My Inner Thoughts Are Heard by the Entire Noble Academy

Chapter 101: She just heard the voice of Shi Li.

Chapter 101

During the Chinese New Year period, Youngest Uncle Shi and his wife had been staying at the Old Mansion, keeping the Old Lady company.

Eldest Uncle Shi and Eldest Aunt lived with the elderly lady, and even though they were particularly unwilling to see this couple, they accepted it for the Old Lady's sake.

Because they were staying at the Old Mansion for the New Year, Youngest Uncle Shi's stepdaughter couldn't possibly be brought over.

After the New Year, Youngest Uncle Shi and Hong Yan showed no intention of moving out, seemingly planning to stay permanently.

The villa they were currently living in was under the Old Lady's name, so Eldest Aunt couldn't make a move to drive her brother-in-law's family away.

She was so unwilling to see Hong Yan that she even considered moving out of the Old Mansion herself.

At this point, Eldest Aunt envied Shi Li's family, noting how foresighted the second brother and his wife were.

Just before school started, Song Ying was finally brought over by Youngest Uncle Shi and Hong Yan.

Eldest Aunt didn't like Hong Yan, but she felt quite sympathetic towards this girl who wasn't favored by Hong Yan.

Hong Yan was completely indifferent to this daughter, and Youngest Uncle Shi was only a stepfather, unable to take care of everything. Even if he thought of something, he couldn't say it.

After all, there should be distance between a grown girl and her father, and he was only a stepfather.

Youngest Uncle Shi asked his sister-in-law for help. While Eldest Aunt didn't like her brother-in-law and Hong Yan, she knew the child was innocent.

So she gave comprehensive instructions to the Nanny to prepare clothes, shoes, socks, schoolbags, stationery, and other necessities for Song Ying...

Her eldest daughter had long since grown up and moved out, and while preparing all this for Song Ying, she surprisingly found herself recalling the feeling of taking care of her own daughter.

On the first day of school, Shi Li's family driver went to the Old Mansion to pick up Song Ying.

As for accompanying her to meet the principal, director, and teachers, as they had done when Liang Rongrong transferred schools, that wasn't going to happen.

The enrollment procedures had already been completed; Shi Li just needed to take her to register.

This was the first time Shi Li had taken someone to register for school, a situation that hadn't occurred in her previous life.

In her past life, Shi Li hadn't interfered with her uncle's family matters, and Song Ying had been enrolled in a very poor vocational school.

Vocational school students didn't like studying and preferred to spend their time on non-academic activities, which of course included bullying classmates.

Song Ying was a transfer student who didn't seem to come from a wealthy family. She was easy to bully and didn't fight back, so she became the target of collective bullying.

Shi Li didn't know if Song Ying had told Hong Yan about being bullied at school after returning home, but she guessed that even if she did tell Hong Yan, Hong Yan wouldn't have taken it seriously.

Perhaps Hong Yan would have told Song Ying, "Why don't they bully others? Why do they only bully you? It must be your problem. You should look for reasons within yourself."

Bullied by classmates at school and with no help from her mother at home, Song Ying jumped to her death during her senior year of high school.

Since Youngest Uncle Shi and Hong Yan moved into the Old Mansion, Shi Li had rarely returned there.

Song Ying had almost no presence in the Old Mansion. She knew she wasn't part of the family and had never appeared at the Shi family gatherings.

Shi Li didn't have many impressions of her; in her memory, she was a girl who liked to walk with a hunched back, shoulders tucked in, and head down.

Later, after her death, at the funeral where an enlarged black and white photo was displayed, Shi Li saw her face clearly for the first time. She was a very pretty girl, with large eyes under willow-leaf eyebrows, her eyes seemingly full of fear.

Opening the car door, the black and white face from her memory came to life before Shi Li.

Shi Li smiled gently at her, "You must be Song Ying."

"He-hello, I'm Song Ying."

Song Ying's clothes and shoes were all new, bought by the Nanny at Eldest Aunt's reminder.

Shi Li moved over a bit, making room for about half a person, "Get in the car first, we can talk inside."

Song Ying obediently sat in the car, her hands restlessly fidgeting on her knees. Shi Li noticed that while the back of her hands was fair, her palms had many calluses - hands that had done a lot of housework and farm work.

"I'll take you to register in a bit. You'll be in the same class as me. If you have any questions, you can ask me. Our classmates and teachers are all very nice, so don't be afraid. If anyone bullies you, either in or out of school, tell me, and I'll get someone to beat them up."

Song Ying sincerely thanked Shi Li, "Thank you, I'm sorry for the trouble."

"It's no trouble at all."

The teaching director knew a transfer student was coming today and had made preparations.

After Shi Li brought Song Ying to the teaching director's office and signed some documents, they were handed over to the Class Teacher.

The Class Teacher thus learned that this was a relative of Shi Li's family.

On the way back to the classroom, Shi Li said to the Class Teacher, "Song Ying is a new student. Let her sit in the seat near the podium. It'll be convenient for her to get to know the teachers and classmates."

The seat near the podium was currently unoccupied, and since they weren't taking someone else's spot, the Class Teacher naturally had no objections.

"Alright, I'll have one of our male students bring over a desk and chair. If Song Ying is okay with it, we'll let her sit near the podium."

The Class Teacher always placed great importance on students' autonomy. Even though this suggestion came from his precious top student, he still wanted to ask for Song Ying's opinion first.

Song Ying smiled softly at both of them, "That's fine, I don't mind."

【Super ultra-premium VIP seat, I've secured it for you. Make sure to study hard, okay?】

Song Ying heard Shi Li's voice but didn't notice that it was different from her usual speaking tone. She obediently replied, "Thank you, big sister. I'll listen attentively in class."

The Class Teacher inwardly exclaimed, realizing that this new female student could also hear Shi Li's thoughts.

After a long time, he could now distinguish which were Shi Li's spoken words and which were her thoughts.

The words Shi Li had just thought in her mind had eerily matched up with the girl's response.

Shi Li was a bit puzzled as to why Song Ying would report to her that she would listen attentively in class.

Although strange, it was logical - promising family members before school starts that one would pay attention in class.

"Studying isn't the most important thing. The most important thing about going to school is to be happy. As long as you can be happy, that's what matters."

On the way back to the classroom, the Class Teacher was on pins and needles, even walking at double speed.

He was afraid that Shi Li might think something internally, and Song Ying might take it as Shi Li speaking, potentially revealing some issues while conversing with Shi Li.

Back in the classroom, the Class Teacher introduced the new student to the class.

After a brief meet-and-greet, he took Song Ying out, ostensibly for an enrollment talk.

In reality, he took her to the office to tell her that she had gained an unusual ability to hear Shi Li's thoughts. The words she had heard earlier weren't spoken by Shi Li out loud, but were what Shi Li was thinking.

Song Ying's usually timid face now showed a hint of shock.

The Class Teacher, fearing she wouldn't believe him, was on the verge of swearing an oath, "It's true, I'm not lying to you."

Mini Scene:

Song Ying: Guys, who understands? My new Class Teacher is totally bonkers.

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