My Room Has Become a Dungeon's Rest Area (LN)

Book 1: Chapter 6: (5)

Book 1: Chapter 6: (5)

There was no reason to worry about monsters being in this part of the room anymore. And even if there were, I had this amazingly strong wizard Deet next to me. I checked my status with ease.

Ohh! I gained a level after defeating that giant centipede! The effect from my food seems to have worn off though.

Show me, show me!

Deet started bugging me to tell her my status.

Hold on a second. Ill make a memo of it really quick and okay!

[Name] Suzuki Tooru

[Race] Human

[Age] 21

[Job] None

[Level] 4 /

[Stamina] 23 / 23

[Magic] 36 / 36

[Attack] 118

[Defense] 44

[Strength] 14

[Intelligence] 25

[Agility] 16

[Skills] Unlimited Growth

Where where?

Deet took hold of my memo with a really happy face, but I had some hesitancy before handing it over. After all, I didnt have a job, or anything impressive written there.

Huu So your name is really Tooru, not Thor. Youre only 21 years old? Youre so young

Speaking of age, I decided to ask her about her long-life span and elves. I wondered how old she was.

Hey Deet, how old are you exactly?

If I was to put it into human terms, Id be about the same age as you, Tooru.

Okay, but how old is that though?

Ill tell you later.

I suddenly grew scared of asking her for some reason.

No job.

Oof. The part I didnt want to hear was suddenly read out loud. Wait, that reminds me, she can read the language of monsters?

Wait youre only level 4, but you seem to already have the skill Unlimited Growth.

Oh that? Ive had that since the beginning. What does it mean exactly?

Its extremely powerful. So powerful that even Id do anything to get my hands on it.

Seriously!? Thats awesome!

But even though it was extremely powerful as Deet said, she didnt say it in a very positive way.

If only you had the lifespan of an elf, Tooru. Humans live such short lives after all

What do you mean?

As I listened to Deet, I kind of got the impression that this skill was made more for late bloomers. The longer you live the longer you can improve. But this skill was given to me, with a regular human life span. If I was able to live longer like an elf, I could kill an unlimited number of weak monsters until I become strong and then easily can defeat strong monsters. But as a human, Im limited with my time and the creatures I could fight. And of course, there was always the chance Id be killed by strong monsters too.

By the way, a giant centipede is not something a level 1 should be fighting at all. There shouldnt even be such an unusually strong monster appearing on this floor in the first place. You were lucky.

Hmm is that so. By the way, about the jobless status

Not only was I not a Great Sage, I didnt have a job in the first place. Maybe I was just a disillusioned ordinary person after all.

The job status is a reflection of the nature of the person. It doesnt mean its your calling or anything. Theres plenty of adventures who dont have jobs. But its also true that there are many people who want to get the jobless status.

I had the feeling that Deet was giving out a pep talk like Its easier to gain skills when you dont have a job! or something of the sort. I thought that it kind of gave me hope, that having unlimited growth and being jobless, I could become strong by using Japans tools and the like.

Ill have to give you a good lecture about my world too.

Huh? But theres still some stuff I was going to tell you.

Lets save it for tomorrow. And instead of this dungeon, how about we head to a street out in my world now?

Really? I want to go!

Fufufu. And now it was finally my turn. Shes definitely in for a surprise.

Beyond this stone wall, its connected to that place called Japan right?

The female elf wizard Deet was touching the stone wall and investigating it. But from my point of view, she was doing some kind of mime routine right in front of my window. Shes probably trying to understand the mechanisms of my apartment. But on the contrary, Im the kind of guy that can live just fine without knowing how things work exactly. I grabbed Deets hand and we exited out through the window.

I-Its true! This is amazing magic!

Yeah, well I dont know if its magic or not though. And besides that, theres no such thing as magic in Japan.

Fu~n. Is that so. I suppose so, it doesnt appear to be magic.

From my perspective, I cant see the stone wall, so it just seems like we just came outside through a window. But that proves my theory, as long as theyre being touched in some way, whether its people on my side or people on the dungeons side, we can cross over into each others worlds. Deet darted her eyes back and forth to take in the spectacle that was Japan.

But regardless this is Japan its amazing

And dont do any weird language or telepathy things. That kind of stuff doesnt exist in Japan.

Whys that? Isnt it inconvenient if you dont know foreign languages?

Thats just the culture.

Oh, and by the way, the monster language isnt exactly telepathy, but adventures who cant speak the monsters language can usually pick up bits and pieces from hearing it, similar to other foreign languages. And if you know the monsters language, it gives you an advantage against monsters who would normally attack in groups.

Alright, lets go!

Deet was probably frightened by everything, because she stepped out into the world slowly and carefully, like a newborn baby deer taking their first steps. By the way, if she was wearing bloomers shed probably stand out, so I lent her some jeans, a t-shirt, and a hat. The hat helped hide the fact that her ears were pointed like an elfs.

You okay?


I decided to extend my hand out and help her a little bit.

T-Thank you.

Y-Yeah, no problem.

We stepped out onto a big main road. Eventually, we arrived across from the Tonskihote discount store.


When a car appeared in front of us, despite it being pretty far away, Deet let out a loud voice. The surrounding people were shocked by the sudden noise and looked over at us.

Deet, I told you not to let out a loud voice.

Butthat was soooo scary!

Its a car. Its a vehicle that we ride.

Thats the thing that you told me to watch out for before we came out into the world, but its way different than what you described. I would have never imagined anything like that.

Deet held onto me closely. Even though she was wearing a regular old hat, a guys shirt, and jeans, she was extremely beautiful. She didnt give off a bad vibe, but she definitely stood out. It was nighttime on pretty uncrowded roads, but I could feel the stares from other guys on the street.

A-Anyways, lets hurry into Tonskihote.


With that, we headed into Tonskihote. As we entered the door, Deet covered her eyes.

Are all of these colors goods being sold?

Yep. Thats right.

My eyes started spinning.

O-Okay, lets rest for a second over there then.

I spotted us a bench, so I made Deet take a seat. There was a bunch of food out in front of us as well. Usually, in the middle of the night, Tonskihote didnt sell this kind of stuff, but because it was such a busy location, they probably got more money this way.

You okay?

Im alright Im alright

Im going to find and buy you something tasty to eat.

I dont really need anything.

Just try it. Japans food will definitely shock you.

Is there anything sweet?


Takoyaki, crepes, ice cream, I wondered exactly what I should buy for her. Deet likes sweet things so maybe I should go with this.

One banana chocolate cream, please. Oh, and a cola.

Sometimes I like to eat other flavors, but when I get crepes, its usually the banana chocolate flavor. When I returned to the bench, there were two guys who were talking to her. She was glaring at them with extremely cold eyes.

O-oh no. These young guys lives could be in mortal danger.

Im sorry but, is something the matter? This girl is a foreigner, so she doesnt speak Japanese.

Oh really, so she was a foreigner. Damn and we were just inviting her out to come with us too. Oh well.

The two guys just shrugged it off lightly and walked away. They were just trying to hit on her, they werent really bad people. They left immediately too.

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