit. Seeing this, Lucien was stunned since he could feel the presence of an emperor-level magic beast down there which is most likely the Queen, and then countless energy signatures at various levels.

"What do you think?" Derik asked with a grin on his cruel face.

"Well, all I can say is this... This may be a paradise for us but it's also hell for anyone... How am I supposed to deal with so many enemies at once?" Lucien asked.

"Hehehehehe! Your lessons start now... We don't think about the hows, we just do it" Derik said as he walked off the cliff edge and fell in!


The ant-men noticed the existence of someone coming into their hive and they all looked up before dashing upwards as if Derik was their meal!

"These little guys can't even distinguish between the strong and the weak! I guess I should punish them for that!" Derik said with a wide grin on his face as a skull symbol appeared on his forehead!

"RISE!!!!" Derik's temperament suddenly turned fierce as his aura exploded violently, turning green as it released a fierce light!

His shadow expanded rapidly as his undead army poured out and jumped into the ditch fearlessly!

"My turn!" Derik growled as the death scythe appeared in his hands as he descended to the lower levels of what seemed like a bottomless pit

Just like that a war had begun and even though his undead army was outnumbered, they could not be killed so it was only a matter of time before the enemy tires out and they gain the advantage.

"This dude is really hardcore!" Lucien said with a bright smile.

When spending time with Derik, he always got this invincible vibe! It was like no matter what, they cannot lose. At this point, he realized what Emperor Fei felt.

"I guess it takes another powerful man to kill a powerhouse like emperor Fei!" Lucien said as his shadow spread out and from it, a thousand demonic beasts surged out and jumped into the pit.

[Beast Emperor Mode activated]

With his notification, Lucien grew slightly taller as his body was covered with blue illusionary scales and three pairs of wings appeared on his back. These wings were made of blue fire, wind, and lightning.

His eyes turned crystal blue and his voice depend while his hair turned blue as well!

"It's nice hearing the notifications again... I felt like a part of me was taken away" Lucien said with a bright smile.

[Says the kid who didn't notice I was missing for so long] Rakuzen snorted.

"I already apologized man! I was occupied, I couldn't notice!" Lucien said to Rakzuen but there was no response.


Seeing Rakuzen had no intentions of speaking to him further, Lucien jumped into the hole with a bright smile on his face. His body kept falling as he wrapped his hands around his chest and wore an indifferent look on his face.

As he fell, all ant men that dared leap towards him were blasted away by the bolts of lightning surging around him before they could even get close. He noticed the ants around here were around the soldier level and only a few were at the General level.

[The deeper you go, you will meet the stronger ones down there] Rakzuen said.

Till now Lucien is yet to see Derik, making him wonder how deep Derik had gone and what kind of foes he would be forced to battle right now!



Derik cleaved through all those who dare stand in his way with zero to no effort! He kept meeting general-level ant men but even them could not stop his advance! His body surged with a dark aura as he slashed horizontally, splitting over five ant men in two, all at once!


Once again Derik's eyes revealed a terrifying light as his aura spread out and engulfed the bodies of all the dead ant men, adding them to his undead army! He could feel a powerful aura chasing after him from above and he instantly knew Lucien was coming but that wasn't what he was bothered with.

His target right now is the queen! Every other being standing in his way can just die for all he cares!

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