My Supermodel Wife

Chapter 202 - Leila’s Disappearance

It took Lilia a moment to process this shocking news. When she finally recovered from the shock, she asked, "Why did they come to Surabaya?"

Instead of answering her, Jean called Kenny. Through a conversation on the phone, Lilia learned that Mike joined a luxury car club in Surabaya. The man went to Surabaya for club activities this weekend. Apparently, Leila heard about it and was determined to follow Mike to Surabaya. Nobody knew what exactly happened, but Leila's figure disappeared.

The Irwan family had tried to contact Leila, but the woman's cell phone was off and no one knew her whereabouts now. Finally, the family asked Andrew and Claire for help. Jean's older sister came from the Widjaya family, which had extensive connections in Surabaya. So the Irwan family concluded that it would be better to ask them for help.

Jean sent Leila's picture that Claire gave him to Kenny's cell phone and told him to find the woman by any means.

Lilia frowned while listening to Jean give Kenny instructions. She was born and raised in Surabaya, but she never heard the name of the luxury car club that Mike said he joined. Did that guy really come to Surabaya for his club?

But Lilia kept her suspicions to herself. After Jean gave Kenny instructions, Claire kept calling him every few minutes. Jean's sister constantly asked the progress of their search.

In addition, Claire also added that Mike felt guilty and joined in looking for Leila on the streets. The young woman had been missing for less than two hours, so they couldn't call the police right away.

Jean and Lilia ate their breakfast in silence. Every now and then the silence was interrupted by incoming calls from Claire or Kenny. But time was running out and there was still no word about Leila's whereabouts.

After the couple had breakfast, they moved into the living room while waiting for Kenny's report.

"Do you think we should go find Leila? Sister Claire sounds really worried." Lilia suggested.

Jean shook his head, "No need. Kenny has sent my men to look for him. We will only waste our energy if we join the search."

Lilia sighed, "Where do you think Leila went? She's not from Surabaya, so she might get lost trying to follow Mike. I don't know why Mike seems to hate Leila so much, but at least he needs to take care of her."

Even though Leila herself decided to follow Mike, the man was also not free from responsibility. If the two of them got along better, this whole incident wouldn't have happened!

Jean turned to Lilia and caught the woman's face was colored with irritation. The man reached out and stroked Lilia's soft cheeks.

"Don't waste your energy worrying about them. Kenny will find her." He said, "Instead of thinking about other people ..."

Jean leaned over and kissed her softly. Then he smiled faintly while licking his lips.

"...How about you just think about me?"

Lilia couldn't help smiling. Just as she leaned over to kiss the man, Jean's cell phone rang again.

Both of them turned to the cellphone. The name of the man's personal assistant was clearly displayed on the screen. Had Kenny found Leila?!

Jean distanced himself from Lilia and picked up the phone.

"President Jean, our men have located Leila Irwan!" Kenny reported hastily.

"Where is she?" Jean asked, frowning. This assistant almost never lost his cool, so what was it that made Kenny so panicked?

For a moment, there was no answer from the other end of the line. Kenny seemed hesitant to answer that question. But in the end, he said in a low voice, "...She's at the Pangestu Family house."

Jean's gaze suddenly turned sharp. No wonder Kenny was reluctant to say the location. He glanced at Lilia, who was still looking at him hopelessly and anxiously. Luckily, Lilia didn't hear Kenny's answer just now.

"I'll be there soon." Jean said briefly before hanging up the phone.

Jean then turned to Lilia, "I'll take care of this matter, so wait at home. I will be right back." He said while stroking the woman's cheek, "Then we can continue our business which was delayed earlier."

Jean hoped that his words would distract Lilia, but his strategy didn't work. The woman looked stubbornly at Jean, "Has Kenny found Leila? I will go with you!" She urged.

"It would be better if you just rested at home. Shouldn't you return to filming tomorrow?" Jean tried to persuade her, even if he knew his efforts were in vain. If Lilia had already decided on something, nothing could change her decision.

As Jean expected, Lilia crossed her arms and replied, "I've spent all this morning worrying about Leila. I won't be able to rest in peace until I know where she's going!"

Jean smiled resignedly and finally nodded.

When they got into the car, Lilia remembered that she didn't know where they were going, "By the way, where was Leila found? Is she all right?"

She suspected that the young woman was in a police station or even in an alley somewhere, but Jean's answer stunned her.

"At your family's house."


Jean drove while occasionally glancing at Lilia. His wife was staring out the window, but her gaze was blank as if she didn't see anything. Lilia hadn't said a word since hearing Jean's answer earlier. The man began to regret his decision to take Lilia with him.

Meanwhile, Lilia's brain continued to spin, trying to find a plausible explanation. Of all the places Leila was able to go, why was that woman in her house? What was Leila's relationship with the Pangestu Family?

When their car slowed down to a stop, Lilia realized that they had arrived at her house. She looked around and saw that only Kenny's car was parked at the gate. It seemed that the people who'd been looking for Leila had returned to their respective homes.

Kenny hurried over to their car and opened the door for Lilia.

"President, Mrs. Lilia, Miss Leila is still in the house." Kenny explained in a low voice.

According to the information Kenny had, Leila was brought into the Pangestu Family house by Sylvia. It was Sylvia's actions that messed up their search. Initially, Kenny focused his search on the streets of Surabaya. When he couldn't find any results, he widened the search to major malls and places with lots of pedestrians.

Normally, this search method was suitable for finding missing persons. But he didn't think that Sylvia would find Leila first and invite her back home. As a result, it took Kenny more than two hours to track down the woman. This was a shameful failure in the history of his career!

Kenny repeatedly stole glances at Jean's expression as he explained what had happened. He was afraid that her boss would cut his salary because of this trivial mistake. But luckily, Jean didn't say a word about it.

Jean nodded, "Good work. Now we just need to send her back to Jakarta. Kenny, tell Sister Claire and Mike that Leila has been found."

"Ready." Kenny immediately called the two men.

After Kenny finished, they then entered the Pangestu Family's house. A housekeeper who was watering the garden immediately saw them. He was so shocked that he dropped the hose.

"Miss Lilia? Why are you here?" The housekeeper asked, looking confused.

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