My Dungeon Life: Rise of the Slave Harem

Chapter 1175

“I don’t get it, why is she doing this?” I asked helplessly as Faeyna didn’t stop cleaning.

Meanwhile, outside, I could hear the soldiers sent by the Demon Lord Aberis. One of them was a female Osterian general. I didn’t have to guess too hard what role Xin was taking over. It probably was Xin who captured her, but since she was taken from the dungeon and a new version was created, this one was a lot weaker and only shared some appearance with Xin, like a person who had to describe someone they saw to a sketch artist.

I found it a little ironic that the Xin who was guilty for all of this was the Xin who ended up freeing my own Xin from this dungeon. It probably didn’t hurt with their merge either that my Xin had been infected with karma forcing her to act like the other Xin at the time they merged. It might not have gone as smoothly otherwise, as the dungeon might have resisted more.

“Is it really so hard to consider?” Elaya asked. “How do you resurrect someone?”

“You find their soul and bring it back. If they have a body, it’s rather simple and you can just repair the damage to the body and put them back into it. If they have a body but its not with you, it functions more like a summoning, bringing their body to you and then recreating it, so you don’t end up with corpses lying around. If you don’t have a body as it was destroyed, then you have to create one with mana. Each version is increasingly difficult and requires a lot more mana, so lower-level priests can’t manage it.”

“Yes… but how do you start? How do you know who to resurrect?”

“You’d need some part of them. A piece of hair, a drop of blood, some items they used frequently. A bond works as well, such as the Slave Bond.”

“It isn’t so complicated. What you ultimately need is their mana signature.” Elaya explained.

“Of course! That’s how it is!”

She didn’t need to explain anymore. It worked under the same concept as the Map, Portal, or just about anything else in this world. Mana had a signature to it, and no two people were alike. The native Fae from this planet had a mana signature too much like the native flora and fauna. Thus, they rapidly broke up and became mixed into the life force of the planet, making resurrection for them impossible. I theorized that you might be able to resurrect if you were fast enough and high-level enough, but compared to those that came from other worlds, they only had one chance.

Mana was used to map out areas, and that same mana was infused into Cartographers, which was why their job had a slightly magical element to it. That’s why a map from earth didn’t work, while a map from this world made by a cartographer did and was ultimately more valuable. In the same way, mana was used to find the soul and summon it. You could get that signature from many different places. However, what did that have to do with Faeyna cleaning?

Elaya didn’t say more, so I figured she wanted me to think about this on my own. It didn’t take long before I understood. Faeyna had taken a bin where she had swept everything and then set it on fire. She started to put all of her belongings in there, although she had packed far more meagerly than anyone else. She still didn’t hesitate to burn everything that she wasn’t wearing.

“She’s destroying anything attached to herself.” I realized. “If anything remained, then she could be resurrected by the Demon Lord Aberis. She intended to make things permanent.”

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