My Lady, To Defeat Scumbags You Must Start Early

Chapter 402: 342: Yin Qin’s “Romantic” Proposal to Luo Xiaolang

Chapter 402: 342: Yin Qin’s “Romantic” Proposal to Luo Xiaolang

Translator: 549690339

Yin Family’s villa.

Xin Zaozao noticed that Song Zhizhi seemed overwhelmed, and decided to drop the subject.

Song Zhizhi really was feeling quite devastated.

She thought to herself, if there was no good news this month, Ji Baijian might truly lose himself in despair!

Xin Zaozao quickly changed the topic, turning to Luo Xiaolang, “Xiaolang, how’s your health?”

“Oh, I’m in good shape,” Luo Xiaolang replied. “My wounds were all external and have healed quite quickly.”

“Your body seems to have recovered well,” Xin Zaozao noted.

Only a month had passed, and she had slimmed down significantly. Although she was still not as fit as before, she definitely didn’t look like a woman who had just given birth a month ago!

“That’s because I’m naturally robust,” Luo Xiaolang stated rather matter-of-factly.

Xin Zaozao chuckled.

She always admired Luo Xiaolang, finding her simple life in this complex world refreshing and unblemished.

Xiaolang never concerned herself with manipulations, romantic intrigues, or resentments.

Her life had always been simple, from the very beginning.

“Zaozao,” Song Zhizhi had been fascinated by the adorable baby tiger all along and abruptly turned to Xin Zaozao. “Have you decided to start over with Baili?”

“No, not at all,” Xin Zaozao hurriedly clarified. “It was Yin Qin who wanted to play matchmaker, so he invited both Baili and me over today. But the truth is, there’s no possibility for Baili and me anymore. I did think that maybe someday, after everyone had let go of their prejudices, we could have a fresh start, but now… in reality, I never imagined myself back together with Baili from the start. I think I’m better off alone.”

“You’re just not over it yet,” Song Zhizhi said, without pushing the subject. “Anyway, you’re the one leading your life. Don’t worry too much about what other people think.”

“Yes, I understand,” Xin Zaozao nodded.

The three women spent quite some time chatting in the room.

The baby tiger would alternate between sleeping, waking up, eating, and then sleeping again.

Until evening fell.

The weather in Jin City had been quite good these days.

Despite the beginning of winter, the sun had been surprisingly brilliant.

So the nights were too, unusually beautiful.

There were twinkling stars, and the Milky Way was radiant.

After everyone had had dinner,

Yin Qin insisted that they all stay, mysteriously leading everyone to the backyard.

Under the picturesque celestial backdrop, the backyard now twinkled with neon lights, casting a flickering glow.

Arrayed on the ground, in the flickering neon light, were red candles forming a heart shape. The heart was filled with vibrant roses, save a small spot at its center.

At this scene, everyone seemed to understand why Yin Qin had been so secretive.

Yin Qin then turned to Luo Xiaolang.

Luo Xiaolang was completely absorbed in the spectacle, utterly clueless about everything else.

Suddenly, Yin Qin grasped Luo Xiaolang’s hand.

Luo Xiaolang was startled. She looked at Yin Qin in bewilderment.

Yin Qin had been known for some strange behaviors.

For example, he would occasionally insist on sleeping in her room, sometimes acting quite affectionate, and other times seemingly repulsed by the sight of her.

In short,

To Luo Xiaolang, Yin Qin was fickle.

Yin Qin didn’t know what Luo Xiaolang was thinking. From the moment he started planning this romantic event, he’d been so excited and for no particular reason. He felt like everyone would be moved by his action. He’d intentionally invited so many people over today, certainly to flaunt in front of them. Yet for some strange reason, he was feeling nervous now.

He couldn’t understand why his heart was racing.

He just looked at Luo Xiaolang and saw that even though she was a mother now, her face still had its youthful innocence. Although not traditionally beautiful and somewhat burly, it was clear at first glance that she was still very young and innocent.

Luo Xiaolang started to feel uncomfortable under Yin Qin’s stare.

The next moment, she found herself being pulled by Yin Qin towards the heart-shaped array of candles and roses.

Her heart seemed to beat a little faster.

Yin Qin was not much taller than her, probably just about 5-6 centimeters.

They could virtually look each other in the eyes.

“Luo Xiaolang,” Yin Qin suddenly spoke.

Luo Xiaolang looked at him.

“Although you’ve agreed to marry me, I feel like we still need to have a formal procedure.”

Then what?

Yin Qin saw Luo Xiaolang’s clueless face.

At this point, other women would probably burst into tears.

His Xiaolang was indeed slow on the uptake!

“I am officially proposing to you now,” Yin Qin announced. “Listen carefully to what I am about to say.”

Luo Xiaolang nodded.

She felt Yin Qin was being redundant.

She’d already agreed to him before, why was there a need for a “formal” proposal now? When she made a promise, she always held to it.

Yin Qin took a deep breath, seemingly to gather his emotions. After a while, he finally spoke, “Luo Xiaolang, from this day forward, I promise to take good care of you and to strive to love you. I pledge I won’t hit you, or yell at you, or bully you. I’ll ensure I won’t be seduced by any other woman, wholly devoting myself to you. From now on, there’ll be only one woman in my world, apart from my mother, and it’s you.”

A faint smile lingered on the corner of Qin Keqin’s mouth as she stood nearby.

Yin Qin could be unreliable at times, but his words occasionally moved her.

“I will be a competent husband, a worthy father, and I will make you the happiest woman in the world,” Yin Qin declared, emphasizing every syllable. He’d never poured out his feelings like this before.

Although he wasn’t completely in love with Luo Xiaolang yet, his promises were as precious as gold.

Ever since he’d decided to marry Luo Xiaolang, he had never given another woman a single thought, not even Ji Baixin! Despite his reservations about Xiaolang’s appearance, he’d already made up his mind that Luo Xiaolang would be his only woman.

With deep affection, he looked at Luo Xiaolang standing in front of him.

She should be touched.

She should be overwhelmingly touched.

For such a high-quality man as him to give up a forest full of opportunities for her sake, she should be moved to tears.

However, Luo Xiaolang merely stared at him, not uttering a word.

Yin Qin started feeling awkward.

Very awkward.

He asked in a low voice, “Xiaolang, did you hear me?”

“Oh,” Luo Xiaolang responded, indicating she’d heard.

Yin Qin was on the verge of collapse.

She’d ruined his only sincere confession in his life!

He felt a bit embarrassed.

After all, he’d done all this in front of the most important people in his life. It was a blow to his ego.

Suddenly, he cradled Xiaolang’s face in his hands.

Luo Xiaolang blinked.

The next moment,

Yin Qin leaned in for a kiss.

Luo Xiaolang blinked again.

In the evening glow, the moment was just like a beautiful scenery.

Everyone watched them.

After what felt like an eternity,

Yin Qin let go of Luo Xiaolang.

Actually, Luo Xiaolang’s heart was racing.

But she was able to appear nonchalant.

Yin Qin’s heartbeat was also racing. He didn’t know if it was because of proposing in public or something else. He couldn’t put his feelings into words. All he felt was a burning sensation on his face, a shyness he couldn’t define as he gazed at Luo Xiaolang’s soft lips.

He quickly calmed himself down.

He calmly got down on one knee.

Luo Xiaolang watched Yin Qin’s actions.

She saw him take out an exquisite little box from nowhere.

Inside the box was a crystal clear diamond ring, quite large and dazzlingly brilliant under the strobing neon lights.

Yin Qin said, “Luo Xiaolang, marry me. From this point forward, let me protect you!”

At that moment, Luo Xiaolang seemed to laugh a little.

Just this evening, the usually bewildered Luo Xiaolang laughed.

Yin Qin unknowingly started to smile too.

Luo Xiaolang didn’t seem very beautiful when she smiled, she didn’t have any makeup on or spent effort dolling herself up for the night. But why did she suddenly seem to be radiant and extraordinarily gorgeous at this moment?

Then he heard Luo Xiaolang say, “You can’t even beat me in a fight, how can you protect me?”

Yin Qin’s smile froze at the corners of his mouth.

He knew Luo Xiaolang never understood the concept of timing.

“But it doesn’t matter, I can protect you.” Luo Xiaolang suddenly crouched down.

Yin Qin’s eyes widened.

Luo Xiaolang was now at the same height as him.

Yin Qin was completely speechless.

Who ever heard of a woman crouching down during a marriage proposal, in such an unladylike fashion, appearing exceptionally tough?

Luo Xiaolang looked seriously at Yin Qin and said, “From now on, I won’t let anyone bully you.”

Damn it.

Those were supposed to be my lines.

“If anyone dares to bully you in the future, I will punch them.”

Why did he feel like he was the one being proposed to?

Yin Qin looked at Luo Xiaolang and her sincere eyes.

Alright then.

In any case, it doesn’t matter whether he protects her or she protects him any longer, because they would be married soon, and they would not discriminate between him and her.

He took out the diamond ring.

“Give me your hand.” Yin Qin reached out to Luo Xiaolang.

Luo Xiaolang extended her clenched fist.

“Open your hand.” Yin Qin said, at a loss.

Luo Xiaolang spread her fingers open.

Yin Qin slid the ring onto Luo Xiaolang’s ring finger.

Luo Xiaolang watched on.

In fact, she had always disliked any form of adornments on her person, but at this moment, she surprisingly quite liked it.

She couldn’t describe the sensation she felt but her heart felt a little warm.

Yin Qin held onto Luo Xiaolang’s hand.

Her hand was rougher than his, full of calluses. But at that moment, he inexplicably bent down and kissed the back of her hand.

Luo Xiaolang gazed directly at him, her eyes slightly stirring.

Yin Qin said, “Luo Xiaolang, consider this as your acceptance of my marriage proposal.”

“Yes.” Luo Xiaolang nodded her head.

She cooperated totally this time.

Yin Qin helped Luo Xiaolang to her feet.

Damn it, it was his first time seeing a ring exchange conducted with both parties crouching down.

Luo Xiaolang, this girl, was just so not suited for romance!

Although Yin Qin felt slightly dejected inside, he did not dwell on it too much. There was a sense that whatever outrageous things Luo Xiaolang did were expected. He always thought this acceptance was due to his full understanding of Luo Xiaolang’s habits, so he was prepared for everything and her tolerance was also growing with time!

But who knew if it was his likeness for her that allowed such unconditional acceptance.

The marriage proposal ceremony ended.

Yin Qin suddenly turned to the spectators, “There should be applause here.”

Everyone still clapped as expected.

Although the marriage proposal process was a bit ridiculous, some heartfelt sentiments were still very touching.

Yin Qin holds Luo Xiaolang’s hand.

He held her tightly, declaring to everyone, “From this point on, I’m also a married man. We’ve set the date for the wedding, it’s next year in March. The little tiger will also be a bit bigger by then, and Xiaolang’s health will be better. At that time, you all have to come on time!”

“Okay.” Everyone agreed and offered their blessings.

With this romantic interruption over.

Everyone returned to the main hall.

Ji Baijian said something to Song Zhizhi, then turned and walked off to the side.

Song Zhizhi watched Ji Baijian and Yin Qin’s father, Yin Bin’s silhouettes, she seems to have an inkling of what’s happening.

In the hall, Yin Qin has not stopped boasting about himself since the marriage proposal. Saying how handsome and rich he is, how gentle and clean-living, in short, he is praising himself to the skies.

Qin Keqin finally couldn’t take it anymore, “Can you be a little more humble!”

“Want me to be humble? But my abilities won’t allow it. Look at me, aren’t I handsome and romantic? Am I not the epitome of a perfect man?!”


“Mom, who talks like that about her own son?!” Yin Qin complained.

“Treat Xiaolang better in the future. If I hear that you’re not treating Xiaolang well, you’ll have me to deal with.” Shan threatened.

“Haven’t I been good to her? Haven’t you noticed that I’ve been bending over backward for her this whole time?”

“I haven’t noticed. What I’ve noticed is that Xiaolang has been bending over backward for you…”

“Mom! I’m your son!”

“Not anymore.”

“Are you kicking me out?!”

“Whack!” Shan smacked Yin Qin on the forehead.

“Mom, that hurts!”

“From now on, Luo Xiaolang is my daughter, and you are my son-in-law.”

That’s not fair!

The playful banter in the main hall between mother and son kept the atmosphere merry.

Xin Zaozao was quietly watching.

She no longer remembered what her mother looked like.

Ever since her mother left her and divorced her father, she hadn’t seen her again, hadn’t seen her at all…

She smiled faintly.

Suddenly, her hand was held by someone.

She turned and looked at Song Zhizhi.

Song Zhizhi was always sensitive, able to pick up on the mood of others.

She had gotten used to it, honestly.

It’s just that seeing Yin Qin and his mother interact stirred some envy within her.

Limited to envy, she never wished to have it.

She was especially indifferent to emotions now.

Outside the living room:

Yin Bin and Ji Baijian were in the teahouse outside the Yin Family’s villa.

They sat on the couch.

Ji Baijian said, “Uncle Yin, how are things on your side? What’s the situation within the Milky Way recently?”

“At present, all the directors are following Weng Cheng. He’s done an excellent job of winning people over. I had informally approached several directors, with whom I previously had good relations. Their common excuse was that Weng Cheng’s abilities were strong, he was trustworthy, it’s not that they didn’t trust me. It’s just that compared to Weng Cheng, who was young and promising, capable of supporting the Milky Way’s long-term development; I am already middle-aged and will eventually be replaced by the younger generation! The real reason is that they do not want to place their hopes on Yin Qin due to his inability.”

“It’s not merely due to Yin Qin, there is still someone behind the scenes pressuring them.”

“I am fully aware of that,” Yin Bin responded. “Right now, I’m pretending to compromise. I appear to be on the same page as my sister and Weng Cheng in order to get evidence of their behind-the-scenes collusion. However, they are very cautious. So far, I haven’t heard a word from Yin Ying or Weng Cheng about that person. Obtaining their handle is not as simple as I thought.”

Ji Baijian nodded, he asked, “Have you found any evidence regarding Weng Cheng’s kidnapping of Ji Baixin?”

“That’s even harder to unravel. The men who kidnapped Ji Baixin died in the hospital due to severe injuries. Although it’s a bit suspicious, they haven’t left any evidence behind. And the man who conducted the stock trade with me, as well as the person in charge of the bank, I’ve secretly investigated them. Both of them insist that Yin Ying asked them to do so, they don’t mention anyone else.”

“The only thing we can do is to gain absolute trust from Yin Ying and Weng Cheng.”

Yin Bin nodded, seeming to agree with Ji Baijian’s perspective.

Every conversation with Ji Baijian gave him a sense of familiarity; despite his youthful appearance.

Ji Baijian asked, “Uncle Yin, do you know how to gain the absolute trust of Yin Ying and Weng Cheng?”

“Transfer the shares.” Yin Bin took a sip of tea, understanding the implications.

Ji Baijian nodded, “Uncle Yin, don’t worry, I will compensate for any loss you suffer.”

“That won’t be necessary,” Yin Bin put down his tea cup and remarked, “Although this matter is somewhat involved with you, it’s essentially our family affairs. As for Yin Ying and Weng Cheng, I won’t let them off easily. Now I’m reasoning with them merely to help you.”

“Thank you, Uncle Yin.” Ji Baijian responded, “I’ll await your good news.”


Neither of them was a procrastinator; having settled matters, they stood up to leave.

Meanwhile, in the living room, Qin Keqin and Yin Qin were still having a heated debate.

Seeing Ji Baijian and Yin Bin appear,

Qin Keqin paused momentarily.

Yin Qin chuckled, “Miss Qin, there’s always something out there that will suppress the other!”

Qin Keqin didn’t look amused.

Yin Bin glanced at Qin Keqin, he plainly said, “It’s getting late, I should leave.”

“Dad, are you really going to live at Lin Ximeng’s house? Not going to stay here tonight?”

“Mind your own business.”

“I’m doing great, I get along well with Luo Xiaolang, don’t I?” Yin Qin was overly satisfied, “In the future, you’ll be alone, don’t feel lonely.”

Yin Bin glanced at his son disdainfully and walked out.

Looking at Yin Bin’s retreating figure, Qin Keqin was indifferent.

Yin Qin moved towards his mother, placed his hands on her shoulders, “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you for a lifetime. Don’t be sad.”

Qin Keqin swatted Yin Qin.

Yin Qin burst into laughter.

At this moment, Ji Baijian respectfully said, “Auntie, it’s getting late, I should take Zhizhi home.”

“We should leave as well.” Xin Zaozao and Ji Baili also rose.

“Alright, I won’t keep you any longer. Visit when you have time,” Qin Keqin said politely.

“Especially you, Ji Baijian.” Yin Qin interrupted, “My mum really likes your handsome face, really, she would occasionally tell me how good-looking you are!”

Ji Baijian was at a loss for words.

Song Zhizhi was quite gracious, “Well, I like your mother too.”

His emotional intelligence was still quite high.

Yin Qin pouted.

All the people gradually left.

Song Zhizhi and Ji Baijian took a sedan car to leave.

Xin Zaozao also got into her own sedan car.

Ji Baili knocked on her car window, “Do you need me to give you a ride?”

“No need, it’s not too late, and I drive pretty well now.”

“Then be careful on the road.”

“You too.”

Ji Baili nodded with a smile.

Xin Zaozao drove away.

She looked at Ji Baili standing there through the rearview mirror.

She looked back.

She stepped on the gas with gritted teeth, driving faster.

She arrived at the Xin Family’s villa.

To be honest, she really didn’t want to return here.

In fact, she had thought a lot about her visit to Yin Qin’s house today, which seemed to have moved her quite a lot.

She felt that she needed to make things clear with Wan Quan, she didn’t want to waste each other’s time anymore, nor did she want to do more chilling things due to the entanglement of kinship.

Admitted, maybe because of Mu Cidian’s outcome, she didn’t want to target Wan Quan anymore, she felt that one person getting retribution was enough.

She went upstairs step by step.

Her pace hesitated.

It wasn’t too late now, and knowing Wan Quan, she probably wouldn’t sleep too early.

She walked to the door of Wan Quan’s room and knocked.

Indeed, Wan Quan hadn’t slept and was watching TV in the room.

The moment she saw Xin Zaozao, her face changed immediately, “I was wondering who would come to see me at this late hour, turns out it’s you! What’s up, does the director of Xin Group wants something from me?”

“I want to talk to you.”

“About what? Unless you give me the Xin Group unconditionally, there’s nothing to talk about!” Wan Quan said fiercely.

Xin Zaozao, suppressing her emotions, said, “Wan Quan, what makes you think you are entitled to the Xin Group, and why should I give it to you unconditionally?! I’m talking to you now to show respect, and I don’t want to have to use force to get you out!”

“You think you can really block the sky with one hand?! Xin Zaozao, don’t think that because Mu Cidian is in jail now, I can’t do anything to you! Mu Cidian was foolish to treat you the way he did, but I won’t be, I definitely won’t be fooled by you, get out of here!”

Xin Zaozao looked at Wan Quan coldly.

She said, “Wan Quan, the wealth you have now is enough for you to live a comfortable life for the rest of your life, and even after Mu Cidian is released from prison, it can provide you and your son with a carefree life. After my father died, apart from the shares, nothing else was left in the will. According to the inheritance law, we can split everything equally. I had a lawyer tally up all the inheritance left by my father.”

Wan Quan was staring at Xin Zaozao fiercely.

Xin Zaozao took out an inheritance agreement from her bag and handed it to her, “This lists everything you can get, the amount is not small, take a good look, if there is no problem, it can take effect after you sign. As for the shares of Xin Group in your hand, you can choose to sell them to me or to anyone else, or you can even keep them and earn dividends! You just need to write a share authorization letter for someone else to act on your behalf, and you can get pure dividends in the future.”

Wan Quan laughed sarcastically, “Xin Zaozao, do you really think I can be dismissed so easily?”

“I’m giving you the most candid advice.”

“Candid? Can you be candid in our relationship now? You just want me out of your sight, right?! Let me tell you, Xin Zaozao, the more you don’t want me to do something, the more I will do it!” Wan Quan snatched the agreement from Xin Zaozao’s hand.

Xin Zaozao frowned.

Wan Quan viciously ripped the agreement to shreds.

Xin Zaozao just watched her.

Wan Quan poured all the blame on Xin Zaozao and said, “Dream on if you think you can get rid of me! Xin Zaozao, we will never see eye to eye in this lifetime, and I will never let you go!”

“So be it,” Xin Zaozao did not say more. She turned around and said coldly, “Since it’s like this, don’t blame me for not being polite.”

“Don’t pretend to be so kind, when have you ever been polite to me!”

Xin Zaozao left.

She felt it was truly humiliating to take the initiative to negotiate with Wan Quan.

Ji Baili left the Yin family’s villa.

He watched Xin Zaozao’s car drive off into the distance and waited for a while before getting back into his own car and driving away.

Actually, from Xin Zaozao’s attitude towards him, he already understood clearly that there wasn’t much possibility between them.

Each time, even though he knew it wasn’t going to end well, it still hurt.


An inexplicable sense of suppression.

He drove back.

He had met with his brother today, who reminded him of many things about work.

The thought of work made him feel even more broken.

He felt utterly hopeless about life.

As he was driving, his phone suddenly rang.

He connected Bluetooth, “Hello.”

“Baili, it’s me.”


“Mm.” Ji Baixin said, “Where are you?”

“Just left from Brother Yin Qin’s place for dinner, heading back.”

“Could you spare some time to have a drink with me?”

“Huh?” Ji Baili frowned.

“Room 0588 at Ye Mei, I’ll wait for you.”

Ji Baixin hung up.

Ji Baili thought for a moment, then decided to go.

Ever since Ji Baixin’s incident, no one in the family had taken the initiative to care for her. As if by unspoken agreement, everyone seemed to think that she was merely reaping what she had sown, and that she was left to handle everything by herself.

Thinking about it, it seemed a bit too harsh.

Yin Qin rapidly drove the car to the destination.

He opened the door of the private room to find many empty beer bottles before Ji Baixin.

Ji Baili went over.

His sister wasn’t usually a drinker.

Seems like she was deeply hurt this time.

He took away the beer from Ji Baixin’s hand and said, “Stop drinking, I’ll take you home.”

“I’m not drunk.”

“I know.”

“So, let me vent a little.” Ji Baixin said, “In the end, I couldn’t find a single friend to accompany me, and I don’t know how I’ve lived all these years.”

“Alright, it’s not a big deal.” Saying so, Ji Baili reached out to help Ji Baixin.

Ji Baixin pushed him away and said, “I feel like my world has collapsed, Baili, just accompany me, won’t you stop me?”

Ji Baili looked at his sister.

Looked at her red eyes.

“Can you accompany me for a while? Although I know very well that I don’t deserve any sympathy, but I’m really suffering. I can’t stand being alone.” As Ji Baixin spoke, tears began to fall, beyond her control.

In the end, Ji Baili gave in.

He sat down, staying by Ji Baixin’s side.

Ji Baixin picked up her cup again.

Ji Baili also felt a little oppressed, so he poured himself some alcohol and started to drink with his sister, glass by glass.

“Baili, is my life a failure?”

“Not exactly a failure, you just happened to encounter such a scum.” Ji Baili said, “You’ve just fallen into his hands time and time again.”

“I’m really stupid.”

“Indeed very stupid,” Ji Baili gave a definite answer, “If I were you, I wouldn’t keep going downhill! Li Wenjun has hurt you so much, don’t you want to take revenge? Do you still like that man, Li Wenjun? Still can’t give up?! That would really be stupid to the core, and no one could help you!”

“How could that be! How could I still like him!” Ji Baixin said vehemently, “I wish I could kill him!”

“That’s right, then stand up and kill him!” Ji Baili said, “Or else let him keep swaggering around, accusing you of having an affair with Yin Qin! Honestly, Ji Baixin, you’ve let down Brother Yin Qin so much already, now you’re letting him take the blame for you, don’t you feel guilty? Luo Xiaolang is fine, but if it were any other man, who would want to be with a man like Yin Qin.”

“I wish it was another woman…” Ji Baixin suddenly muttered.

Ji Baili looked at her intently.

Ji Baixin’s eyes flickered, “I… I…”

Some words are still hard to say.

Even if she wants to confide in someone, she can’t say it out loud.

“Don’t even think about it, Ji Baixin!” Ji Baili said harshly.

Ji Baixin looked at her brother.

“Don’t think I don’t know what you’re thinking, but you should get that idea out of your head. You chose Li Wenjun without hesitation in the first place, so now you have no right to go back to Yin Qin, don’t let me look down on you.”

“I know.” Ji Baixin gritted her teeth.

She knew that was why she felt so oppressed these days and would rather get drunk or die of heartache than look for Yin Qin.

Unexpectedly, Ji Baili took out his phone.

Ji Baixin watched his actions.

Ji Baili said, “This is a video of Yin Qin proposing to Luo Xiaolang today. There are also photos. They are in a good relationship now, and they have a child.”

Ji Baixin silently watched the scenes on the phone.

The image of Yin Qin was deeply imprinted in her eyes.

She really missed him.

She never thought that one day her mind would be full of Yin Qin, every move, every smile of his.

At this moment, she was watching Yin Qin deeply kissing another woman.

She couldn’t bear to watch anymore.

She handed the phone back to Ji Baili.

Ji Baili said, “So, no matter what, even if your heart is breaking, don’t disturb him again, you really don’t deserve it.”

Ji Baixin didn’t reply.

She just kept drinking, gulp after gulp.

Tears fell like crazy.

In the end, Ji Baili still felt pity for her.

His voice softened considerably, he said, “I know you’re suffering right now, but some roads are chosen by ourselves, and we can only endure. Although Yin Qin isn’t waiting for you anymore, you can still choose to go home. It won’t be difficult with mom, and for dad, I can help…”

“No need.” Ji Baixin shook her head, “Since I chose this path, I never thought of turning back.”


“There’s no turning back.”

Because, Yin Qin is no longer there…

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