My Wife Is A Killer

Chapter 212: Episode 213 The Ouyang Family’s Preparations

Chapter 212: Episode 213 The Ouyang Family's Preparations

Episode 213, what kind of things does this Li Tian have, which is worthy of a god-level character like Lianluohe Futu?

Of course, the Ouyang family in front of him guessed differently, but he saw Ouyang Zhengtian with a cold face, and suddenly stood up, since even those old devils had an accident, our family had to make all preparations.

When Ouyang said these words all day long, his whole body was shrouded in a wordless domineering might.

Third child, you go to Laoshan as soon as possible and invite the three elders of the Ouyang family out, and I will also go to the back ancestral hall tonight and tell the old man about this matter.

Ouyang said slowly all day long, Laoshan is far away in the barren mountains of the great northwest, the reason why the Ouyang family can become the head of the four major families, is it really only this little strength in front of them?

Apparently not.

The reason why the Ouyang family no longer cares about the affairs of the rivers and lakes now is only because the old man sent the most powerful three elders of the Ouyang family back then.

In Laoshan, which is far away in the northwest, I heard that the third elder was sent to the northwest by the old man to carry out a mission, and as for what the task, even Ouyang Zhengtian didn't know.

There were rumors in the four major families that the strength of the three elders of the Ouyang family had reached the realm of transcendence.

They are the protector of the Ouyang family for decades, not only the three elders, but also the old man of the previous generation of the Ouyang family, who is the old man in the last old ancestral hall of the Ouyang family.

The old man, who has been in retreat for so many years, has been in retreat since his most talented and smartest fourth son disappeared, and so far, the Ouyang family has rarely appeared.

The reason why those masters have temporarily left the Ouyang family now does not mean that the Ouyang family has really declined.

As the head of the four major families, is it just that it is obviously not from Ouyang Zhengtian's current words, he is really ready to gather the huge power of the Ouyang family.

first asked the third Ouyang Hua to go to Laoshan and invite the three elders of the Ouyang family back, and then he had to go to the ancestral hall at the back of the mansion to tell the old man.

It can be seen from the current situation that the Ouyang family is really ready to play against the Duanmu family.

The Duanmu family has a long-famous, dark and violent four elders, but the Ouyang family has decades of protectors, three elders and mysterious old men, and who is the person who led to these fuses?

Could it be Li Tian?

Li Tian?

What now?

Is he dead or alive, and he was taken away by the Duanmu family to the end, what is his purpose?

If he lives, what will he do next.

Since the Ouyang family didn't help him save Situ Ningbing, there is no doubt that in his heart, he has a hatred for the Ouyang family, and that hatred will arise no matter which ordinary person he puts on him.

So Ouyang Zhengtian in front of him was worried about Li Tian for this, he was worried that Li Tian would stand with the people of the Duanmu family if he had that hatred.

That's the enchantment, so what should I do then?

The Duanmu family, a mysterious and dark family known to the outside world, although they live in Jinghai City, it is so mysterious that no outsider knows where they live.

You can imagine how mysterious this family is.

A gloomy light shrouded the huge manor, a group of buildings in the style of the European Holy See, towering and mysterious, and the manor could be seen everywhere with people in black robes.

There are also those men in black standing guard, they are all members of the Broken Wood family, in the family full of darkness of faith, these people have long been accustomed to the lonely and cold life in front of them, in the largest and cold building in front of them.

The light is not very bright.

In the huge room, he was standing there the leader of the Duanmu family's dark department, and in addition to him, Black Eagle was only the head of the Duanmu family, Duanmu Heiming, who was sitting in the black eyes.

The kid has already brought it back.

The black eagle slowly said to Duanmu Hei in the dark, Evil Ink Hei Ming was in the dark, no one could see his face clearly, and it took a while before he said slowly, He really poured out, is our family's Rashomon?

The black eagle said silently, yes, his subordinates saw him use our family's martial arts with their own eyes, and it was especially like the long-lost Rashomon wine room.

Listening to the words of the black eagle, Duanmu Kurona in the darkness did not speak for a long time, as if he was pondering something, and from his sluggish light, he could hear the voice of his mouth silently, how could it be, how could it be true, could he still be alive?

There is no one else in the Duanmu family except him who knows the Luochengmen wine, could it be said that someone in his successor passed on the Rashomen wine to him.

It can't be impossible, he's been dead for so many years and hasn't been seen again.

How could he not die after being poisoned by the most poisonous Sanshengmen Seven Tricks, even if he didn't die, he would be a complete waste, but how could there be descendants now?

Duanmu Heiming pondered in the dark, and the dark aura emanating from him made the entire space seem a little suffocating.

Black Hawk, the leader of the shadows who was standing there, felt the feeling of suffocation at this moment, but he was still standing there, motionless.

Who was the person in Duanmu Heiming's mind just now?

No one knows, but there is a poison in the Duanmu family, which is named the most vicious poison in the Duanmu family.

The person who is poisoned by the seven orifices of Sanshengmen will all be destroyed by the seven orifices, and all the eyes, ears, and nose will be destroyed, so this poison is the most evil poison in the Duanmu family, the one that Mu Hei Ming said just now.

Who the hell did he fall for this seven-trick poison?

Duanmu Heiming, who was in the dark, suddenly said, To save that junior, I want to ask him something.

Duanmu Hei Mingyin in front of him swished and said, Clan Master, this kid was the spokesperson of the Ouyang family before, if it is really found out, he will be the kung fu of our family's Rashomon, how to deal with this matter?

Duanmu Heiming in the dark snorted, hum, let's save him first.

Duanmu Hei Ming Dao is the head of the clan.

When the black eagle heard the clan master's order, he could only nod and slowly retreated.

A room resembling an underground bedroom was empty and dark, and in the huge room, there was nothing but a cold bed, only one lying quietly, his body stripped naked, and if you looked closely, his body was tied with layers of blood-stained sandbags.

and a few vertical and mottled knife marks on the bandage's chest, which were hideous, but these knife wounds were only skin wounds, and did not really kill him.

A white porcelain plate next to it was stained with a lot of scarlet blood, and in the middle of the blood stain was a bullet that had been taken out and placed in the cold porcelain plate.

There is no doubt that the bullet was taken out of his chest, and of course he was Li Tian, who was shot coldly by Sang Biao, Liu Fatzi's men.

Now in this dark room, his breathing was somewhat even, though his face was pale from some blood loss.

But it didn't bother much for his body, and now he was just in a coma, and occasionally he could see his pale face, with a hint of horror and nervousness in his eyes, as if he was having a nightmare.

The gloomy room where Li Tian stayed was locked from the outside, and the place outside was lined up, and there were six people from the Duanmu family in black who were standing.

His face was extremely cold, and he was guarding there, and suddenly a shouting voice came to this side, all of them get out of the way of me, whoever dares to stop me or kill you today.

As the arrogant and nice voice came, I saw a slender figure, breaking through the barriers of several black-clothed people, swaggering towards this side, that beautiful face without flaws.

There is an extremely sexy red lip on it, the red lips are red without dots, bewitching and beautiful, his beautiful eyes, but at the moment they are full of anger, glaring viciously at the black-clothed people around him who want to stop him.

He is the supreme of the Duanmu family, the daughter Duanmu Ying, the evil and beautiful bewitching woman like a poppy, and the faces of the black-clothed people next to him showed a look of embarrassment.

Cai said, Miss, according to the instructions of the subordinates, no one can approach this room.

Miss, please don't embarrass the people from the Duanmu family in front of us and say there.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Duanmuying's mouth, hum, isn't it the person who presses the department, does the person who follows the department even dare to stop me?

Get out of the way of me with less nonsense, and whoever doesn't want to get out of the way of Miss Ben, don't blame Miss Ben for being polite.

As Duanmu Ying said these words coldly, the faces of those men standing there were ugly faces, but the eldest lady of the Duanmu family was in front of them, how could they afford to provoke them.

Everyone knows that the eldest lady's temperament is changeable, and if she really annoys her, she will slaughter the people in front of her one by one.

That's a big problem, but the people who follow the steps are not easy to mess with, so they are extremely embarrassed.

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