My Wife Longs for Divorce Every Day

Chapter 412: 412, times table up to nine.

Arriving home and finding Little Luoluo absorbed in play in the living room, Shi

Huan started preparing dinner, making a curry chicken dish.

In the past few years, she had been living alone. Over time, her cooking skills improved, even though she had few chances to put them to use due to a busy work schedule.

Now that Little Luoluo was staying with her, she had to hire a cook to prepare nutritious meals.

“Huanhuan, you have a phone call.” Little Luoluo ran in, waving the


Shi Huan picked it up and froze.

She really didn’t want to answer!

The phone was ringing persistently. Little Luoluo asked curiously, “Huanhuan,

why aren’t you answering the call?”

Shi Huan drew a deep breath and answered, Hello?

“Come take care of me at the hospital this afternoon.

Shi Huan bit her lip, “Mr. Chu, I…”

“Don’t lie to me, I know you’re back in Nancheng. While your boss is in the hospital hungry, you went shopping and to the supermarket. Do you think that’s right?”

Shi Huan:”…”

This Lu Chenyu!

Usually quiet, but not shy at all to talk to Mr. Chu, even tattling on her?

They really must be close friends.

“Hurry up and come here, and bring me something to eat while you are at it.

Shi Huan glanced at the time, “Mr. Chu, it’s already half past twelve.”

Buying a meal, waiting for it, and then rushing to the hospital, it might be close

to two o’clock. Would the prince’s stomach be able to bear it?

But Chu Xiuhuang seemed to ignore her words, “By the way, I want curry

chicken rice.”

With that, the call was disconnected.

Shi Huan: “…”


Hospital room.

Chu Xiuhuang narrowed his phoenix eyes, planning his next moves.

After contemplating all night, he wondered why he was suddenly so interested

in his secretary.

After all, he had known Shi Huan for seven years and they had been working together for more than five. Since day one, Shi Huan had been a silent presence, and he had never paid much attention to her.

Recently, just thinking about her brought up vivid images.

Chu Xiuhuang had been uninterested in romantic entanglements for years, but last night, for some reason, he felt like he was possessed and couldn’t control himself.


He made a decision.

If he felt this way about her, he should make his move.

Chu Xiuhuang was not the type of man to overthink.

After this pleasant decision, he felt instantly refreshed.

It had been so long since he had pursued a girl…

The last time was probably when he was courting the little princess of the Mo family.

Shi Huan should be easier to win over than that little princess, right?

Over these many years, he had never seen Shi Huan with any other man. The longest amount of time she had spent with anyone was with him.

Why is a woman so devoted to a man?

Chu Xiuhuang narcissistically believed it was because she had feelings for him.

What other reason could there be?

Moreover, the photo essentially ruled out the possibility that she was seeing someone else.

After breaking down his thoughts, he felt a sense of warmth, even the outside sunlight seemed inviting.

Lying in his hospital bed, he leisurely waited for his precious little rabbit to

come to him.

Until the door was suddenly knocked on.

Looking at the time, it was only one o’clock.

Secretary Shi arrived so quickly?

What a two-faced little thing, she cared about him but pretended not to, fussing about for so long.

With a mock bragging smile, Chu Xiuhuang sat up on his bed, crossing his arms

and said, “Come in.”

He assumed the person entering would be Shi Huan with a lunch box, but


“What are you doing here?” Chu Xiuhuang’s face darkened instantly.

“Mr. Chu.” Shen Bingbing, clutching a coat in one hand and a thermal lunch box in the other, walked in cheerfully. “You haven’t had lunch yet, right? I made some…”

“Get out!”

“Mr. Chu?” Shen Bingbing was surprised that Chu Xiuhuang would tell her to leave?

He had always called her “Miss Shen” in a gentle and courteous manner.

Maybe he’s in a bad mood?


I’m currently in the hospital with no one visiting. Lying here all alone, whose mood could be good?

Shen Bingbing reassured herself and promptly put on a smiling face again,

“Mr. Chu, this is the chicken soup I stewed, the chicken is…

“Get lost! Who cares about your chicken!” Chu Xiuhuang impatiently pressed the call bell, “You have five seconds to leave my patient room!

“Mr Chu ” Shen Bingbing softened her voice, “I understand that Secretary Shi was absent these few days, and no one has been looking after you, how lonely. I’m not really busy at the company these days, may I come look after you?” As she was speaking, she put down her coat, opened the lunchbox, and served a bowl of steaming hot chicken soup.

Chu Xiuhuang squinted his phoenix eyes, remaining silent.

Shen Bingbing, holding the chicken soup, sashayed her way to the bedside.

Up close, Mr. Chu really was handsome.

Even in illness, there was no trace of frailty about him. No wonder they say a naturally blessed appearance makes all clothes look good.

Shen Bingbing had a thought and scooped up a spoonful of soup to offer it to him.

Approaching his sensuously handsome lips, she softly said, “Mr. Chu, let me

feed you…Ah!”

Chu Xiuhuang suddenly raised his hand, pushing her hand away, causing the spoonful and subsequently the entire bowl of soup she was holding in her left hand to spill all over her.

She was wearing a white base sweater today which was not thick. The soup instantly seeped through the material, scalding her skin beneath. The painful burn made her white sweater stick to her body, sodden and messy.

Just then, a nurse arrived, rushing in upon hearing the scream, “What happened? Oh my God, Miss you…

She thought it was an accidental burn, but…

“Throw this female hooligan out!”

The “female hooligan,” Shen Bingbing, wore a strained expression. She wasn’t even willing to wipe up the mess, leaving behind the thermal lunch box. She picked up her coat, ready to leave immediately.

She hurriedly arrived at the elevator. The door opened, only for her to see Shi Huan inside.

She immediately spotted the mess on Shen Bingbing’s chest, frowning, “Director Shen, why are you here? What happened?

Shen Bingbing quickly covered her chest with her coat, “It’s okay, Secretary Shi, I have to leave now.”

“Oh.” Shi Huan wore a baffled expression.

When she arrived at Chu Xiuhuang’s patient’s room and saw the nurse cleaning the floor, spotting soup and water everywhere, and an opened thermal lunchbox nearby…

Shi Huan inquired, “Mr. Chu, did Director Shen come here? She…” “Why are you only here now?” Chu Xiuhuang angrily interjected.

Shi Huan was stunned, “What happened?”

“Your handsome boss was almost taken advantage of by that indecent woman!”

The cleaning nurse stifled a laugh.

Chu Xiuhuang gave her a cold glance, and she immediately lowered her head, continuing her work nervously.

It was the first time she saw a grown man claiming to have been taken advantage of by a woman…

Shi Huan was equally astonished, “You mean to say… Director Shen was trying to… take advantage of you?”

Chu Xiuhuang kept a poker face.

He gave a tacit agreement.

“Come on,” Shi Huan forced a laugh, “Mr. Chu, you’re a man, plus you’ve practiced Sanda and Taekwondo. How could she possibly…”

“I am currently a patient, weak and unable to resist. If not for the nurse who came in promptly, I fear…”

The nurse: “…” Could he be any more dramatic?

Shi Huan was filled with shock.

Was it true? Was Shen Bingbing really that desperate? But it seemed like it was her who was splashed with the soup…

“Therefore, you must protect me from now on! Stay by my side at all times, until I’m discharged!”

Shi Huan opened his mouth,”… oh.”

When the nurse finished cleaning up and left, Chu Xiuhuang glanced at the bag in her hand, “Where’s my curry chicken?”

Shi Huan immediately opened the bag.

When he saw that it was a takeout box, Chu Xiuhuang’s handsome face darkened again. “Takeout?”

“Mr. Chu, don’t you love this restaurant’s takeout?

The young master Chu was very picky about food; it had to be clean, he paid attention to packaging and taste.

Over these five years, he had pretty much eaten at all the restaurants in Nancheng. However, he eventually settled on a few, with Shi Huan rotating among them to order his meals.

Chu Xiuhuang replied tersely, “Did I ask you to buy their takeout?”

“You said you wanted to eat curry chicken, and only this restaurant has it.” Shi Huan took out the food box, “This restaurant’s curry chicken should be pretty good. While waiting for the order, I checked out the reviews on Dianping; there were lots of good reviews…”

“Weren’t you preparing curry chicken at home?” Chu Xiuhuang suddenly interrupted her.

Shi Huan was taken aback, “How did you know?’

Chu Xiuhuang narrowed his elongated phoenix eyes and fell silent.

But even without saying anything, Shi Huan knew. It must have been Lu Chenyu who snitched.

Once again inwardly cursing that poker-faced guy, Shi Huan said, “I did prepare it, but my younger sister ate it all…”

“Is your sister a pig? She eats so much!” Chu Xiuhuang blurted out. Damn, was he short of just one meal? Could she eat any more?

Shi Huan’s face turned serious immediately, “Mr. Chu, when you speak about five-year-old child in that way, I’m very upset.”

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