My Son Might Be A Villain

Chapter 95: She probably didn’t know much about birth control, so… (3)

Chapter 95: She probably didn’t know much about birth control, so… (3)

Those are some photos of the little Young Master, said Zhou Fu when he saw Lu Shao picking up a stack of photos from the pile of documents. 

Among these photos, one was Su Hans grade school graduation photo and a few others were shared by Su Hans friends on their friend circles or from activities on the school grounds. Su Han was occupying a small corner in these, but they werent very clear. The only clear photo of him was the one on his No. 7 High School student ID.

It wasnt as obvious without comparison. Now that he was looking at Su Hans picture along with Lu Shao, he truly felt that the two of them looked very much alike. Zhou Fu lamented to himself. At the same time, his fondness for the child went up by a lot. 

Oh yeah, here are the little young masters report cards since he had started junior high school.

Seeing that Lu Shao did not correct him after he had used the term little young master, Zhou Fu had comfortably switched to this new title for referring to Su Han. 

Zhou Fu purposefully pulled out the report card from No. 7 High School and handed it over to Lu Shao. 

This was a very detailed report of his grades. It included every examination and even regular quizzes in class. ASu Hans name was always in the number one spot on each sheet. 

No. 7 High Schools education quality is very high and also rated very high within the city. Little young master is the #1 student in his class!

Hearing that, Lu Shao finally looked away from the report and looked up at Zhou Fu. 

If he recalled correctly, when they had decided to take the piece of land back where No. 7 High School was a week ago, Zhou Fus exact words were, No. 7 High Schools teaching style is way too traditional. Their students grades are decent. But grades aside, they are weak in all other aspects

Zhou Fu seemed to have recalled the same thing. He gave Lu Shao an awkward smile before he carried oh, Ahem. No. 7 High School is okay overall. Most importantly, little young master is #1 every year. Thats no small feat!

Lu Shao was much calmer compared to Zhou Fus pride. 

Its just #1, said Lu Shao nonchalantly as he scanned over Su Hans name. From his tone, he wasnt just not proud of Su Han, he even sounded a bit resentful about it. 

But being #1 every time is truly something, said Zhou Fu again. 

Is that so? asked Lu Shao, raising his brows. So what?

Zhou Fu felt that he was attempting to wake up someone who was pretending to be asleep. 

And all those awards. Little young master is not only outstanding academically, but hes outstanding all around.

This time, Lu Shao finally gave a little nod. Well, its alright, I guess.

Zhou Fu was already very pleased by that. 

In that case, Zhou Fu looked solemn all of a sudden as he looked at Lu Shao and asked, Would you like me to reach out on little young masters end?

No need. I will take care of that myself.

Yes, Sir.

Then, Sir. Are we going to bring the little young master home? asked Zhou Fu cautiously. 

We can consider that option.

Okay, I understand, Sir. Even though Lu Shao said to consider it, for as well as Zhou Fu knew him, he was able to read the real meaning behind Lu Shaos words. 

Then, about the little young masters mother

You take care of that, said Lu Shao nonchalantly. He obviously didnt care much about Su Hans so-called mother. 

Yes, Sir, replied Zhou Fu. 

That was the answer that he had hoped for. His original thought was that it wasnt a bad idea for Lu Shao to have a family by chance. And a child was the best glue in a family. 

But after he learned about Su Ran, that thought had died a horrible death. 

His reasons were simple. Whether it was when Su Ran was still the young miss of the Sus, or when she was working at the red-light district afterward, her conduct hadnt been good.

In addition, even though he hadnt received any information about the situation in the past month, per the result of his investigation, Su Ran had not been a good mother to the little young master. 

A woman like that should not be a mother and definitely should not step foot into the Lus. 

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