My interracial harem of beautiful queens

Chapter 149 Battle of words

Chapter 149 Battle of words

Additional chapter.


Thank you very much, reader Swcowboy, for supporting the book.


Chaos Empire. Queen of Demons' Castle.

Adam sat in the throne room, or more precisely, on the throne. On his lap sat his mother, who now also called herself his wife, and she fed Adam grapes as if she were a concubine from those movies. From time to time, she rubbed her behind against his younger brother, eliciting a reaction from him that only delighted the mischievous Demons Queen even more.

She was dressed in rather ordinary clothing, clearly from Ricky's production. She wore a clean white blouse and a short checkered skirt with black knee-high socks and red shoes. It seemed that even fashion had reached the Chaos Empire, but something told Adam that it had all been stolen from conquered cities. The first thing that comes to mind is Varasima and its king, who was killed quite brutally.

When Kasumi learned about it, horror showed on her face, but after a few minutes of reassurance from Adam, she became calm. However, her daughter, Mia, showed absolutely no reaction, or to be more precise, she smiled, and it was such a contented smile that it left him stunned.

Returning to the present... Adam was trying to figure out what to do. An hour ago, he had acted like a true alpha male, but as soon as the effect of lust had passed, a cold sweat pierced him to the core. Despite Veronica's current kindness and care, feeding him rare fruits like grapes, which were hard to come by in this world, if Adam even hinted at the topic of women, she immediately emitted her terrifying aura and said that she would not allow unworthy women into his life.

"This is problematic... Casanova, as a good older brother, couldn't you have fixed your sister?" Adam thought desperately, clutching his head. He felt the headache starting to kill him from the inside: "Guh-h-h..."

"A-a-a~" a voice sounded from the side. It was Veronica, who brought a bunch of black grapes to his mouth and smiled brightly, like a caring mother. "Come on, eat... this grape is over a thousand years old and saturated with magic. So you can be sure it's very delicious!"

"Uh, yeah, thanks," Adam replied gloomily, opening his mouth and allowing himself to be fed. While he chewed the grapes and then swallowed, he thought, "Damn, I feel like that clichéd womanizer villain."


On the other side, Amarantha stared at Nirena and then at Iliantra with a grim look. From these women, she could smell Adam's scent. It was very faint on Nirena, while Iliantra strongly exuded it. She sighed and placed her hand on her forehead, then suspiciously sniffed and turned towards Sierra.

"What's the matter, Amarantha?" The woman smiled friendly at her but received an unfriendly glare. "W-what? Why are you looking at me as if I'm your enemy?"

"Nothing..." The black-haired elf replied and snorted. "I thought you wouldn't fall for his charms."

"What? What are you talking about?"

Amarantha waved her hand and took a step forward. They were in the ruined Varasima, ignoring all the blood-soaked buildings, and they approached the destroyed defensive wall. From here, it was the closest position to infiltrate the Chaos Empire, but undoubtedly, it would be too dangerous. However, neither Amarantha nor Sierra showed even a moment's hesitation.

"I can't let my husband stay with that lunatic," thought Amarantha.

"I can't leave a valuable male asset in the hands of that lunatic," thought Sierra.

In general, their thoughts aligned - they were almost the same in the end. Without any worries, they crossed an invisible border and keenly sensed a weak magic disturbance, which was very insignificant, as if a stray hair had been lost. However, the women easily detected this change thanks to their magic, and Sierra was the first to do so.

"Tracking... Information Transfer... Surveillance. These three spells were combined into one small thread that spread throughout the entire Chaos Empire. Tsk, tsk, tsk... what crazy and horrifying abilities this lady has," Sierra muttered with obvious displeasure.

"Whose cow would moo..." Nirena muttered, looking at Sierra's impressively large bust.

(A/N: Sierra - I-cup, Nirena - H-cup, Iliantra and Amarantha - G-cup)

A soft whooshing sound filled the air. Sierra turned with a bright smile, while Amarantha frowned. Before they stood Veronica, radiating an impressive aura... but she was dressed in the high school girl's Japanese anime uniform.





Adam sat in the throne room, and in front of him sat a man on a stool. He was dressed in classic mage attire, which looked worn. He had gray skin and a gloomy face, and a foul odor of rotten fish emanated from him. Fragments of a dream where he had seen this man crossed Adam's mind.

"Lucius... I don't even know how to greet you," Adam muttered softly, but Lucius heard him quite well and raised his head. They locked eyes. "You... as I recall, had the magic to restore magic from the bodies of the deceased, right?"

"Hmm. Yes. Why. Mirethasil," he replied with clear doubt.

"Can you use it on me?" Adam asked, narrowing his eyes. "Oh, and... I'm Adam now. Call me that, okay?"

"Weird. Name. Adam. Understood," he nodded and asked again, "Can. But. Dangerous. Die."

"So, I could die?" Adam nodded... he understood Lucius's speech very well.

Adam closed his eyes and tapped his temple, feeling irritation. His memories had been jumbled into one heap: those from his previous life had long been filtered out, leaving only the necessary information. The fragments of memories from the owner of this body, which he might have been, were fragmented and caused many problems, such as with Veronica. Although he was very curious, it could also be dangerous.

"What's the danger of using it, even if everything goes well?" he asked Lucius.

"Weird. No. Need," Lucius replied, frowning. "Body. Transfer. You?"

"Hmm? No, I haven't transferred bodies, but it seems that an unknown soul settled in me during a practice session," Adam replied, sincerely stretching the truth.


Lucius panicked on his face and suddenly appeared next to him. Unlike the situation with Veronica where he couldn't see her movements, he saw Lucius' teleportation as if he had simply walked over. The second prince grabbed Adam's hand, and Lucius' hand began to glow.

"What's this?" Adam asked, tilting his head. He sensed unease and panic from Lucius and was somewhat puzzled by his genuine concern.

"Check. Basic. Skill," Lucius replied and fell silent. After a few moments, he sighed in relief and stepped back, looking at Adam reproachfully. "Stupid. Be. Careful. Soul."

"Yes, I'll be careful. I'm sorry," Adam felt awkward as he apologized.


Lucius nodded in satisfaction and retreated, returning to his stool. The second prince closed his eyes and appeared contemplative, then asked a question.

"Why. Memories?"

"Well, I was curious if I could extract any useful information from those memories," Adam said and furrowed his brow. "But if it's so dangerous, I should put that idea on hold."

"Right. No. Risks," Lucius agreed with Adam's conclusion. "Better. Develop. Magic."

"Yes, I'm working on that. My talent for magic has recently strengthened, and now I can even combine them!"

"Adam. Talent. Help. I."

"You'll help me? Thank you very much."

Adam smiled at Lucius, and the second prince smiled back. Adam experienced unfamiliar emotions of relying on an older brother.

"Unusual," Adam thought.


At the same time, there was a battle among the women. Not a physical battle but a competition to see who knew Adam's character better, his favorite and least favorite foods, as well as his hobbies. The lineup was as follows: Iliantra and Nirena remained silent, while Sierra, Amarantha, and Veronica mostly did the talking.

"He loves sweet food!" Sierra declared, giving her ample bosom a light pat.



Veronica and Amarantha shook their heads, and Sierra sighed in disappointment, saying, "I missed again."

"Adam likes spicy food, as well as an unusual dish called 'gata.' He prefers its salty version," Amarantha answered, puffing out her chest proudly.

"Eh? What's this 'gata' you're talking about, your 'gata'?" Sierra and Veronica asked in surprise.

"I don't know where he got this recipe, but he says a friend taught it to him. Since then, he strongly remembers the salty taste, which became his favorite, although he also praised the sweet taste. I even prepared it for him once!"

Veronica gritted her teeth, while Sierra shrugged. The Queen of Nymphs had participated in this because she thought it would be fun, but she could only guess one thing: that Adam could be assertive at times. However, it was unclear whether it was just luck or based on her own experience.

Veronica looked disappointed. She could only name two characteristics of her son, while Amarantha had already listed over fifty facts. She felt like she was losing. During her contemplation, something suddenly struck her...


...that she had never taken an interest in his interests.

"Am I a terrible mother?" She thought and suddenly felt disappointed. "Maybe that's why he doesn't acknowledge me? Although, I guess I don't need to play the role of a mother anymore... Ah! I've decided, I'll become his wife! That way, I'll get to know him better, hehe."

Her logic was a bit flawed, to say the least. Nevertheless, she looked confident, and her train of thought led her to this conclusion.

Amarantha snorted and looked proud as if she had won the lottery. Among all the women, she knew Adam the best because she had spent the most time with him, and Adam often shared his thoughts with her. This revelation somewhat disappointed Veronika.

To be continued...

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