My OP Minion System in the Apocalypse

Chapter 280 Regret

It all hinged on the intelligence of my minions and the foolishness of Alexander. If he panicked and sent his army to their doom, it would mark the beginning of the end for the twin cities. My minions had taken their positions, and now they waited patiently for my signal to march forward and claim the souls of their enemies.

As the sun began to set on the horizon, I received a report from one of my intelligence variants that the enemy was approaching. Without hesitation, I issued the order to send my magic minions and archers to the top of the gap between the mountains. I also dispatched a couple of brute force minions at stage 2 to join them. The goal was to allow the enemy army to pass through the gap, and once they were inside, the brute force minions would hurl large rocks down upon them.

The gap was narrow at the beginning, a treacherous passage that required careful maneuvering. But my minions were well-trained, and they knew how to make the most of the terrain. Once the enemy army was inside, the magic minions and archers unleashed a barrage of deadly spells and arrows. The sky turned dark with the clouds of arrows that rained down upon the enemy, and screams of pain echoed through the valley.

Afterward, the brute force minions, along with the technique variants, entered the fray. They charged into the enemy ranks, wielding their weapons with deadly efficiency. Bodies fell on either side, blood soaking the ground beneath their feet. The battle raged on for hours, with neither side gaining a clear advantage.

Chloe and I, along with some intelligence variants, watched from a safe distance, observing every move of the battle. My army had newly-made catapults and ballistae, as well as a door buster and siege tower, specially designed for this war. The catapults hurled boulders at the enemy ranks, smashing through their formations and causing chaos. The ballistae launched arrows that pierced through armor and flesh, bringing death to those unlucky enough to be hit. The door buster and siege tower proved to be valuable assets as well, breaking down the enemy defenses and allowing my minions to pour through the breaches.

As the sun rose on the new day, the battle was won. My minions had emerged victorious, and the enemy lay defeated at our feet. The twin cities were safe once more, thanks to the unwavering courage and determination of my minions.

As soon as we returned to the city, I swiftly gathered the weapon makers and began to give instructions for the creation of the new machines. These machines were to be modeled after the magnificent creations found in the twin cities, but with a unique touch that would differentiate them from their counterparts.

Once the machines were completed, I made sure to keep them safe, hidden away in the dense woods, a testament to our secret plan. As the days passed, Chloe and I made our way to the front line, eager to watch the beginning of a new era that we had all been eagerly anticipating.

The swordplay minions stood with their weapons at the ready, their eyes trained on the enemy, fully aware that the slightest mistake could lead to disastrous consequences. My army, hidden behind the hills, waited in silence, their hearts beating with excitement and anticipation.

As the intelligence variant signaled that the enemy army had entered the gap, a ripple of tension ran through our forces. The intelligence variant moved swiftly, followed by the army commander and a horde of fierce warriors, who charged towards the castle, eager to engage the enemy.

The brute force minions, giants among our ranks, had been hiding behind the large rock, which was strategically placed to offer them cover. The archers and magic minions had taken up their positions nearby, ready to unleash their deadly arrows and spells on the enemy.

The air was thick with tension and anticipation, as the brute force minions rose from their hiding spot and began to push the large rock. As they did so, the flamethrower magic minions unleashed their deadly flames, scorching the enemy and forcing them to take cover.

The path remained open, and the enemy still had a way to retreat. But the intelligence variant on top quickly realized the situation and ordered the Brute Earth magic minion to close the path. All ten minions worked together, using their strength to push the rock down, causing it to fall with a thunderous crash. Unfortunately, three enemy warriors who were trying to escape were crushed beneath its weight.

Three warriors managed to escape from the back, but their bodies were badly burned, their skin blackened by the magic of our minions. The magic minions continued to unleash their powers, weakening the enemy and making them easy prey for the brute force minions.

It was a fierce battle, one that would be etched in the annals of history forever, marking the beginning of a new era of power and dominance for our city.

The battlefield was a chaotic scene of dust and blood. The clash of swords and the screams of men echoed through the air. Our forces were engaged in a fierce battle with the enemy, who had already suffered severe losses but continued to fight with all their might.

The archers were lined up, ready to launch their arrows at the enemy, but they weren't firing at full capacity. They knew that we needed to save as many weapons as we could for the upcoming battle. Meanwhile, the magic minions were unleashing spells on the enemy, causing explosions of fire and ice that created chaos among their ranks.

Suddenly, three enemy warriors broke through our lines and scrambled up the hill towards the archers and magic minions. They were determined to take out as many of our forces as possible. The archers and magic minions were in grave danger, and it seemed like they were doomed if the brute force minions weren't there to protect them.

The brute force minions, towering over the enemy soldiers, were at stage 2 of their evolution. They were capable of immense power, but the enemy warriors had third-degree burns on their bodies, causing them to fight with an unbridled ferocity. Despite their injuries, the enemy warriors were dangerous and unpredictable. I knew that they could turn the tide of the battle if they weren't dealt with quickly.

As I watched the fight unfold through my monocular, I couldn't help but be amazed by the enemy's resilience. They were improvising their sword skills and coming at my minions with better tactics with each new attack. The fight was a mesmerizing display of skill and bravery.

However, one of the enemy soldiers fell to the ground after a fierce kick from one of my brute force minions. This was the moment when the intelligence commander signaled the archers to attack. The enemy warrior was struck by tens of arrows and fell to the ground, lifeless.

I couldn't help but feel a pang of regret as I watched the enemy warrior fall. Although they were our enemies, they were still human beings. I called an intelligence variant to my side, hoping to gain insight into the enemy's tactics and strategies. It was time to learn more about our enemy so that we could finally emerge victorious in this war.

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