My Son Might Be A Villain

Chapter 50: No wonder Su Han blackened in the end… (3)

Chapter 50: No wonder Su Han blackened in the end… (3)

Oh my gosh! Did you see that look on Su Han earlier?

I thought he was going to kill me, said the girl who antagonized Su Han earlier as she reflexively patted herself on her chest. 

Such bad luck on our part to be in the same class as those two.

Oh, now you say that, Liu Min. Who was the one who said she had a crush on Su Han at the start of the school year?

I I like pretty faces. It has nothing to do with fondness. Besides, I thought he was the mighty and cold school grass type at the time. I didnt know about his family background then.

Yeah, one of my upstairs neighbors is a single-parent family as well. The son hangs out on the street day in and day out. Sometimes, he even beat up his own mother. Speaking of, Su Hans mother is out of the house most of the time. Thats even worse than a single-parent family.

What do you mean out of the house most of the time? Those are all lies!

Dont you know? Ive heard that Su Hans mom isnt out of town all the time, shes a lady of the night.

Oh my gosh. Are you serious?

No way

Yeah, where did you hear that from?

About two weeks ago, when I was walking out of my after-school tutorial center, my classmate spotted Su Han hanging out around the club district.

I was going to pretend that I dont know her, but she knows of Su Han as well. She said that they used to live in the same neighborhood and that his mother is a lady of the night. That is not a secret in their district.

My gosh!!

No wonder he never lets his mother come to school. Its so shameful to have a mother like that.

No. Ive heard that his mom straight up neglects him.


While the few of them were happily gossiping and felt that they were getting closer and closer to the truth, someone walked over to them. 

Fellow students, can you please tell me where the freshman year, Number 8th class is? Su Ran, Su Hans mother, was right now smiling friendly at them. 

Su Ran, who had never been to her sons school before, seemed to be lost. 

As for what these few were talking about earlier, she heard a little bit of them. 

That being said, what they said was the truth. What could she do? Beat up the kids?

She had no choice but to sigh and think to herself: Son, oh son. This was my fault. 

No wonder Su Han blackened in the end

The few who were asked by Su Ran also paused. 

Eh, little big sister oh, I mean, aunty, are you here for the parent-teacher conference too? The class leaders voice was very hesitant as she asked that. 

The woman in front of him just looked so young. She didnt look like any parent who was here for the parent-teacher conference. 

Besides, Freshman year, Number 8th class was their class. How come she had never seen her before?

You are looking for Freshman year, Number 8th class?

Yes, this is my first time here. Can you please tell me how to get there?

Ugh, thats our class and the classroom is right over there. Little aunty, why dont you follow me?

While the class leader was still wondering about whether Su Ran was someones younger aunty or sister, they have already arrived at the entrance of Freshman year, Number 8th class. 

We are here.

Thank you so much. Do I need to sit in any specific spot?

Yes, we will be handing out examinations and grades; as such, we ask the parents to sit at their children spots.

Oh, in that case, can you please tell me which one is Su Hans spot?

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