My Dear Miss Medical Examiner

Chapter 71-2

Chapter 71-2


On the large screen inside the monitoring room, it showed someone skillfully bypassing the security and climbing over the wall.

She clearly drilled a dog hole just a few days ago.

Lin Youyuan sneered, took a sip of tea, and the enamel lid lightly touched the rim of the cup, making a faint sound.

The secretary nodded and bowed, Mr. Lin, should we find someone to teach her a lesson?

What lesson? That person is the Deputy Chief of the Municipal Bureau, a prominent figure in front of the Provincial Public Security Department. Failing to catch a fox will only brought trouble upon ourselves.

Then then leting her continue to enter and leave Misss room like that

Lin Youyuan lifted the teacup and drained it in one gulp, throwing the tea bowl onto the table. The remaining water spilled out, wetting the tablecloth.

She does have some skills, but shes still a bit green. Lets see how things unfold.

The next day, Lin Yan started eating voluntarily.

The attending doctors were somewhat incredulous, saying, Its nothing short of a miracle that Miss woke up, and her recovery is quite fast. Ill go inform Professor Wang and Master, theyll be delighted to hear this.

Lin Yan smiled indifferently. She could only consume liquid food for now, so she sipped the milk in the bowl, taking in the nourishment.

Whether it was her active eating or cooperating with the treatment, it was never for Lin Youyuan. It was all for another person who genuinely cared for her well-being.

During her recovery period, the other members of the Technical Investigation Team were not idle either. They devoted themselves to physical training, spending their free time at the training base.

Duan Cheng, who was originally an average young man with mediocre talent and average physical fitness, transformed into a skilled worker who could occasionally exchange a few moves with Song Yuhang, even though he always ended up getting beaten badly.

Fang Xin, who initially had five shots off-target and five shots hitting the bullseye, progressed to all ten shots hitting the target. Although she couldnt achieve a complete bullseye, everyone believed it was only a matter of time.

Even Zheng Chengrui had achieved remarkable results in his dieting and weight loss efforts, going from being overweight to being slightly less overweight.

Alright, thats it for today. As the referee blew the whistle, Song Yuhang released her grip, took off the boxing gloves, and walked past the railing towards the exit.

Duan Cheng grimaced as he got up from the ground, rubbing his sore chin and wiping off the sweat as he walked away.

Fang Xin handed over a bottle of mineral water, and Duan Cheng sat down beside her, twisting off the bottle cap and taking big gulps. He had a pure white towel hanging around his neck, and water droplets trickled down his jaw, revealing the contours of his muscles beneath the taekwondo uniform. There was a hint of masculinity about him.


Duan Cheng chugged down half the bottle in one breath. When he noticed Fang Xin still looking at him, he casually passed the mineral water bottle back to her.

Here, have a drink.

Fang Xin got angry, grabbed the towel, and threw it back at him. Who wants to drink water that youve already drunk!

Oh, no, why are you looking at me like that? I feel embarrassed to drink when youre staring at me. Of course, Ill give it to you. Ladies first, you know.

Amidst the commotion on the other side, Song Yuhang took out her belongings from the storage cabinet, slung her backpack over one shoulder, and confidently walked over.

Im heading out first.

Looks like Captain Song is going to see Sister Lin again

Duan Cheng stood up, but someone immediately pulled him back down. Cant you keep quiet? Are you asking for trouble?!

Song Yuhang shook her head, a faint smile playing at the corners of her lips. She left the training base and drove straight home.

At the convenience store downstairs, she bought vegetables, fruits, fish, meat, and more. Carrying the groceries upstairs, she was about to free up one hand to open the door when it swung open from the inside.

Mother Song welcomed her inside, saying, Why did you buy so many groceries again?

Song Yuhang smiled, exchanged her shoes for slippers at the entrance, placed the keys down, and carried the bags into the kitchen, placing them on the countertop.

Werent we supposed to cook together? You promised to teach me how to cook, remember?

Mother Song couldnt stop smiling; although she was hardworking, she was usually busy with work and had little time for cooking. So, when she finally had the desire to cook, she wanted to teach her daughter properly.

Alright, then go wash your hands. Since you bought crucian carp today, well make a crucian carp tofu soup.

Song Yuhang came out after washing her hands, rolled up her sleeves to her elbows, tied on an apron, and looked somewhat competent.

Cut it from here, yes, thats right. This way, the fish wont have a fishy smell, and using a flower knife will make it more flavorful. Marinate it with cooking wine and ginger.

Mother Song instructed from the side, and Song Yuhang followed the instructions step by step.

Just as the fish skin was slightly crisped, the doorbell rang.

Mother Song hurried over to open the door, and Song Yuhang leaned out halfway from the kitchen.

Ji Jingxing entered, holding Xiao Wei. Quickly say hello to Grandma.

Xiao Weis voice was sweet and childish, Hello, Grandma~

Mother Song was overjoyed and quickly stuffed a few pieces of candy into her pocket. Alright, alright. Why did you come over today? Usually, you dont come even when I invite you for a meal.

Ji Jingxing smiled and made eye contact with Song Yuhang. Song Yuhang nodded slightly, saying, Sister.

She felt a sense of relief, and her smile softened.

Its all because of Xiao Wei. She cried and made a fuss, saying she missed Grandma and wanted Auntie to play with her. But actually, I think she just didnt want to do her homework.

Mother Song warmly embraced the child in her arms. Oh, well, its the weekend tomorrow anyway. If she doesnt want to do it today, she can do it tomorrow.

Please have a seat, please. Its better to come early than to come at the right time. Can you guess who cooked today?

Ji Jingxings gaze shifted, and she saw Song Yuhang wearing an apron, her shirt rolled up to her elbows, exuding a touch of grace and efficiency. She was spooning the soup, tasting its saltiness.

Its Yuhang.

Well, well, its a rare sight in a hundred years. Xiao Wei, youre in for a treat today~

Song Yuhang shook her head. She never expected them to come, especially since she had planned to save this fish soup for Lin Yans meal. It seemed that she would be staying late again tonight.

Ji Jingxing sat in the living room, seeing her shake her head, thinking that the soup might not be good. She put down her phone, rolled up her sleeves, and walked over to her.

Whats wrong? Is it too salty or too bland? Let me taste

Before Song Yuhang could stop her, Ji Jingxing lightly sipped from the spot on her own spoon that she had just tasted. In the past, she would never have thought twice about it, but ever since her affectionate moments with Lin Yan, it was as if a door to a new world had opened, making Song Yuhang more sensitive to these things.

However, that wasnt the most fatal part. The most fatal part was

It was scalding hot.

Ji Jingxings face turned red, and she coughed, sticking out her tongue gently. Song Yuhang quickly put down the spoon and poured a glass of cold water for her from the kitchen counter.

Ah, sis, what are you doing?

She maintained a subtle distance with her, not too far but not too close. She handed her a glass of water, but she didnt place her hand on her back like before, gently patting it.

Not long ago, when she choked while eating, Song Yuhang had attentively patted her back to comfort her.

Since when did they become so distant from each other?

She avoided her as if she were a venomous snake, unwilling to even touch her for a moment.

Ji Jingxing forced a smile, took the cup from her hand, took a sip, and put it down. Its okay, Ill help you.

No need, sis. You go and play with Xiao Wei.

Song Yuhang caught a glimpse of the fleeting disappointment in her eyes and immersed herself in washing the vegetables.

Mother Song entered upon hearing the commotion. Whats wrong? Did someone get scalded?

Ji Jingxing pushed her out. Its nothing, Mom. You go watch TV with Xiao Wei. Yuhang and I can handle the kitchen. Its too crowded with too many people.

Alright, then be careful, dont hurt yourselves.

The sound of an animated movie could be heard from the living room, bringing enthusiasm to both the young and the old.

Song Yuhang and Ji Jingxing were busy with their respective tasks, unsure of what to say. The atmosphere became somewhat awkward for a moment.

It was Ji Jingxing who broke the silence first. Why did you suddenly decide to learn cooking?

Song Yuhang added water to the soup pot. I cant just sit at home waiting for meals all the time. I wanted to give Mom a break too.

Ji Jingxing chuckled. When your brother pursued me, he also learned to cook. He claimed it was to make me eat better, but to be honest, his cooking wasnt that great.

Song Yichen pursued her, and Song Yuhang was aware of it. It was actually her idea. She couldnt remember if she got it from some cheesy TV drama or a book, but she came up with the notion that if you want to capture a womans heart, you should first capture her stomach.

Song Yichen was clumsy, almost setting the kitchen on fire. But luckily, he stood out among many pursuers with his sincere intentions.

On the day they successfully got together, Song Yuhang had only one thought: Oh my, finally I dont have to be his guinea pig anymore.

Thinking back to those days, a smile naturally appeared at the corner of Song Yuhangs lips. Is that so? Then why didnt you reject him?

Your brother, well, hes quite foolish. Ji Jingxing continued cutting vegetables while turning to talk to her. Others would occasionally give gifts, send flowers, invite me out for meals, or watch movies together. But only he would wait for me outside my office regardless of wind or rain, bring me medicine when Im sick, accompany me home late at night, and even scare off several hooligans who tried to harass me. He genuinely cares for me, this much

She paused for a moment. Just like you.

Song Yuhang tightly pursed her lips, unsure how to respond. Thankfully, the soup was ready.

She turned off the heat, put on oven gloves, and lifted the pot. The soup is ready. Ill serve it first.

Throughout the meal, she ate absentmindedly. On one hand, she was worried about Lin Yan, and on the other hand, she began to feel suspicious about Ji Jingxings ambiguous attitude.

She couldnt quite understand her usually gentle and approachable sister-in-law.

Including now.

Yuhang, Ill clean up. You can take your sister home. Its getting late, and its not safe to take a taxi.

Ji Jingxing smiled and helped Xiao Wei put on her scarf. Its okay, Mom. I had a few drinks and had a good time with you today. Otherwise, I can drive home by myself, or take the bus. Its not cold.

Song Yuhang furrowed her brows slightly. Wasnt she someone who never touched alcohol?

Oh no, that wont do. I cant bear to see my precious granddaughter suffer and squeeze onto a crowded bus. Besides, its not far. Let Yuhang give you a ride.

Song Yuhang declined, Mom, I still have

You said you wouldnt work overtime tonight, right? Hurry up, go and come back quickly.

Mother Song had already wrapped the scarf around her neck and handed her the car keys, pushing the group out the door.

Your brother is not here anymore, so youre the protector now. Hurry up, dont dawdle.

Ji Jingxing stood outside the door and watched her with a smile.

Song Yuhang had no choice but to take the lead, holding Xiao Weis hand as they descended the stairs, with Ji Jingxing following behind.

Xiao Wei, fasten your seatbelt. Song Yuhang looked back and saw that Ji Jingxing had already opened the passenger door and sat inside.

Okay, Auntie.

As she heard the seatbelt click into place with a crisp sound, Song Yuhang finally started the car.

The city lights flowed into view, reflecting on her face, making her features appear even more refined and sharply defined.

She and Song Yichen were truly siblings, as even the curve of their lips seemed carved from the same mold.

Ji Jingxing looked at her with a complicated expression.

Yuhang, I feel like you havent been as close to me and Xiao Wei lately.

Song Yuhang was certainly aware of her gaze, firmly gripping the steering wheel without turning her head.


You were busy before too, but you didnt deliberately avoid me like this, Yuhang

Ji Jingxing wanted to say something more, but Song Yuhang had already stepped on the brakes, unbuckled her seatbelt, and opened the door to get out of the car.

Weve arrived, sister-in-law.

She reverted back to using that term of address.

Ji Jingxings heart tightened. When no ones around, you can call me sister.

Xiao Wei had already fallen asleep in the back seat. Song Yuhang reached out and carried her out, whispering softly, You are my sister-in-law, Xiao Wei is my niece. You both are the closest people to me, and that will never change.

Ji Jingxings heart felt both sour and bitter as she followed her upstairs. And what about her? Who is she?

Song Yuhang didnt directly answer the question. When they reached the front door, she simply said, Open the door.

Ji Jingxing opened the door, and Song Yuhang carried Xiao Wei inside, placing her gently on the bed. She took off her shoes and covered her with a blanket before stepping out again.

Just as they were about to leave, Ji Jingxing forcefully grabbed her and asked the question again.

And what about her? Who is she?

Song Yuhang fell silent.

Ji Jingxing couldnt sit still any longer. You know I work at a law firm and occasionally have contact with your public security department. They what do they say about you?

Song Yuhang looked up at her. What does it matter what others say about me?

Song Yuhang! Her voice suddenly escalated, Youre involved with a woman, and not just any woman someone with such an immoral private life

Song Yuhang clenched her fists, her throat tightened. Dont speak of her like that. Shes not like that.

Fine, even if shes not, have you thought about Moms feelings? Ji Jingxing pressed on relentlessly, How devastated would she be if she knew about your actions?

Song Yuhang shook off her hand and walked towards the door without looking back. As long as you dont tell her, Mom wont know.

Song Yuhang! Ji Jingxings voice suddenly became sharp, and in the next moment, she felt someone embrace her from behind.

Her softness pressed against her back.

Ji Jingxing trembled slightly, her voice choked up. Your brother is gone, and youre the only one left by my side, Yuhang. Dont leave us. Dont forget the vows you once made. You said you would protect me and Xiao Wei for a lifetime, treat us well for a lifetime. Are those words still valid?

Ji Jingxing clasped her hand tightly, tightening her grip. It had been a long time since she had hugged someone or been embraced by anyone. As a result, her cheeks flushed slightly as she felt the warmth emanating from Song Yuhang, the softness of her touch, and the scent of sunlight on her clothes. And so, the words slipped out naturally.

Yuhang, since you like women, then why cant it be me?

LP: Im speechless


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