My Divine Pet System

Chapter 38

C38 – Sharp Armor Equipment

“Bear Spirit, unleash the Earth-Splitting Hammer!”

Leading the charge, the Bear Spirit leaped into the air, its palms interlocked to form a hammer shape, and slammed down towards Qin Hongyu’s Serpent Spirit with ferocity.

The earth around them caved under the immense force, kicking up billowing clouds of dust.

Ji Buyu coughed up blood, staring at the towering figure beside him in bewilderment.

“Xiong Xin, are you trying to kill me?” Ji Buyu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Amidst the lingering smoke, streams of red spiritual light drifted into Ji Buyu’s Grimoire of Demon Spirits.

Clearly, his battle spirit had been vanquished, reduced to spiritual light to recuperate within the pages of the Grimoire.

The battle spirit wasn’t truly dead. Instead, it would reform from the spiritual light in the Grimoire, typically requiring a full day before it could be summoned anew.

Since the battle spirit and the Battle Spirit Fighter were intrinsically linked, a grave injury to the spirit meant severe harm to the Fighter.

Thus, a Battle Spirit Fighter would go to great lengths to prevent their spirit’s demise during combat. If their battle spirit perished in dire straits, their own life would be hanging by a thread.

The tall and burly Xiong Xin scratched his head sheepishly, apologizing, “Sorry, big bro. I was targeting the Serpent Spirit.”

“Never mind. With the sheer force of that blow, that kid’s battle spirit is probably pulverized!” Ji Buyu said with a resigned shake of his head and a cold laugh.

“Yet, I didn’t see any other spiritual light escape! And look at Qin Hongyu; he doesn’t seem hurt at all. Could his battle spirit have survived?” A slender man nearby furrowed his brow.

“Pei Wencheng, are you suggesting that kid’s battle spirit is still alive? Impossible!” Ji Buyu’s expression turned grave, a bad feeling creeping into his mind.

“Not good, my Bear Spirit seems to be under someone else’s control!” Xiong Xin exclaimed suddenly.

Battle spirits and their Fighters shared a deep connection, able to sense each other’s plight. If one was under attack, the other would feel it too.

The dust finally settled, revealing a massive bear spirit ensnared by a Serpent Spirit, unable to break free.

“You and your lumbering bear are just too slow. You think you can hit me at that speed? Laughable!” Qin Hongyu said, shaking his head with a chuckle.

“Curse you, don’t get cocky. You think your tiny worm can hold my solid system bear spirit? You’re clearly out of your depth!” Xiong Xin bellowed in rage.

It was a disgrace. He, a respected middle-class Battle Spirit Fighter, and his bear spirit, renowned for its strength, were shackled by a mere Serpent Spirit.

“Herculean Ant — Giant Strength Pincer Equipment!”

From Xiong Xin’s Grimoire of Demon Spirits, a Gray Iron Rank Spiritual Card shot out, depicting a “Herculean Ant.”

The card transformed into a beam of spiritual light and merged with the bear spirit, encasing it in a layer of earthy yellow rock.

Qin Hongyu inwardly cursed, knowing that if the bear spirit’s equipment was completed, its power would surge, quickly freeing it from the “Little White Tower’s” Death Bind.

“I can’t let that happen,” Qin Hongyu reminded himself.

“So what if it’s a Demon Spiritual Card? I’ve got my own!”

“Screeching Hedgehog — Sharp Armor Equipment!” Qin Hongyu bellowed.

Instantly, a Gray Iron Rank Spiritual Card burst forth from his floating Grimoire of Demon Spirits, casting a silver-gray streak of light that fused with the “Little White Tower.”

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