My Wife is an Aloof Beauty

Chapter 1737 Not Your Moneymaking Tool (Part One)

"Pretty soon. Oh, right," Annie said, a bit embarrassed. "Tom told me it'll only be a few more days. Don't worry!" Wearing the bandage to work had been rather inconvenient. Due to her hand being temporarily out of commission, there were also instances where doing day to day activities felt rather tedious.

"That will be great. I was worried that you would have to wear the bandage on your wedding day," Belinda said, heaving a sigh of relief. "Since it's Tom taking care of your wound, I feel more at ease." Glancing at the bandage, she offered a warm smile. Annie shouldn't have to suffer the same pain as she did - the pain of struggling to put on her wedding dress.

"It's actually not as serious as it looks," assured Annie softly, fiddling with her long hair. "I just need to take some medicine, and I'll be fine. But Tom - well, you know how serious he can be. He insisted that I wear the bandage like this." Since one of her hands was injured, she often had a hard time tying up her hair. And as much as she wanted to pull it up in a neat ponytail, she had no choice but to leave it hanging down her back nowadays.

"I guess he thought that since your wedding was coming soon, he should help you recover as quickly as possible," Belinda said, laughing cheerfully. As a former patient of Tom's professional services, she wasn't new to his dedicated spirit. So Belinda fully understood what Annie had to deal with.

"Yeah, maybe!" agreed Annie. Noticing the time, she prepared to leave in haste. "Belinda, I'm so sorry but I need to get back to my work now. I'll see you later!" The shooting wasn't finished yet, and she had to be back before they ever noticed she was gone. Besides, if she stayed longer, Eleanor might decide to create more trouble for her.

"Okay!" said Belinda immediately. "You get back to your work. But I'll see you at lunch!" These past few days at work had been rather dull since she had been having lunch alone, and she had gotten tired of the routine. Hopefully, Annie could accompany her later.

"All right," Annie said earnestly, "It'll be my treat." Considering Belinda had always been helping her out of trouble, the least Annie could do was to buy her lunch to show her gratitude.

Smiling, she responded, "I'll gladly accept that," Lunch wouldn't cost a lot, so Belinda agreed to let Annie pay without hesita

Drugged one night by her ex-boyfriend, a mysterious man took advantage of her in an ecstatic night filled with sex.

To take her revenge, she married the man, and used him.

"As long as I'm alive, I'm still his legal wife, while all of you are just his mistresses."

She remained adamant even when he was involved in scandals with other women.

Eventually she stormed off after she learned that he had betrayed her again.But life brought her back to him a few years later, to his astonishment.

." She had been knowing Rain all too well. If she gave him the money directly, he would refuse to accept it at once. For that reason, she had no choice but to bring it up as an investment proposal. Even though the money wasn't a lot, it was sufficient for CY Technology to get through its most grueling period.

"Leena, I know you too well," Rain said, unwilling to accept her money. "Your investment is clearly just a ruse. You're just trying to help me out!" Frankly, he was quite moved that she thought of helping him out of his current financial difficulty. But it wasn't like he had fallen into an inescapable financial situation where his company couldn't survive without her help.

"It's not what you think. I really want to invest. You see, Kevin's a military officer, and he's not allowed to do business outside. So, it's my duty as a mother to make a long-term financial plan for our son," Leena explained sincerely. "Just in case we don't have anything to offer him when he's all grown up." 'On the one hand, I really want to help you out. On the other hand, I also have a selfish motive - that is, a mother's deep financial concerns for the future of my son.' Leena wondered, waiting for him to respond.

"Do you mean it?" asked Rain, still skeptical. Uncertain whether to accept her explanation, Rain folded his arms and looked at her in the eyes.

"Of course, if it's not for my son, do you really think I'd be that generous to you?" she asked in a nonchalant tone. Holding back a sigh of relief, Leena could see that he was starting to get convinced.

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