My Supermodel Wife

Chapter 217 - Uncle, I Need Your Help

Seeing the confusion on Lilia's face, Jean hurriedly explained further.

"Information regarding the client who requested this test has been deleted. The results of this DNA test happened to be found neatly in the district court archives. I've told Kenny to investigate further. If he finds any other information, I'll let you know." Jean promised.

Lilia nodded, but her forehead still frowned. Was she being overly sensitive about this incident? Could there really be nothing between Sylvia and Leila? That the resemblance to their appearance was just a coincidence? That her mother happened to find Leila lost on the road?

She looked up and asked, "Did you also investigate Leila's disappearance in Surabaya that day?"

"It happened exactly as Leila told me." Jean replied calmly.

Hearing that, Lilia fell silent. At this point, Lilia's suspicions became more and more ridiculous. Leila was proven to be the real daughter of the Irwan Family and she also didn't have any other nicknames. How could she be blood related to Sylvia?

Lilia never once doubted the truth of Jean's information. That man had no reason to lie to Lilia and Jean also hated false reports. Lilia was sure she could trust the accuracy of Jean's information. But this time, the information failed to reveal the fog of mystery surrounding this incident. In fact, Lilia felt that more and more questions remained unanswered.

Who filed the DNA test for Leila five years ago? Was it the Irwan family or an outsider? And why?

The questions kept filling Lilia's mind until she lost track of time. Her expression often changed as she continued to think about this matter. But the peace of the room was broken by a knock on the door.

Tok. Tok.

Without waiting for Jean's answer, that person immediately opened the door and entered the room.

"President, there will be a meeting with business partners of Genesis Company at one o'clock. I've brought the documents you will need." Helen said firmly. The woman's hands were full of documents.

Helen's appearance jolted Lilia out of her mind. She hurriedly checked her watch and realized that it was already half past one. Lilia scolded herself for being so focused on the investigation report that she forgot to eat lunch.

Lilia and Jean had promised to go to lunch, but now the man only had half an hour before the meeting started. They wouldn't have time to eat lunch outside. Lilia bit her lip with an expression full of regret.

Jean caught the regret on Lilia's face and his mood suddenly deteriorated. What good would he do if he saddened the woman he loved the most?

"Just put it on my desk." Jean's order was short.

Helen's gaze fell on Jean's hand, which was gripping Lilia's tightly. The two of them sat next to each other on the sofa and there was hardly any distance between them. Helen's eyes glinted dangerously, but she swallowed her comment again.

The woman placed her pile of documents on the table while continuing to watch the interaction of the two people. The suspicion that had appeared in Helen's mind slowly turned into a belief.

As Helen was about to leave the room, she paused at the doorway, "President, do I need to order two portions of lunch for you?"

"No need." Jean said in a sharp tone, "Notify all departments the meeting will be postponed to half past two."

Jean had no intention of letting Lilia eat here alone after reading the shocking report. He could see that Lilia was still confused and shaken. What kind of husband left his wife when she needed him the most?

If Jean ignored Lilia to attend the meeting, that would mean he had set himself on the wrong priority! He wouldn't be much different from Robert and Sylvia who sold their daughter for business profit. Claire would definitely beat up Jean and take Lilia away from him if his older sister found out about this.

"President Jean, are you serious?" Helen's voice was tinged with disapproval, "Our business partners have great influence in the real estate sector in Jakarta. They also welcomed this cooperation positively. If we change the meeting schedule unilaterally..."

"Helen. You talk too much. " Jean lost his temper and shot his knife-sharp gaze, "Get out of here."

Helen's face froze and her body began to tremble. As the only woman to head the planning department, Helen took great pride in her abilities and achievements. But doing so made her cross a line she shouldn't cross. No one could oppose Jean Widjaya and stay alive at the same time!

Helen walked slowly out of Jean's office. Her demoralized appearance made all the staff who passed her shocked half to death.

Lilia stared at the closed door for a moment, then she looked back at her husband, "Jean, I know you said that because you were worried about me. But don't you feel that you are too much? She's just trying to help you." Lilia defended Helen not because she liked her, but she felt that Jean needed brave people like her.

Jean returned Lilia's gaze without saying anything. Actually, he had been planning to replace Helen with someone who was more flexible and obedient for a long time. However, since Lilia had defended her, Jean decided to put his plans on hold for a while.

But if the woman had not learned from her mistakes, Jean had no intention of giving her a third chance.


That afternoon, Lilia was still in Jean's office. The man was busy with various meetings and gatherings, but Lilia didn't mind waiting for him to finish. She needed some alone time to think about what she wanted to do.

Lilia's hand gripped her cellphone and her gaze was fixed on the screen, which was showing a chat with Julius. A mix of emotions stirred Lilia's heart, making her hesitate.

The woman re-opened the report on Leila and reread the DNA test results. Every time she saw the document, there was a small voice in her heart telling Lilia to do a DNA test too. But Lilia still hesitated to take that action.

Did she really need to do a DNA test to clarify her blood relationship with Sylvia? After calling her 'Mother' for more than 20 years, would she be considered a rebellious child for doing this?

Lilia exhaled loudly and straightened up. Then she patted her cheeks to encourage herself. If she didn't do anything, her relationship with Sylvia wouldn't change! Sylvia would continue to be cold to her and she would never know why.

If Lilia didn't act now, she would never find out the truth!

Having made that decision, Lilia sent a smiling face sticker to Julius. She decided to consult Julius on this matter. Her uncle was a geneticist, of course he could do something as easy as a DNA test.

Besides, if Lilia were to do that test through the hospital or other parties, the news would definitely spread widely. As a public figure, every single move Lilia made would always be watched by everyone.

About ten minutes later, Julius replied to her message with a question mark.

Lilia was busy composing words when her cell phone suddenly rang. She was so shocked she almost dropped her cellphone. Lilia hurriedly grabbed the cellphone and read the name Julius on the screen. The woman took a deep breath to steel herself before picking up the phone.

"Hello, Uncle?" Lilia greeted.

"Hey, Lilia. What's wrong? Why did you suddenly contact me? Is there anything I can help you with?" Julius's voice sounded hoarse and tired.

Lilia heard that her uncle was busy with scientific discussions at his university every day. Would Julius take the time to help out a woman who might not be his own niece?

"Lilia, what's wrong?" Julius asked softly, "You know that I am always ready to help my beloved little girl, right? Are you in trouble?"

The woman made a sound of laughter mixed with sobs. Her uncle always knew the right words to persuade her.

"Uncle .... I need your help."

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