My Supermodel Wife

Chapter 341 - The Real Princess

After saying all that, dark spots began to appear in Mellisa's vision. She closed her eyes tightly again and forced her body to endure a little longer. A few seconds later, Mellisa opened her eyes and turned towards Lilia, who was staring at her with anxiety.

Lilia's gaze was clearly begging Mellisa to stop talking and take a break. However, Mellisa shook her head stubbornly. If they missed this opportunity, they didn't know what Leila would do next.

After all, Mellisa wanted her parents to know what difficulties Lilia had been through so far. Only then could they accept Lilia as their daughter.

"If you guys really don't know about this, please investigate. The DNA test results are mine and Lilia's. Yes, it is very clear that she is my sister," Mellisa said while panting in pain.


As soon as Mellisa said that, Trisa immediately denied it loudly. Randell's wife glanced at the report taken by Richard, trying to find something to refute Mellisa's words. Trisa immediately said the first thing that came to mind.

"Mellisa, you can't do this. Even if Leila is better than you, you shouldn't frame her like this! Look, Lilia's parents didn't say anything at all!"

Trisa pointed at Robert and Sylvia, who were silent in the corner of the room. The husband and wife jumped up, but still didn't say anything.

"They clearly want the Irwan Family status for their daughter! After all, where did these DNA test results come from? Aren't you working with them to trick us all?!"

As Trisa said all this, her eyes glanced down at Lilia. Her gaze was full of meaning, as if telling that this was all part of Lilia's trick.

Meanwhile, Mellisa almost ran out of her remaining strength. Lilia heard Trisa's words, but she preferred to focus on helping her sister get back to her seat. But actually she didn't have to say anything. The man who had been silent all this time finally spoke up.

"What did you say?"

Those two words from Jean were enough to make Trisa's body tremble. The woman slowly turned around and met the eyes of the fourth son of the Widjaya Family. Jean's terrifying aura made Trisa automatically take a step back.

Jean looked at Trisa nonchalantly. "What do you think Lilia wants from the Irwan Family? Fame and wealth? Or high status? You must be blind if you think my wife wants all of that," Jean said coldly.

"I-I..." Trisa stuttered, but she could not refute the man.

"Lilia isn't lacking in anything. If she wants it, the Widjaya Family can build ten houses this big just to make her happy," Jean continued calmly.

Trisa bit her lip and looked away from the man. How could she forget Lilia's status now? That woman was the daughter-in-law of the Widjaya Family, a conglomerate family that was no less honorable than the Irwan Family!

But Jean's next words made Trisa look back at him with a pale face.

"Now that your past records have been whitewashed, is it possible that you forgot how you entered the gate of the Irwan family? Don't equate my wife with a sly woman like you,"

"You… you…" Trisa stuttered in panic.

How could Jean know the history of her dark past?! Even worse, she never thought that Jean would reveal her past in front of the Irwan family!

But Trisa could not say anything to argue, because they were all facts. Her past while she was working at the nightclub left a stain in her life. But after marrying into the Irwan family, Trisa managed to change her identity into a respectable investor.

Trisa could only tremble under Jean's arrogant gaze. Her back felt cold and her fingertips froze. Trisa then cursed Leila in her heart. Why did she never tell her that the man behind Lilia was so terrifying?!

"Mrs. Trisa!"

At this time, Lilia had just finished helping Mellisa drink a sip of water. She straightened herself and glared at Trisa.

"I wonder, have you ever heard a word about what I think about the Irwan Family? Or did you have time to hear what I wanted from this family?" Lilia asked in a calm, yet firm voice.

Trisa looked away, but that was enough to be the answer.

"Then, let me tell you what I think about this family," The corner of Lilia's mouth lifted into a cold smile. "To be honest, I don't care who my real family is,"

Hearing that, not only Trisa, even Richard, Janice, and Simon also turned to look at Lilia.

Even so, Lilia continued confidently. "I don't blame them for raising the wrong child. But I can't accept a family treating their own daughter without justice,"

Lilia's gaze fell on Mellisa, who was struggling to maintain consciousness.

"Mellisa refused to return to the Irwan Family after she survived an accident five years ago," Lilia took turns looking at Richard and Janice. "I hope you guys think carefully about what that means. Think about it with all your heart, so that you don't make the same mistake,"

Lilia didn't care if these words made her biological parents hate her. She just couldn't bear to see them trust Leila so blindly that they missed seeing the truth. Lilia wouldn't let them hurt Mellisa any longer with that favoritism.

At this time, Jenny, who had been silent for a long time, finally clapped her hands. The sound of her clapping caught everyone's attention. Then she turned to Simon, who was stiff-faced.

Jenny raised her eyebrows and asked, "Dad, you can see that now, right? All this time, our Irwan family raised the wrong child. Our actions not only hurt our real child, but we also let her harm other children,"

Leila was still lying weakly on the ground. When she heard Jenny's words, she shook her head in tears.

"Auntie, I'm not ... I'm the daughter of the Irwan Family ... I'm really the daughter of the Irwan Family..." Leila kept repeating those words desperately. But her words couldn't convince anyone in this room.

Leila looked around and felt great despair when no one stood up for her. The woman who had been raised as everyone's favorite daughter now had lost everyone's trust. This left Leila so shaken that she immediately passed out.

"Lei! What's wrong with you, Lei?! Get up!"

The only person who still cared about Leila's state was Sylvia. That woman truly cared and loved Leila from the bottom of her heart. She rushed over to her daughter's side and patted her cheek anxiously.

"Robert, do something! Help her!" Sylvia screamed hysterically.

At this time, Richard and Janice were still in shock. The DNA test results they read, printed in black and white, were very clear... saying that Lilia and Mellisa were related.

The test result admittedly made sense. When Mellisa and Lilia stood side by side, everyone would believe that they were blood sisters.

However, their minds pretty much were still in chaos. They didn't know who to trust and how to investigate this situation. There was so much they needed to straighten out and clarify.

In addition, they had not been able to accept the fact that the daughter they had loved with all their heart for 24 years was a faker.. Even worse, their beloved daughter had committed many horrible things behind their back.

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