My Inner Thoughts Are Heard by the Entire Noble Academy

Chapter 106: What Did the Class Teacher Do to the Students

Chapter 106

It was indeed necessary to keep this a secret from Shi Li.

The other students, especially classmates, loved to share with Song Ying about how to extract information from Shi Li.

As the classmates chatted more and more, the class teacher, smiling happily in front of the screen, suddenly realized something was amiss. He was a teacher; how could he join in the mischief with these little rascals?

It was all Principal Lu's fault. Because of gossiping with the students, he had developed an incorrect perception of his own identity.

While interesting gossip was important, the future of his students was what he should be more concerned about.

Gossiping with these kids every day, he had almost forgotten that they were students and he was a teacher. His task was to supervise the students' studies and help them all get into better universities.

He had given these kids a strong dose of medicine before the winter break, and he couldn't let things go back to how they were as soon as school started again.

So, as the administrator, he enabled the mute mode for everyone and said:

[You are students, and your current task is to study. Things outside of studying will be handled by the teachers, so you don't need to worry about these matters.]

The class monitor thought, "You weren't saying this just now. How quickly you've changed your attitude."

As the group owner, out of respect for the teacher's position, he didn't mute or kick the teacher from the group.

He also considered that the teacher was thinking about the students' grades, so he pretended not to see this message, which was the greatest respect the class monitor could show the teacher.

After the teacher's message, no one in the group spoke again. It was unclear if anyone had taken the teacher's words to heart.

But regardless of whether the students listened or not, the teacher's desire to improve the class's overall performance wasn't just talk.

The next day after school started, the teacher announced from the podium that from now on, their class would follow the same schedule as the third-year students, with two additional self-study periods after school.

Students who had other study plans after school could apply to him with a handwritten note from their parents.

The teacher had never taught students with poor grades before. He couldn't stand this frustration and was determined to raise the class's average score this year.

These words were supposed to be announced during the first morning self-study session on the first day of school, but due to the arrival of a new student, he had been busy welcoming and introducing the class to the newcomer, with a particular focus on introducing Shi Li.

The prepared speech could only be delivered on the second day after school started.

When the teacher announced the extended school hours, most of the students were unhappy.

Shi Li didn't mind much. She would be doing homework anyway, and there wasn't much difference between doing it at school or at home.

Even for her, studying efficiency was higher in the classroom than at home. By studying at school, she could finish her homework earlier.

After returning home, she would have more time to watch dramas and read novels.

Among the other students, Gao Yun was the only one unaffected by the new policy. She still had extra classes every evening this semester. She even hoped the teacher would implement a mandatory attendance policy for class self-study sessions, which would actually make things easier for her.

However, this thought was just a passing idea. Her grades had improved by ten places last semester, with a significant rise in her school ranking.

The improvement in grades proved that effort pays off, and everything was worth it.

Having tasted the sweetness of improved grades last semester, she wanted her performance to continue steadily rising. There was only one way to achieve that: continue to work hard.

The teacher didn't have much authority among the students due to Principal Lu's interest in his position, but no one openly questioned him this time.

Students who wanted to improve their grades wouldn't publicly oppose, and there wasn't a single person in the entire class who didn't want to enhance their performance.

After all, the bait of staying in the same class as Shi Li after the class reassignment was too tempting for anyone to refuse.

Moreover, two additional self-study periods meant more time to spend with Shi Li, which also meant more opportunities to hear her inner thoughts.

Even if Shi Li didn't gossip, just hearing her internal complaints was interesting (as long as she wasn't going on about Brother Yunhe).

The self-study sessions the teacher mentioned weren't just for students to read books and do homework.

There were two full periods. In the first period, he gave students extra math lessons, and the second period was for students to digest the content of the previous lesson, with the opportunity to discuss any unclear points with him.

The math content the teacher taught was quite impressive.

On the first night of following the third-year students' schedule, only half of the class was present; the others had one-on-one tutoring.

When word spread that the teacher would be teaching math in the first period, a third more students showed up the next day, pushing their original one-on-one sessions back by an hour and a half.

As a result, everyone was exhausted.

The teacher, without any extra pay, voluntarily taught students every night.

The students' learning time increased, and their homework time was inadvertently extended as well.

Shi Li was among the faster students when it came to homework, but even she was going to bed half an hour later. It was even worse for others.

The time she had initially imagined for watching dramas and reading novels had now become non-existent.

If there was a next life, she hoped she could skip the high school period altogether.

She had gone through this grueling high school life more than once.

In her previous life, she killed pigs, and in this life, she was reborn. In another life, she killed people, and in this one, she was reborn back in high school.

Shi Li wasn't the only one suffering. Many students in the class had to go for private tutoring after finishing the first self-study period.

Last semester, they were still slacking off in class and skipping lessons to gossip as a group.

This semester, they had skipped the stage of trying hard and went straight to the point of forgetting to eat and sleep.

Shi Li didn't know that everything was because of her. Seeing the completely transformed class atmosphere, she was deeply shocked.

"Wow, I didn't know our classmates could be this serious," Shi Li thought to herself.

She couldn't help but wonder what the teacher had done to the entire class.

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