My OP Minion System in the Apocalypse

Chapter 271 The Brink

When I stepped out, the sun was already on the verge of disappearing. The sky was painted with hues of orange and red, and the air was filled with a subtle, cooling breeze. As I walked, I took in the surroundings of Howard city. The streets were empty, and the silence was broken only by the rustling of leaves and the sound of my footsteps.

As I walked, I couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to turn this city into a settlement. But, as I recalled my previous experience with settlements, a sense of unease crept up within me. I knew that it was risky to start a settlement, especially with the constant threat of zombies looming over us.

Lost in my thoughts, I suddenly heard footsteps behind me. Turning around, I saw Chloe, a young girl from the castle, coming up to me. She was panting, and her eyes were filled with curiosity.

"Can you take me to the castle?" she asked, breathless. "I want to see the aftermath of the fight."

I hesitated, not wanting to leave Howard city just yet, but I couldn't say no to her pleading gaze. So, I told her to pack her things and get ready to leave for the main city with me.

As she went to pack, I took a moment to scan the city one last time. The last rays of the sun were slowly disappearing, and the sky was now enveloped in darkness. I couldn't help but feel a sense of dread wash over me, knowing that the zombies could attack us at any moment.

When Chloe came out of the palace, she was carrying a small backpack and wore a determined look on her face. "I'm ready," she said.

I gave her a reassuring smile, trying to hide my own fear, and gathered my army of minions. We set off towards the castle, our footsteps echoing in the empty streets.

As we walked, my mind was filled with thoughts of what could happen on our journey. I couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched, and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up at the slightest noise. The clouds above us only added to the eerie atmosphere, slowly moving across the darkened sky like a sinister omen.

After what seemed like an eternity, we finally reached the castle. The air was filled with the stench of death and destruction, and the sight of the fallen soldiers left a lump in my throat. But, we didn't stay for long. We quickly gathered our supplies and set off for the main city, determined to make it there alive.

As we made our way through the darkened streets, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over me. We had made it out of Howard city unscathed, but the fear of what lay ahead was still palpable. As we walked towards our destination, I knew that we had to stay vigilant, for the zombies were still out there, waiting for their next meal.

This time, I wasn't going to make the same mistake as before. In the previous battle, I had left some of my army at the outpost, and it had proved to be a fatal decision. By the time I had arrived, the outpost had been decimated, and I had lost a significant number of soldiers. So, this time, I was determined to take no chances. I ordered all of my troops to accompany me to the city, where we were to launch a surprise attack on the twin cities.

As we approached the city, it was evident that the previous battle had taken its toll. The buildings were crumbling, and the streets were strewn with debris. It was a sorry sight, and I was grateful for my decision to send the builder minions ahead to repair the city before our arrival. With their help, I hoped that we could restore the city to its former glory.

As we waited to reach the castle, I surveyed the surroundings. Chloe was by my side, and I could see that she was as apprehensive as I was. However, we were well-protected. The brute force minions were with us, ready to strike at any moment. They were fierce and loyal, and I was glad to have them on my side.

Finally, we arrived at the castle, and I immediately sent the builder minions to the city to begin their work. The journey was long, and I prayed that they would reach the city in time and not fall prey to the zombies that roamed the land.

Chloe and I retired to my house, and I could feel the exhaustion taking its toll on me. I longed to lie down and rest my weary body. However, my respite was short-lived, as a knock sounded at the door. I groaned inwardly, wondering who it could be. To my surprise, it was the minion manager, with a daily report in his hand.

As I scanned the report, I was pleased to note that we had collected a vast amount of resources. From the bodies of the fallen soldiers, we had acquired weapons and equipment that could prove invaluable in our future battles. But the most exciting discovery was the chariots. They were now in our possession, and Chloe and I were eager to test them out.

As I settled back onto my bed, I reflected on the day's events. I knew that the coming days would be just as grueling, but I was ready for whatever lay ahead. With the support of my minions and Chloe, I was confident that we could overcome any challenge that came our way.

I struggled to understand the origin of the vast amount of gold that was in possession of the army. Intrigued, I questioned the minion manager, seeking an explanation. "My lord," he began, "each warrior carried a small amount of gold with them. During the collection of resources, one of our intelligence operatives stumbled upon a piece of gold. Upon further investigation, we discovered that every warrior possessed the same amount of gold. Subsequently, we checked everyone and found that they too had gold in their possession."

This revelation excited me even more, fueling my desire to explore the city and uncover the source of this gold. Despite the relatively small size of each piece, we had managed to amass around 8000 gold pieces in a single day, a fortune in its own right. My curiosity piqued, I was eagerly anticipating the prospect of raiding the twin cities and discovering even more treasures.

As their king was now deceased, I contemplated the ease with which we could conquer the city. However, I was aware that we would first need to assess the strength of the city's defenses before making any hasty decisions. We had already obtained the siege equipment from the army, but our plans were foiled by the intervention of the magic minion.

As night fell, I instructed the minion manager to rest on the bed while I contemplated where Chloe and I would sleep. Unfortunately, we only had one bed, and I was uncertain of what to do. Eventually, I decided that we would sleep together, assuming that our friendship would mitigate any discomfort. However, the experience of sleeping on the ground versus a bed was a significant contrast, and I tried to ignore the discomfort as I turned to the side to sleep.

Chloe arrived late in the night, and I was already asleep. As the night progressed, I inadvertently took over the whole bed, leaving Chloe with little space.

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