My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 728: The Glory of the Thirty Six Stars

Chapter 728: The Glory of the Thirty Six Stars

The members of the Demon Slaying Department pondered Qin Feng’s suggestion and felt there was some truth to it.

As the commander, Nan Tianlong immediately issued Qin Feng’s idea as an order, instructing the Demon Slaying Departments in the Southern Domain to be on high alert around the cities near the rifts of the Immortal Realm.

After the discussion was mostly over, Nan Tianlong smiled and said, “This time, the disaster of Suiyang City was solved thanks to the Farshore Flower you brought back from the Netherworld Realm, which allowed us to completely destroy that demonic being.”

“Speaking of which, I’m quite curious about what the Netherworld Realm is like.”

At these words, the others also turned their gazes towards Qin Feng.

“If you’re asking about that, then I’m happy to tell you all about it!”

Qin Feng cleared his throat, drawing everyone’s attention, then embellished and described his experiences in the Netherworld Realm.

In the story, he portrayed himself as a veritable war god, slaying deities and Buddhas alike.

In the face of the Netherworld Realm’s dangers and the undead ghost generals, he relied on his own formidable strength and clever intellect to resolve one crisis after another.

Of course, he did mention his father’s presence, but as for the other powerful figures in the Netherworld Realm, he simply glossed over them with a few words.

After all, he couldn’t let those impressive characters overshadow his own brilliance.

“Is the Netherworld Netherworld Realm really that dangerous and terrifying?”

“Even the words I used to describe cannot fully express a tenth of the true reality,” Qin Feng said in a solemn tone.

“I never imagined Brother Qin’s journey to obtain the Farshore Flower was so arduous.”

“It was more than just arduous, it was a near-death experience! If I hadn’t been thinking of the people of Suiyang City and all of you still needing me, I would not have persevered,” Qin Feng sighed, subtly glancing at the Commander.

Hearing this, Zhan Qingfeng and the others were moved by Qin Feng’s sense of righteousness, voicing their admiration.

Ya’an had a worried and fearful expression. Even though the events had passed, she could still sense the perilous nature of Qin Feng’s journey to the Netherworld Realm. Fortunately, Qin Feng returned safely.

Bai Wushuang was eating cakes in the corner. When she heard everyone’s praise, she raised her head in confusion, pretended to be amazed a few times, then lowered her head again and began to eat the food seriously.

Nan Tianlong and the others exchanged glances, understanding the truth.

Qin Feng’s Netherworld Realm journey must have been dangerous, and his efforts were undoubtedly admirable, but the actual experiences were likely quite different from his dramatic narration.

Leaving aside other details, the mere existence of the Transcendence Realm could not have been resolved so casually.

However, the people present were experienced, and no one had not been young and impulsive before, so they did not question or expose Qin Feng’s little white lies.

And Nan Tianlong, knowing that his old friend was living in the Netherworld Realm in another way, couldn’t help but smile.

After his comrades from the Imperial City had finished singing his praises, Qin Feng cleared his throat and brought up the main issue: “Commander, for the sake of the Southern Domain and Suiyang City, I’ve experienced many dangers.”

“And to obtain the Farshore Flower, I’ve practically drained my own resources. I wonder if the Southern Domain’s Demon Slaying Department can provide me with some reimbursement?”

Appearing as a heroic figure in public was just one aspect, but all the groundwork was laid for this moment!

While the Demon Slaying Department of a domain could not be considered wealthy, they certainly had some valuable goods.

Like the remains of high Calamity Cycle Demons and Ghosts, or those powerful supreme treasures – the former could be used to set up formations or commissioned to Divine Workshops to forge into weapons, while the latter could directly enhance one’s strength and increase survival methods.

These were things that Qin Feng naturally desired in abundance!

Nan Tianlong nodded, “Of course, you can tell me what you want.”

“Actually, I don’t want much. If I could have a remnant part from the Transcendence Realm, or perhaps a Chaotic Primordial Treasure, that would be enough,” Qin Feng said.

At these words, the Immortal Spear Sima Kong, who was sipping tea, nearly choked.

The Mad Blade Zhen Tianyi raised his brows, “Even the Commander doesn’t have these things, and you’re still asking for them?”

Although there had been rumors of the Transcendence Realm appearing in various parts of the Great Qian Four Domains after the incident half a year ago, and Nan Tianlong had even entered the Transcendence Realm through the Ancient Divine Breath that appeared in the heavens and earth, the Transcendence Realm was hardly something easily conquered.

Just like the Lord of the Marsh, who had contributed in the battle at Zhenling Pass, the attitude of the Great Qian Imperial Family and the Demon Slaying Department had always been – make friends if possible, but avoid making enemies!

For this reason, the remnants of the Transcendence Realm had always been priceless treasures.

After all, with their remains, one could forge supreme treasures that could rival the Chaotic Primordial Treasures. Who wouldn’t want that?

As for the Chaotic Primordial Treasures, they were ancient relics, each possessing miraculous abilities.

Currently, the known Chaotic Primordial Treasures did not even number more than the fingers on one hand.

Not only did the Southern Domain’s Demon Slaying Department not have any, even if they did, they wouldn’t be willing to part with them.

Nan Tianlong chuckled, “While the Southern Domain’s Demon Slaying Department doesn’t have those things you mentioned, your contributions and sacrifices must be properly rewarded.”

“However, I do have something that, while not on par with what you asked for, is not too far off.”

Qin Feng’s expression brightened upon hearing this.

Soon, Nan Tianlong pulled out a token from his clothes and placed it in front of Qin Feng.

Qin Feng took a look at it and was stunned on the spot, “This…”

The others grew curious and leaned forward to see.

Zhan Qingfeng exclaimed, “The Thirty-Six Stars Token of the Demon Slaying Department?”

“Correct, it is the Thirty-Six Stars Token!”

Nan Tianlong’s expression turned serious as he spoke earnestly to Qin Feng, “You are already a member of the Southern Domain’s Demon Slaying Department, and you have also contributed greatly in battle for the Great Qian, saving the people from calamity.”

“In terms of both strength and achievements, you are qualified to become one of the new Thirty-Six Stars.”

“The title of Thirty-Six Stars is not only an honor, but also a responsibility.”

“I will not force you to shoulder this burden, so I ask you now, Qin Feng, are you willing to accept this token?”

“I…” Qin Feng opened his mouth but did not answer immediately.

The Twelve Divine Generals and Thirty-Six Stars of the Great Qian were renowned and legendary figures to the world. Even in historical records, they would leave a profound mark.

But along with the glory came corresponding responsibilities. As the saying goes, “To wear the crown, one must bear its weight.”

Qin Feng was not concerned about shouldering the responsibility. On his journey, he had witnessed too many life and death parting.

The soldiers and Demon Slayers guarded the human territories with their flesh and blood, and Qin Feng, who had remembered his father’s teachings, naturally also wanted to contribute his part to the world.

If that were not the case, he would not have stepped up during the numerous demonic threats and natural disasters.

He wanted to protect the land that his beloved ones called home.


Qin Feng spoke truthfully, “I have already settled in the Imperial City. My father passed away during the Battle of Zhenling Pass, and now I am the pillar of the family.”

“If accepting the Thirty-Six Stars Token requires me to leave the Imperial City, then I’m afraid I cannot accept it.”

Yan Zhou nodded slightly, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

At this moment, Ya’an seemed to have thought of something, her beautiful eyes lit up, and she said loudly, “If the Commander could allow Qin Feng to remain in the Imperial City, then he could accept the identity of a Thirty-Six Star.”

Qin Feng turned to look at her, his expression puzzled.

This was his own matter, why was she butting in?

And the way she looked, it seemed like she hoped he would become a Thirty-Six Star. What benefit would that have for her?

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