My Son Might Be A Villain

Chapter 111: How else could he explain Su Han’s attitude? (1)

Chapter 111: How else could he explain Su Han’s attitude? (1)

Oh, right. Just when Su Han reached the entrance of the private room, he stopped suddenly.

One last question.


Whats your name?

Lu Shao.

Okay. Ill keep that in mind.

Lu Shao, right? He looked like a rich and powerful scum of a man. Just wait. One day he would get to a place with a status higher than his. His only wish was that this old man would live long enough to the day that he could take revenge.

Su Han tightened his fist and left without another word.

BAM! The door was slammed shut, leaving only Lu Shao in the room by himself. The room was silent all over again.

The only sound that could be heard was the rhythmic drumming of fingers on the armrest of the chair. The drumming might sound rhythmical, but in fact, it demonstrated a sense of irritation.

Frowning, Lu Shao replayed the entire conversation again in his head with his eyes lowered.

It seemed things were very much out of his control from the very beginning.

Nothing went as he had anticipated.

What went wrong?

Whatever. It was just a kid who was related to him by blood. It really did not matter whether he existed or not.

He merely wanted to carry out his responsibilities now that he had learned of Su Hans existence. He had given him a chance and since Su Han had turned it down, no harm no foul.

What did he have to lose?

Lu Shao tried to tell himself that in a very cold way, but he couldnt stop himself from drumming on the armrest.

Not only did he not stop, the drumming had picked up in pace

When Zhou Fu returned to the Lus, he did not find Lu Shao there. He checked with the driver and came over to where Lu Shao was.

When he arrived, he found out that the teenage boy, who came with Mr. Lu, had already left before he came over to the private room.

Zhou Fu knocked twice and called out Sir before he headed inside and walked over to Lu Shao.

Lu Shao didnt notice Zhou Fu until he was standing to his left and called out to him again.

Why are you here?

Ugh, I have a few documents here that require your review. The driver told me you are over here so I thought I would swing by, replied Zhou Fu with his head lowered. His tone was much more cautious than usual, as he had noticed that Mr. Lu was not acting like his usual self right now.

Normally, Mr. Lu was always alert and observant. He would have noticed him before he even pushed the door open. But Lu Shao didnt even notice him today until he had walked all the way over to him.

He could only say that Lu Shao was in a trance and, obviously, over some unhappy incident that had taken place.

Alright, bring it over.

Yes, Sir. Zhou Fu placed the documents in Lu Shaos hands, including the latest investment proposal on No. 7 High School.

That document was the very top one. Seeing the wordings No. 7, Lu Shao paused for a second before he flipped impatiently to the very last and immediately signed his name.

He seemed much more irritable than usual when he looked over the remaining ones.

This one is vetoed.

Yes, Sir.

This one needs some modifications.

Yes, Sir.

Slash the capital on this one by 40%.


There were a few that made it through.

That being said, Zhou Fu was nervous while he watched Lu Shao sign.

He worried that his boss was poked right through the pages with the way that he was signing.

Seeing that Lu Shao had finally finished signing all of the document, Zhou Fu let out a sigh of relief. His relief was, however, short lived.

Did the conversation with the young master not go well, Sir? asked Zhou Fu cautiously after some hesitation.

Conversation? I was merely telling him a fact, said Lu Shao coldly.

Yes, Sir. Zhou Fu sighed to himself but he went along with what Lu Shao had said. He asked again, So the young master did not accept your proposition?

I guess not. Lu Shao couldn't help but frowned unhappily as he recalled the kids attitude from earlier.

Stubborn, ignorant, impulsive, oblivious, irrational, and boorish and rude.

Lu Shao spilled out a string of adjectives, all of them negative. The last two, especially, obviously referred to Su Hans attitude when he was talking to Lu Shao.

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