My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 730: Why Is There the Scent of a Woman?

Chapter 730: Why Is There the Scent of a Woman?

After the mighty ones left, Shuyang City began to be rebuilt in an orderly manner under the leadership of the local government officials. Qin Feng and the others no longer needed to remain there.

However, before leaving, Qin Feng thought of the City God in the temple. The City God’s assistance was indispensable for them to have safely gotten through this calamity, so naturally, he wanted to pay a visit.

Furthermore, what puzzled him was that after returning from the Netherworld last night, he had not seen the City God since, and did not know where he had gone.

When leaving, Senior Brothers Shen Li and Sun Qi had told him that after the Heavenly Teacher of the National Tower had a private conversation with the City God, the latter never returned.

Upon arriving at the City God Temple, Qin Feng saw a scene of ruins, with half of the shrine collapsed. Fortunately, apart from a few cracks on the forehead and some peeling paint, the statue of the City God remained largely unscathed.

Many citizens were busy clearing the rubble in the temple, seemingly intent on rebuilding the City God Temple.

This was somewhat unexpected for Qin Feng, as during the past six months, most citizens should have had their senses bewitched by the Night Wandering Ghost, and no one would have worshiped at this temple.

He moved closer and listened to the conversations among the citizens:

“I woke up to find Shuyang City in ruins, with half of my home destroyed too. What kind of situation is this?”

“I heard from the officials that it was due to an invasion by terrifyingly powerful Demons and Ghosts. The reason you and I are unharmed is because we were protected by a great power.”

The officials concealed the truth about the Night Wandering Ghost and that monster. Or perhaps they themselves did not know the details and merely provided a “reasonable” explanation as required by the Commander, Qin Feng speculated inwardly.

A man continued: “You know, I feel like I had a very long dream. In the dream, I became the richest man in Shuyang City with an endless supply of wealth.”

Another person responded: “Whoa, I had a similar feeling, as if I was constantly surrounded by beautiful women who kept me entertained every night, to the point of exhaustion.”

“But sometimes, those women would suddenly turn into terrifying monsters trying to devour me.”

“Yet every time that happened, a golden light would protect me and keep me from harm.”

“You experienced that too?” The man exclaimed in surprise.

“Based on what you’re saying, could it be…”

The man nodded: “There was usually a hazy silhouette behind that golden light. No matter how hard I tried to recall, I couldn’t make it out clearly.”

“But when I woke up this morning to Shuyang City in ruins, I suddenly remembered – that silhouette was the City God from this temple.”

Upon hearing the two discuss this, the other citizens began recounting their own dream experiences. Although the details varied, the golden light and hazy silhouette were exactly the same.

The man said with emotion: “I think the reason we survived this great calamity must be because the City God protected us. That’s why I came here to rebuild the shrine.”

The others nodded in agreement, for they had come with the exact same purpose.

Listening to this, Qin Feng suddenly realized something.

The Night Wandering Ghost had bewitched the citizens of Shuyang City, yet there were no casualties over these six months.

He had assumed it was because the ghost didn’t want to hurt anyone out of desire for worship.

But now it seems that perhaps it was the City God who had been protecting the citizens all along.

As Qin Feng approached the shrine, he saw the roof had been blown off, exposing the clear sky above.

He looked around but did not see the haggard old man’s figure anywhere.

On the offering table in front of the statue, however, many new offerings had been placed – likely offerings from the townspeople. There was fruit, meat, and a plate of bright, fresh peanuts.

Glancing at the empty small wine cups on the table, Qin Feng didn’t hesitate to take out a jug of divine drunken wine from his Spatial Ring and fill them up.

It was getting late, and Ya’an and the others were waiting outside the city. He could no longer afford to delay.

Taking one last look at the City God statue, Qin Feng thought that perhaps the massive battle last night had drained too much of the deity’s power, preventing him from manifesting a physical form.

“There was still so much I wanted to ask, but it seems I’ll have to find another opportunity.”

Qin Feng shook his head with regret and strode away.

He failed to notice that the wine in the cups was visibly diminishing at a rapid pace, and that a faint smile seemed to appear on the City God statue’s face.

Outside Shuyang City’s gates, Zhan Qingfeng and the others were already prepared to depart.

Everyone had mounted their horses, except for Ya’an who stood by the gate, gazing into the distance.

Suddenly, a look of delight flashed across her eyes as a familiar figure came into view, approaching them.

“Did you get to see the City God?” Ya’an asked softly.

Qin Feng shook his head, then looked towards the horse. “Shall we go?”

Ya’an’s cheeks flushed, she was about to speak when Zhan Qingfeng interjected: “Of course, it should be the same as before, Brother Qin will share a horse with me while Young Master Ya’an rides alone.”

After saying this, Zhan Qingfeng looked at Ya’an expectantly, as if seeking approval.

The redness faded from Ya’an’s face as she calmly said, “Very well then.”

Zhan Qingfeng secretly rejoiced, thinking to himself, ‘This way, Young Master Ya’an will surely have a deep impression of me. After returning, I won’t have to guard the city gates anymore and might even get promoted.’

It wasn’t until the sun began to set that Qin Feng’s party finally made their travel-worn way back to the Imperial City.

As they parted ways, Ya’an wanted to say a few words of farewell, but was once again interrupted by Zhan Qingfeng: “Young Master Ya’an, I am the Jade Demon Slayer of the Imperial City’s Demon Slaying Department and have served here for many years. ”

“If you ever need anything within my capabilities, I will go through fire and water without hesitation!”

Zhan Qingfeng’s fawning behavior made some of his colleagues feel embarrassed, though most were envious instead.

In their view, Ya’an’s identity was clearly no simple matter. Establishing a good relationship with him could very well lead to advancement.

Ya’an gave Zhan Qingfeng an indifferent glance and replied, “Mm, I understand.”

Zhan Qingfeng’s brows raised in delight as he began envisioning his future prospects.

After some idle chatter, the group went their separate ways.

Though only three days had passed, to Qin Feng it felt like a longtime.

Their journey to Shuyang City was filled with so many incidents that even now, his heart was still burdened with worries and doubts.

For example, where did that terrifying monster come from, and why does it have the power of immortality?

What the current state of the Immortal Realm is and how many Gods and Demons may have defected to the monster’s side.

But most curiously – why both the Immortal Realm’s deities and the monster covet the Primordial Qi within Qin Feng’s dual pupils so intensely.

Qin Feng pinched the bridge of his nose, realizing that the more he learned, the more he understood his knowledge of this world was still just the tip of the iceberg.

Upon returning to the Qin Residence and entering the main hall, seeing the familiar faces of his family put many of his worries at ease. In that moment, Qin Feng felt completely relaxed.

The feeling of being home was truly wonderful. No wonder people often say that for a man, home is forever a warm harbor, he couldn’t help but think so.

Just then, Cang Feilan’s beautiful brows furrowed as she leaned in and sniffed. “Why is there the scent of a woman?” she asked coldly.

“In fact, two distinctly different scents,” Liu Jianli also noticed the clue and looked over suspiciously.

Upon hearing this, Lan Ningshuang’s expression immediately became guarded.

Oh no, I rushed back and forgot to change clothes! Qin Feng’s face stiffened, realizing the feminine fragrances must be from Bai Wushuang and Ya’an!

Feeling the intense, accusatory gazes upon him, Qin Feng understood that an inevitable reckoning was about to rain down.

Though home is a warm harbor, sometimes it can also erupt in fiery turmoil.

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