My Wife Is A Secret Assassin

Chapter 100: Pushed Her Into The Lake

Chapter 100: Pushed Her Into The Lake

Once the seven people arrived, they got out their car and admired the beautiful location. In this place there are over 100 miles worth of trails to enjoy throughout the camping site.

"I love this place, Chance" Abigail excitedly exclaimed and he just politely smiled at her.

Samantha could see Chance was not fine and something was bothering him but for now she decided to not ask him anything and let him be.

"We can indulge in many activities here and since we have time till tomorrow afternoon, do whatever you like." Chance said.

Then a guy who works there came and Chance had a word with him as he booked a package in advance.

The guy then showed them around and informed them of all the fun activities they offer. Here they can do hiking, fishing, riding bikes, animal and bird watching etc.

Then he took them to a camping place with many tents and showed them their assigned tents.

The five people who came from New York, loved the setting as it was different from their everyday busy life. 

Samantha was aware of this place, so she was not very surprised and her attention was more on Chance as he seemed mentally lost today and she felt restless seeing him so calm and worried.

They all went into their tents. They were small tents with a soft mattress placed on the bottom of it. It was big enough for two people to sleep in it but every person there was given a separate tent, and there were no couple tents.

Samantha placed her bag in one corner of her tent and zipped it.

Later, the seven people met and discussed what they wanted to do. Jack and Mia wanted to go on bike rides. Carol and Abigail wanted to go for bird watching. Samantha said she would go for fishing.

Chance didn't want to indulge in any activity so he decided to just walk around the place and David decided to accompany him as just like Samantha he too could see Chance was not fine.

Samantha went to a lake where she can do fishing, the working staff there gave her the equipment and she chose a calm spot where there were no people as she wanted to be alone for some time.

Samantha, Sarah and Bill used to go for fishing when she was young so she relived the good memories while indulging in this activity.

While fishing, Samantha's thoughts drifted back to Chance, for a moment she wondered if his mood was bad because of her and because of what happened the day before.

She then brushed away this thought as he was back to normal last night. Her mind was confused and she was thinking deeply why Chance was not in a good mood today in spite of being with his friends.

David and Carol seemed fine and were not stressed which implied Chance's mood was not bad because of his business and it was something else. Samantha just hoped she didn't do anything to worry him like this.

On the other side, Mia and Jack borrowed bikes and were having fun. Abigail and Carol were busy with bird watching when Carol excused herself.

"Abi, I need to go and use the washroom. You continue looking around, I'll come back in some time"

"Oh, should I wait for you then?" Abigail asked her.

"No need, you can keep enjoying yourself. I'll join you later, it might take some while" Carol apologetically looked at Abigail.

"Sure, no problem"

Carol then walked away from there and instead of going to the area where washrooms are located, she went to the lake side.

Very carefully Carol stepped towards this area, and ensured to not be seen by anyone else.

She looked around the place as if she was searching for someone and finally, she found Samantha, who was standing near the edge with her back facing Carol, with a fishing rod her hand.

Carol was not sure why she was here and what she wanted to do as she didn't plan anything. She just wanted to come and check on Samantha so she did.

Slowly the woman approached Samantha from behind.

Carol was not sure what she wanted to do but seeing Samantha stand with her back facing her, at the edge of the platform, with the lake below, she had the urge to push her.

The lake was a few meters below as there was a platform from where one could sit or stand and fish in the water below.

The lake was surely deep as there were instruction boards everywhere asking the visitors to be careful. 

Carol was scared, she was not sure what suddenly got into her that she wanted to push Samantha inside the lake but she really wished to do so.

Before inviting Samantha, Carol had no evil intentions and she was not even sure what to do by asking her to tag along with them.

But now seeing Samantha stand in front of her near the lake, the anger Carol tried to suppress inside her was now coming out. 

She recollected everything that happened till now, how Chance rejected her and how he left everything to came here for the woman standing in front of her.

The anger and jealousy clouded her mind and she stepped towards Samantha to push her after ensuring there was no one near them.

Carol's hands moved forward, they were shaking in fear as this was her first time trying to kill or harm someone.

Carol's heart was beating very fast as she approached Samantha.

Samantha who was thinking about Chance, felt someone's presence behind her but she didn't turn around and let the person approach her first.

When she felt the person was close enough, suddenly Samantha turned around and grabbed Carol's hands which were shivering tremendously.

Carol was startled as she didn't expect Samantha to dodge her attack so perfectly, it felt like Samantha had eyes on her back and she could see Carol approaching her.

Samantha coldly smiled at her, still tightly holding her two hands. 

Carol was scared seeing the smile on Samantha's lips as that was the creepiest and scariest smile she ever saw in her life. 

For the first time the gentle looking Samantha gave a very devilish vibe which scared Carol and she tried to free her hands from Samantha's grip but she failed.

Samantha was very strong, which stunned Carol as she never expected this delicate lady to be this powerful.

"Let go of my hands" Carol complained.

"What were you intending to do?" Samantha's voice was cold and when she questioned her, it sounded scary too.

"Nothing" Carol said and tried to pull her hand back from Samantha's grip.

Samantha smiled at her, "I'll tell you what you were intending to do. Sorry, I'll rather show you what you were intending to do" The next moment Samantha turned Carol around exchanging their positions and pushed her into the lake.

Carol couldn't balance herself and Samantha's push was so powerful, she couldn't resist against it and she fell down in the lake.

There was a huge splash sound after Carol fell in the water below.

Carol struggled in water as she didn't know how to swim and was trying to ask for help. The lake was very deep and Carol felt like she will drown and die in this lake.

Samantha smiled wickedly seeing Carol struggle in water as she realized Carol does not know how to swim.

Samantha looked at her surroundings and as expected there was no one.

After indifferently watching Carol struggle for a few seconds, Samantha saw someone from the staff appear in this area, so she suddenly jumped in the lake.

The staff got scared seeing Samantha jump in the lake and she immediately called for help.

When the staff person stepped closer to the lake and saw clearly, she saw the girl who just jumped was saving some other person, who seemed to be drowning.

There was a bit of chaos as the staff members were notified of this accident and they all rushed towards this place.

Chance and David who were engaged in a deep conversation saw the chaos around, some person from the staff mentioned a young girl is drowning in the lake.

This worried Chance as he knew Samantha was at the lake, so he and David ran towards that place.

Similarly, Abigail heard too about this incident and she too reached the lake assuming Samantha was the one drowning.

Jack and Mia were unaware of the commotion and were riding their bikes.

Abigail, Chance and David coincidentally reached the lake at the same time and they saw Samantha helping Carol out of water.

Both the women were drenched in water. Carol was unconscious and Samantha was helping her out by holding her.

Chance, David and Abigail rushed towards the two women, one of the staff persons helped Samantha in carrying Carol and they laid her down on the land.

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