My Wife Is A Secret Assassin

Chapter 49: Cursed These Idiots

Chapter 49: Cursed These Idiots

"I am a pro at this, she will not know if I look at her until and unless I want her to know" Chance narcissistically answered him.

David rolled his eyes, "Yeah, you are the best assassin, but let me tell you this, if you are wrong and she is actually not Danger-Ace then we might miss the real one"

"Don't worry, I am 90% sure, she is the one"

After few minutes, Mario came to the restaurant too.

"Hey Mario is here" David informed Chance who for a second glanced at Mario and again looked back at the woman in green dress. He saw that she too was observing Mario, he could see she didn't move her gaze away from Mario and seemed to be confirming her target.

The woman then left the breakfast room and she didn't eat anything, only drank a cup of coffee. 

"Now I am 100% sure, she is Danger-Ace" Chance smiled at David in victory after the woman left.

"How can you be that sure?"

"She came here to eat breakfast but she didn't touch one dish, rather she kept looking at Mario, it seemed she was just confirming her target, after that she left, see, she is not here at all" Chance signalled at the empty table she previously occupied.

"Why did she leave as Mario is still here" David didn't understand anything.

"Because she can't kill him in front of so many people, I am sure she has a plan already set and now she left so that she could execute her plan. If I am not wrong, after some time around an hour or so she will execute her plan" Chance predicted.

"What if you are wrong?"

"Maybe I am, so to be on the safer side, we will kill Mario right away after he leaves this breakfast room and when he heads to his room" Chance decided there itself.

"Is it possible?" David was not sure about how feasible Chance's words are.

"Nothing is impossible for me" Chance confidently smiled and left with David.

David went back to his room to be with Mia and Chance went to the floor where Mario was staying. He booked a room there but not under his name, he went to that room and waited there.

Chance had a separate room for himself and he booked this room only to kill Mario.

He then used a microphone which he installed in Mario's room in advance and was eavesdropping on Mario.

Mario came back to his room after breakfast and was relaxing on the bed when he saw a brochure on the side table.

The brochure promoted a Hawaiian punch which promised it would be the best drink at this resort, the image of it looked very tempting so Mario called the restaurant and ordered one for himself.

Chance who had been eavesdropping on this conversation smiled to himself as things were perfectly going according to his plan.

He was the one who left the brochure on Mario's table as he is aware of his weakness for drinks, he was a heavy drinker.

Chance went out the room and he put an invisible sticky thing on the floor and again went back to his room and was waiting for the waitress to arrive with Mario's order.

He checked his watch and based on his calculations he came out of his room only to see a waitress whose heel was stuck on the weird thing he earlier put on the floor, Chance smiled to himself and approached the waitress.

"Ma'am you fine?" He asked her with concern.

"Umm, yeah but I don't know what was spilled on this floor but my heel was suddenly stuck to it and I am not able to move." The waitress embarrassingly explained while holding the tray with the Hawaiian Punch.

If she uses force to pull out her leg then the drink will spill all over and so she was stuck there, worried.

"Here, let me hold your tray for you" Chance offered.

"Thank you so much" The waitress was grateful towards this guest and Chance looked like a decent gentleman so she didn't think much about it and handed the tray to him.

While the waitresses' attention was on her heel, Chance calmly sipped a medicine in the Hawaiian Punch, he was so swift that until and unless one would put all their attention on him, they wouldn't notice what he did.

The waitress was able to pull her heel out, she thanked Chance and went to Mario's room.

Chance went back to his room as his work was done and he just had to wait now.

The waitress after giving the drink to Mario cleaned the floor and left.

Chance checked the time on his watch and according to his calculations, in the next twenty minutes Mario should be dead.

After twenty minutes, using the master key which he already had as it was arranged for him beforehand, he entered Mario's room only to see him lying dead on his bed. Chance had years of experience, he didn't had to check the body to see if they were really dead or not, one glance was enough for him. 

Chance was not worried about the autopsy reports as that medicine cannot be detected in Mario's body and neither in the juice, he mixed it in.

Chance first removed the secret microphone he earlier installed in his room and then went towards the cupboard where Mario's stuff was lying around.

There he found the hard drive he was supposed to collect. 'What an idiot, he should have safeguarded this hard drive well.' Chance taunted the dead man as the hard drive was lying in the cupboard carelessly.

Chance looked at the hard drive and then at Mario's dead body which looked like he was sleeping, and thought, 'Was this hard drive really worth you losing your life?' Then Chance helplessly shook his head and cursed these idiots who don't value their own life, he hid the hard drive in his pants pocket and left the room.

All the while he was wearing gloves and ensured his fingerprints are not left anywhere. 

Chance then went to his actual room and he carefully hid the hard drive in his luggage and headed to the small bar in the hopes of meeting Danger-Ace.

Mario is a heavy drinker so he was sure Danger-Ace might have planned something around it and might be waiting at the bar for Mario to show up.

If Chance wouldn't have had already killed Mario then for sure Mario would have headed to this bar, so Chance went there to meet his nemesis.

After reaching the bar, he glanced around the room and as he expected he saw the woman he was sure is Danger-Ace sitting at the bar in the same green dress she wore earlier but right now she looked more attractive and seductive. Earlier he didn't see the high slit of her dress which ended at her thigh and her hair which was tied in a bun during the breakfast was now left open.

Chance smiled as he saw through her plan, 'Man, so much efforts she has put for Mario, she is so going to be disappointed, maybe I should make her feel better' He thought to himself and approached her.

"May I join you for a drink?" Chance was standing to her right and politely asked her.

The woman he approached turned to face him but she rejected him without any hesitation, "I am waiting for someone"

Chance was smiling to himself, if she was a tourist, she wouldn't have had rejected him immediately and he knows she came here alone as he already saw her at the breakfast table. He knew she was waiting for Mario and wanted to get rid of him as he can be a hindrance to her mission.

Chance had the urge to say, 'The one you are waiting for is already dead' but he instead said, "Maybe I am that someone you have always been waiting for" and flashed a bright smile at her.

He wanted to see how Danger-Ace reacts to flirting, he could see from her expressions how annoyed she was.

"Believe me, you are not" The woman coldly replied.

Chance dramatically placed his hand on his chest, "Ouch, I am heartbroken"

The woman ignored him and ordered a drink for herself; Chance didn't mind her ignorance and he shamelessly sat next to her, then he ordered a drink for himself.

The woman didn't bother with him but she kept looking at her surroundings, Chance knew she was waiting for Mario, so he taunted her, "It seems the person you are waiting for has stood you up" 

"None of your business" She again replied coldly.

"It is indeed none of my business but I would love to make it my business" 

"Aren't you tired of coming up with such cheesy lines to hit on women?" The woman was annoyed with him.

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