My Cell Prison

Chapter 16: Containment

Chapter 16: Containment

During breakfast.

Han Dong likewise said he wasn't feeling too well and returned to his room with omelette noodles...actually, it was because Han Dong had something to do.

First, it was to conduct an analysis on the death of 'Herbert'.

Paper and pen were taken out and placed next to the noodle bowl, and while eating, he began to record and analyze.

"All of them experienced the incident where the evil spirit came to us last night.

The four of us who survived, some left the bedding, but none left the room... and Herbert's room had an open window! Apparently because he chose to jump out of the window in panic, thus being targeted by the evil spirit.


My suspicions would be correct.

At least last night, the evil spirit may have been restricted from entering the room...or rather, restricted by the 'kill only one person' restriction, thus deliberately choosing to jump out the window of Herbert.

But I'm not sure that such a 'restriction' will last forever.

Perhaps as the time limit shortens, the Evil Spirit will become less and less restricted.

After all, at its current rate of harm, we may still have two people left alive at the end of the event."

Han Dong recorded any details he could think of to make reasonable guesses in his notebook, ready to use the subsequent events to justify those guesses.

Secondly, the main purpose of returning to the room was....

Right after Sister and Brother's success last night, Han Dong received a system prompt.

Branch Event [Choice] - Completed

At the end of this event, the probability of obtaining a "Destiny Card (Novice Level)" will increase by 10%.

In addition, your intimacy with the important character [Chen Li, the Sinister Woman] gains a significant increase, and your relationship with the important character [Daqing] gains a small increase.

Significantly increased!

This is exactly the 'bumper crop' that Han Dong got yesterday after he took the initiative to contact Chen Li and offered to take the initiative to assist.

During breakfast.

Han Dong secretly slipped a note to Chen Li, allowing Chen Li to pretend to be unwell and come upstairs for a private conversation.

"In the face of life and death, a makeshift team of strangers isn't trustworthy... The only person I can fully trust is the event person."

About five minutes passed, and Chen Li similarly carried a bowl of noodles upstairs.

"Come in..."

Han Dong made a point of sealing the glass window with newspaper as he closed the door.

"Thank you."

For a moment, the Sinister Chen Li who had a more terrifying appearance and made the members of the team mistake her for an 'evil spirit possessed'... actually lost control of her emotions and cried out the moment she was alone with Han Dong.

The hatred that had been pent up for several years was completely vented.

"It's fine already."

Han Dong stepped forward to comfort Chen Li... as much as possible to raise their 'intimacy' one more step to its maximum.

As for the slain couple, Han Dong had no qualms.

In Han Dong's eyes, in the Destiny Space, which was similar to a game scene, various characters belonged to game NPCs... not real people. The various intimacies and plot settings further confirmed this.

Just as Han Dong's consolation ended, a system sound was once again heard.

Intimacy increased, your relationship with the event character [Sinister Chen Li] has been upgraded to 'Best Friend' (Note: Intimacy can be further increased.)

Chen Li, who slowly stopped sobbing, turned to look at Han Dong in front of her, "Thank you... If you guys still want to continue with the follow up, I'll also act to match."

"No need... Miss Chen Li, filming is just a small matter.

Asking you to come to the room is a very important matter, and I need you and your brother to help me."

"What kind of matter?"

With a serious face, Han Dong said, "A matter that concerns my life, only you can help me."

If the relationship hadn't reached 'close friends', Han Dong wouldn't have dared to speak out about his situation like this.

An explanation came down.

Chen Li, who had originally gone upstairs with her bowl of noodles.

It actually pulled out a kitchen knife from nowhere... giving the impression that one could access the 'kitchen knife' at any moment.

A killing intent spread out, and even the room temperature dropped slightly by two degrees.

In this instant, it made Han Dong even wonder-'Is this Chen Li... a human or a ghost?'

"...I will help you!"

Just as Chen Li said those words.


The tinnitus reverberated all around, followed by a deep voice that sounded in the head, very different from the prompt in the fate space.

Detected a close relationship between a special life and the subject, if the target is subjectively willing, it can be 'perfectly sheltered'.

"Special beings! As expected, this Miss Chen Li is no ordinary person!"

Han Dong was shocked.

A great opportunity was in front of him, and if he really grasped it, he would be able to deepen his understanding of the portable prison as well as have an additional strong and powerful helper.

This could be crucial for Han Dong, who was physically weaker.

"Chen Li's setting in the movie was originally a country girl who fell into the abyss of revenge for her mother's death... and was even prepared to be imprisoned and sentenced to death for the sake of revenge.

She has achieved her goal in life and cares little for the world.

Now is the perfect opportunity to take her in."

Hesitation would be a failure.

Portable prison, activated!

The teleportation process was completed in an instant... only the two were in very different states.

Han Dong was located in the prison corridor, while Chen Li appeared directly in the only cell!

What happened next shook Han Dong to his core.

Those spotted tentacles that lurked between the cracks in the stone wall, grew wildly one by one as they sensed the entry of foreign objects.

Wrapping around Chen Li's hands and feet... There was also a tentacle that ignored the skull and penetrated into the back of Chen Li's head.

Information related to the shelter is being analyzed...

Due to the tentacles invading from the back of her head, Chen Li was in a peculiar state, her eyeballs spinning back and forth.

Han Dong didn't look too good when he saw this scene... In fact, he wanted Chen Li to actively choose whether or not she was willing to follow him to the new world, rather than being forced to take in a shelter like this now.

"According to the system's prompt, Chen Li herself should be willing... I hope that this type of sheltering will not harm him."

After waiting for about five minutes.

Information Analysis Completed - [Sinister Chen Li]

Type of admission: perfect admission (high intimacy and willingness of the host to accept the admission ceremony)

Category: evil spirit (In the living state, the combination of extreme negative emotions that nourish the entity's 'evil grievances' and prolonged residence in areas with a heavy yin influence causes the individual to develop mild evil changes.)

Combat Rating: E+.

Advancement path: evil purification


1. Evil Transformation" - Fixed increase in each basic attribute value.

2. 'Chopper' - Stains the blood of the enemy who is the source of the evil thoughts and turns it into a possessed weapon.

"It's no wonder the system gave Chen Li the prefix 'Sinister', she really fell into the evil path in hatred!"

At the end of the analysis, the tentacles that bound Chen Li were automatically lifted and retracted into the wall.

At the same time, there was a dark mark left on Chen Li's neck that was not too conspicuous....need to get closer and look closely.

The imprint reads - 'Faceless human face with eight curved tentacles regularly distributed around it'.

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