My Reflector Is Invincible

Chapter 18

My Reflector Is Invincible 18

18. Lucky?

The assassination attempt had been dealt with for the moment.

The magician Bayner hid himself with a new type of magic.

Once their safety had been confirmed, the carriage carrying Joo-yeon and Aiden was able to pass through the gates of the duchy.

“Open the gates!”

An enormous city appeared beyond the gates.

Aiden straightened his shoulders and spoke proudly.

“What do you think? This is the center of the Grand Edmer Duchy. It’s a city that’s famous even on the continent.”

Joo-yeon, however, wasn’t that impressed.

“Oh. Yeah, it’s cool.”


Aiden was genuinely taken aback.

I was expecting the wide-eyed wonder of a bumpkin who had only ever lived underground in a mine. But the main character’s nonchalant expression was completely unexpected.

“Have you ever seen something like this before?”

“Yeah, tons.”

“What? How can you speak so casually about the topic of slavery?”

“Can you stop being so curious about me? I have to decline your romantic interest.”


The main character wasn’t lying.

It wasn’t a joke, he had watched over this city every day.

No. He was the one who had built it in the first place.

Even the four and five-story buildings that were rare to see on the continent had all been touched by his hand.

‘Instead of the warrior king who only knows how to fight, I’m the one who raised this city?’

At the time, there were many people who protested, saying he was wasting money on unnecessary things.

He had ended up mortgaging everything because the warrior king believed in him. Anyway, that was how this great city was created after many twists and turns.

Of course, it wasn’t like he wasn’t interested at all.

‘Oh? That place is still there?’

What caught his eye was a large forge with a blast furnace.

<Forge of Steel Breath>

It was a place that the main character had put special effort into creating in the past.

It was a facility that could produce the highest quality weapons with tremendous heat, with a dwarf who could never be persuaded invited and a magic furnace created by a request to an archmage.

Of course, special materials were needed to use it properly.

‘It’s still flourishing like that because it’s at that level, huh?’

There was a huge line of people at the entrance to the forge.

It seemed like they were all trying to use the forge.

It wasn’t just the forge.

‘That place is still there too?’

<Potion of Dawn Dew>

A pharmacy run by a witch from the north.

<Dragon’s Hide>

A leather armor shop owned by a dragonkin who was half-human and half-dragon.

<Goblin’s Vault>

Even a bank of the goblin race who would never compromise when it came to money.

The main character’s stake was huge in how it had become like this.

There was no other reason.

‘I wonder if the things I put in the vault are still there?’

If the necklace is still there, maybe that might still be there too.

And maybe the password is still the one that I know.

‘Let’s stop by once I meet the warrior king.’

That’s how he spent quite a while looking around.

Soon, the carriage arrived at the ducal residence.

“Welcome, young master.”

On both sides, servants and maids stood in line.

Aiden whispered quietly to Jooyeon.

“To others, I said that you were a slave I bought. So keep quiet until you meet my grandfather.”

“Can I hide it for long?”

“That’s why we have to move quickly. Don’t worry. I’ll move as quickly as I can.”

Aiden warned with his eyes.

It was to stay quiet without causing any trouble in the meantime.

It might have been natural considering all the incidents that had happened on the way here.

However, Jooyeon just chuckled.

“Well, is this my room?”

In the room as big as a palace, a huge bed was placed firmly.

Jooyeon told Olson to wait outside for a moment and quietly hummed.

“Hey, come out.”


“Do you want a beating? Do you just want to come out?”

“I will come out.”

In the corner of the room, a man wearing a robe revealed himself from the window.

He was none other than the magician, Bener, who had cast <Detect> and <Marking> on Jooyeon.

‘How did I end up like this…….’

Right now, he was under <Reflection>, controlled by the suggestive power of his own ability, Marking.

A leisurely but firm voice was heard towards the magician.

“Well, then. Shall we start with your self-introduction? And brief me on the situation of the Edmer family, which you, as a spy, would know better than Aiden. Now, begin.”


The magician couldn’t help but sweat profusely.

* * *

Magician Bener.

He was the magician who had cast detection magic and marking on Jooyeon.

And now, he was covered in cold sweat.

‘Where on earth did it all go wrong?’

Did he cast detection on Jooyeon?

Did he try to kill him with a suggestion?

‘Either way, I killed the Count’s spies, so I’m as good as dead.’

He was being manipulated by Jooyeon, but no one knew that.

Everyone would think that he had killed the spies himself.

In any case, the lives of his family, who were being held hostage, were in danger.

However, there was no way to escape.

“Find the magician!”

“He’s the murderer who killed the soldiers on the castle wall! Don’t let him get away!”

His face was not revealed.

However, magicians were rare beings.

He couldn’t be relieved just because he wasn’t caught right away.

As he looked for the rare mage, he would naturally come after him.

If he didn’t hurry, he would be thrown in jail as a murderer and an attempted assassin of the ducal heir.

‘Then the count will kill me.’

He had to get out of here quickly.

He thought of a desperate spell to avoid the soldiers and knights.

<Cloak of Shadows>

Veiner’s shadow stretched out long.

Soon, a cloak made of darkness wrapped around Veiner.

A stealth-type spell that hid his body in the shadows.

It was a hidden secret that could only be learned in the most secret place in the back alley.

But something was really strange.

‘I clearly intended to leave the dukedom.’

At first, he thought of finding Count Sanderson and apologizing.

But suddenly, his body started moving on its own.

It was as if he was being forced to move by someone’s orders.

‘Is this the suggestive effect of being marked?’

He had cast a suggestion before, but this was the first time he had been hit by it.

‘So this is how it feels.’

Veiner’s suggestion was close to natural brainwashing.

The caster just had to give an order.

Then the caster’s orders would be constantly instilled.

The one who was marked would follow the caster’s intentions without knowing it.

Joo-in’s suggestion was the same.

-Come straight to the castle.

-Avoid the soldiers in front and turn to the side.

-Move to the other side, not that side.

Joo-in’s voice kept popping into his head.

His body moved on its own, as if a puppeteer was controlling a puppet.

Of course, controlling another person was never easy.

Even if he hadn’t lost consciousness, it was absurd to move another person with an ego so naturally.

‘It’s absolutely impossible unless you have thousands, tens of thousands of experiences?’

Veiner wasn’t good at suggestion from the beginning.

It was a skill that he could barely handle after hundreds, thousands of practices.

The more he thought about how great a mage he had turned into an enemy, the more frightened he became.

‘It’s dangerous. I must never meet that guy.’

But unlike his mind, his body was already in front of Joo-in.

He was kneeling in front of him.

It was as if he was submitting.

He heard Joo-in’s voice in his ear.


“I will make you into a body that can’t even think like that anymore.”

A new suggestion was carved into Bayner’s body.

– You can never end your own life by any means.

– Always tell the truth to Joo-in.

– You can never do or say anything that will harm him.

Suicide became something absolutely impossible.

Bayner broke out in a cold sweat.

“Uhhh… but I can’t…”

“What do you mean you can’t? Hurry up and tell me.”

“Th, that’s…”

Bayner quickly began to tell him everything he knew.

* * *

‘Phew, damn it. That was close.’

Joo-in barely managed to stop the sorcerer from self-destructing.

It was a self-destruction spell that was so fast, even if he had noticed it sooner, he wouldn’t have been able to stop it.

‘The Great Mage always died like that at the end of every ending.’

He was lucky to have noticed the early symptoms of his eyes turning red and his hair standing on end.

Of course, the skill he had gained from Hunter Jack had also played a part.

[<Crisis Detection> has been activated.]

He moved as soon as he read the words.

Of course, even if the bastard had self-destructed, it wouldn’t have affected him.

Because he had Reflect.

‘But the people of this castle could get hurt.’

This was a place he had built up himself.

He couldn’t let it be blown away by something as trivial as this self-destruction.

However, it was difficult to stop the self-destruction spell that had already begun with just the suggestion of <Marking>.

So what Joo-in used was none other than <Reflect>.

‘I didn’t know I could use what I tested on Haken and Jack like this.’

It was a new way of using <Reflect> that he had gained while traveling.

Instead of reflecting attacks directed at him, it was to give the effect of his own reflection to anyone he came into contact with.

From Noble mtl dot com

‘I’ll reflect Bayner’s <Ascension>.’

Ascension was a spell that overloaded the mana in a sorcerer’s body and caused it to explode.

The mana inside would rotate at a speed dozens of times faster than usual.

What would happen if he reflected such a spell?

What if the spell was completed in the exact opposite way?

First, the blood and mana that were supposed to go to the heart would flow in reverse.

The overload that was supposed to cause a huge explosion would cause an abnormal reaction.

‘It will still explode.’

Instead of the usual positive explosion, a negative explosion would occur.

Then, several explosions would occur inside the sorcerer’s body.

Oxygen was scarce, making it hard to breathe, and the internal impact made blood gush out of every orifice in his body.

“You won’t die.”

Because Joo-in had cast a spell before it detonated.

It was just going to hurt like hell.

It was a fitting punishment for someone who had dared to try and take the lives of others so wantonly.

But how did he know that the blood would gush out as a reflex?

How would he know?

‘Because I’ve been there.’

It was happening right before Joo-in’s eyes.

Bayner was on his knees, blood pouring out of his eyes and ears.

If he had been a player, he’d probably be seeing a window like this.

<You have been hit by a reflex.>

<The mana required for self-destruction has been reversed, rupturing your internal organs. There is an error in your mana circulation.>

<[Ascension] has been canceled.>

<Danger! Healing required.>

<If left untreated, it may result in death.>

It was the same message he’d seen so often when fighting the Demon King.

Of course, that wasn’t what was important to Joo-in right now.

“A 5th Circle Mage from the back alleys? But the aide to Duke Edmer? How is that possible?”

“That’s… I received a letter of recommendation from the Duke’s vassal…”

Bayner, who had been watching Joo-in and trying to assassinate him, was a man of Count Sanderson.

And at the same time, he was the aide to Duke Edmer.

Heh. It really was incredible.

His comrade, who he had made into the greatest house in the North, had personnel management like this.

Joo-in put on a stern face.

Bayner’s answers started coming faster.

“Was it to infiltrate the dukedom?”

“Yes. It was Count Sanderson’s orders.”

“How did you get the letter of recommendation? Did you threaten them?”

“No, I bought it with money.”

No matter how much money Count Sanderson had, it didn’t make sense.

Duke Edmer was the second most powerful man in the kingdom, right after the [Sword King].

To think he could reach that far, even to the position of aide.

“It seems the Count’s machinations run deeper than I thought. I’ll have to tell Aiden to get the Duke moving.”

“I… that’s…”

“Hm? What is it?”

“That will probably be difficult.”


Joo-in tilted his head.

For the successor and the Lord of the Dukedom to move directly, yet it would be difficult?

This didn’t make any sense.

“Why? Is it because you’re so trusted by that guy?”

“That’s not it….”

“Spit it out. Unless you want to bleed to death from every hole in your body right now.”


Bayner immediately prostrated himself as if he didn’t want to remember the pain from earlier.

And then he revealed a secret that no one knew.

It was beyond ridiculous for Jooyeon.

“What? Count Sanderson and the Duke joined hands? The two of them are collaborating?”

The Duke was the one who ordered Aiden’s assassination in the first place.

The current head of the Edmer dukedom, who was supposed to join hands with Jooyeon to thwart Count Sanderson’s conspiracy. He had joined hands with the person who wanted to ruin his family and was after Aiden’s life, who was on Jooyeon’s side.

“Are you serious?”

Jooyeon laughed.

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