My Girlfriend Is Very Good to Me

96 - My Girlfriend's Possessiveness and Jealousy (2)

96 - My Girlfriend's Possessiveness and Jealousy (2)

TL: looloo

Schedule: 4/Week Mon-Thu

Illustrations: Here

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After that, we exchanged some pointless small talk before parting ways and I returned home. It would have been nice to have a drink, but these guys had been hopping from one drinking party to another and were out of drinking money.

So, we left with a promise to gather everyone and meet up after the semester started when we had time, since everyone would be quite busy from now on. As for me, I would be holed up at home studying as usual, busy if I was busy, and free if I was free.

Coming back home, I was surprised by the profound loneliness I felt eating alone, so I settled for dinner with soy sauce kimchi fried rice that my sister taught me to make.

Then, as usual, I focused on my studies until around 10 p.m.

-The phone rang with a video call from Heena. I straightened up and lifted the phone to my eyes to answer the call, and Heena's face appeared amidst noisy surroundings.

Even though I had seen her that morning, her pretty smile made me smile unknowingly.


─Yeonho~ Are you done studying?

"Yeah, I was about to take a break. What about you? It sounds really noisy there."

─Today's schedule is over, and now it's time for drinking.

"Really? Did you drink a lot?"

I asked while looking at Heena's skin, which seemed to sparkle even through the screen. Heena doesn't show it when she drinks a lot, so it's hard to tell just by looking at her face.

─No. What's the fun in drinking without you... Just had a couple and resting in a corner.

"I heard they force you to drink a lot at those things."

─Hmm~ Maybe for the guys? They don't do that much to the girls.

"That's good. Made a lot of friends?"

─Sort of? But I miss you so much more~

"I miss you too. The house feels too big without you. Ah... How am I going to survive tomorrow?"

─Really? Should I come over right now?! I feel like dying too!

"How would you get here? You don't have a car."

─Still... Plus, I'm starting to miss your kisses... Can you give me one now?



Well, there was no one around to see, so it was fine. In the past, I even recorded and sent her videos.


─Mmm~ Muah!

So, I made a kissing sound and mimicked a kiss on the screen. Then, Heena did the same, returning the gesture.

While we were exchanging kisses.

─Pfft! Hey, Lee Heena. You guys are really cute together.

"Who's that?"

Damn. I thought we were alone and didn't feel embarrassed about it, but then I heard an unknown girl's voice next to Heena. Holy sh*t!

─Yeah, her name is Lia. We just became friends earlier.

─Hello~ I'm Park Lia! From today, I'm Lee Heena's best friend!

─Not really.

─Isn't that too decisive?

"Hello. I'm Heena's boyfriend."

It was a bit embarrassing to show that side of us, but I was relieved to see that Heena seemed to have made a friend.

It might seem like a motherly concern, but Heena often treated her peers with a rather indifferent attitude, including her high school friends. So, sometimes I worried about her.

After a while of hearing the two bicker over the screen, the friend named Lia continued talking.

─But your boyfriend is kinda cute~ Didn't you say we're the same age? Kinda my type-


─Oh, no! Not my type, not my type! Just that you two seem well-suited for each other!

─...Really? Is that so? Hehe, thanks for saying that~

"What's going on?"

Heena's voice suddenly became chilly in response to her friend's teasing, making even me feel a bit cold. I cautiously asked, and Heena's demeanor quickly softened again.

Was that brief glimpse the scary Heena that Suhwang and Yoonsung talked about...?

─Uh, nothing. Is it okay if we talk a bit longer?

"I don't mind, but can you keep holding onto your phone there?"

─I've refused to drink a few times already. So now, they don't come to me as much.

─I said I had to call my boyfriend to refuse... Well, it's hard for anyone to bother Heena since she flaunts everything from her profile picture to her ring.

Heena's profile picture was probably of us hugging and kissing. With a ring on and such a profile picture, it wouldn't be easy for anyone to bother her. Though there might still be some who try, I believed Heena could handle them well. She's always been straightforward.

Somehow, the three of us ended up chatting. Lia, who occasionally appeared next to Heena on my screen, seemed like a nice girl with long hair as impressive as Heena's.

At first glance, she had the kind of vibe that made you think, "Ah, she seems nice," possibly similar to my type. Maybe that's why she and Heena got along?

─There's a sports day tomorrow, so I might not be able to contact you often... But I'll send a message whenever I can.

"Only do it when you're free. Have fun."

"How can I have fun without you?"

─...Maybe I came here for nothing. I'm getting goosebumps from this cringy couple.

─We should start wrapping up soon! Those who want to drink more, head to the restaurant. Everyone else, to your rooms!

While we were still talking, a loud announcement about disbanding the gathering came from somewhere in the background. They both stood up, signaling it was time to say goodbye.

─We'll leave now. Good night, Yeonho. Love you!

"Yeah, love you too. Sleep well."

─See you next time! You two live near the school, right? Introduce me.

─No way.

The call ended with those words. It seemed my worries were unfounded, and Heena even made a close friend.

Above all, it was relieving to see that Heena, who had been so reluctant to attend, seemed to somewhat enjoy the event. Despite saying she wanted to come back right away, her expression didn't seem too bad, after all.

Now, the only remaining problem was that despite having this call, I still felt lonely.

It was a real issue. The video call only intensified my desire to see Heena, to hold her soft body tightly in my arms.

Looks like I'll have to hug a pillow to sleep tonight and the next.

So, engulfed in excruciating loneliness, I finally managed to fall asleep.

The next day.

On the second day of Heena's absence, I was practically dead at home. I had no inclination to play any games, and I spent the whole day glued to studying, repeatedly glancing at the bed where Heena and I shared various affectionate moments.

Today, probably because of the event, there were hardly any messages from Heena since noon.

What could I possibly do in this situation?


Suddenly, this came to mind. A video of Heena imitating a cat that I had received before. I watched it countless times, seeing her slightly more innocent appearance than now.

Although Heena in the video was extremely cute, watching it made me feel even emptier.

I really missed the real Heena...!

Suffering from a lack of Heena, I endured such hellish times until lunch on the last day.

Unexpectedly, Heena's orientation schedule, which seemed to have affected me far more than it did her, finally ended. Unable to wait calmly at home for her return, I got dressed and went to meet her at the school.

Worried about missing each other since I came without contacting her, fortunately, it seemed the timing was perfect. After a few minutes of loitering near the entrance amidst the noticeable commotion, I thought she would soon appear.

Not long after, I saw Heena rushing out, a step ahead of others. Her urgency, clearly to meet me, brought a smile to my face.

Heena, seeing me near the entrance, ran to me with a bright face and hugged me.


Holding my girlfriend, who fit perfectly in my arms, felt like filling the gaping void in my heart these past few days.

This softness, her breath, her warm body temperature revived me from being like a corpse.

-I nodded gently to greet people who seemed to be Heena's peers. They all looked over, wondering what was going on as they passed by.

Among them, I thought I caught a glimpse of Lia, looking a bit surprised. She didn't say anything and just passed by, seeing our atmosphere.

And from the men passing by at a distance, I could subtly feel glances filled with envy and jealousy. Though it was a bit uncomfortable, such attention was an inevitable part of dating Heena. Even passing people would look at us like that.

I quietly held her until everyone had passed by. Then, when there was almost no one around, I spoke to her, her face buried in my chest, taking deep breaths.

"Did you have a good trip?"

"Sniff... Haa... Yes~ Yeonho's scent..."

"Wait, that's unfair, hogging it all to yourself. I need my Heena recharge too."

"Uh-huh~ Wanna do it here? Should I hug you?"

"Let's go home and do it. I really can't wait anymore."

"Hehe, okay~ Thanks for coming to meet me."

"I came because I wanted to see you, what's there to thank me for."

As soon as we got home, we embraced each other as if trying to compensate for the time we were apart. Even if we didn't do anything explicit, just longing for each other was palpable.

However, the thought that this separation was hard enough, what would happen if I really went to the military? Just three days apart was this unbearable. And it wasn't even three days; we hadn't seen each other's faces for just one full day.

Such thoughts began to insidiously creep in. Should I really get Heena pregnant so I could possibly get out of military service through active duty? Considering it was something Heena also hoped for, it wasn't entirely a bad thought.

"I'm here."


Thinking about getting my girlfriend pregnant because I'm scared of not seeing her seemed a bit low, and as I reflected on this, Heena, with her face buried in my chest, spoke up.

"It's my selfishness but... could you possibly take a break from studying tonight?"

"I guess one day wouldn't hurt. Why?"

"While I was there, I really missed you. I wanted to touch you, kiss you... even now, it feels so insufficient."

Saying so, she looked up at me with moist eyes.

"Can you keep hugging and kissing me until we fall asleep tonight?"

That was something I would have liked to request myself. So I teasingly responded.

"That's not possible. I plan to kiss you so much you won't be able to sleep."

"Hehe... Yes. As much as you want, Yeonho. It's okay if we don't sleep, as much as you like."

As soon as Heena finished speaking, I pulled her head closer and our lips met.

Throughout the night, passionately.

March came.

It was a month of new beginnings for many, and for me, my first day at a part-time job was just around the corner. I considered the work I did at Yoonsung's place as just helping out.

Perhaps as a reaction to being apart during the orientation, Heena and I were living much closer than before, as if we were one body. Except for when using the bathroom, it seemed we were always together. Honestly, there was a time Heena tried to follow me even to the bathroom, but even so, that was a bit much.

Anyhow, as Heena's new semester and my first day at work approached.

I went to the café for my first day at work, excited for the new experience. After greeting the manager and Jia, I changed into the uniform and began to learn the ropes, one step at a time.

I couldn't bring myself to look up at Jia, who was kindly teaching me the job, because I was too embarrassed.

"You must really like Mr. Yeonho."

"...I'm sorry for my Heena..."

Arriving at the café a bit later than me, she ordered a cup of coffee and sat down, constantly looking my way.

All thanks to my girlfriend.

Author's Note:

The orientation feels like such a distant memory, I can hardly remember it... The days without Heena will be elaborated a bit more in a later part about Heena. It won't be significantly longer, though.

I thought about dividing the subheadings between Heena's orientation part and the jealousy part in detail, but the segments didn't split neatly, so I combined them into one.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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