Mythical Era: My Evolution into a Celestial Beast

Chapter 237: Targeting the Invincible Chen Chu (I)

Chapter 237: Targeting the Invincible Chen Chu (I)

After killing Kolant, Chen Chu slowly retracted his halberd and began searching the body.

"Strange, these guys don't have any storage-type items. Are they poor? Or maybe they couldn't bring spatial equipment because they crossed over illegally?"

With some disappointment, he took a few photos and uploaded the data of the kill. Then, he gathered some firewood and prepared to burn Kolant's body to ashes, to prevent him from being potentially resurrected by demon cult methods.

The truth was, Kolant was powerful. His cultivation method was similar to Chen Chu's, focusing on both strength and defense, which made him formidable. Although his injuries had reduced him to the peak of the Fifth Heavenly Realm, his combat power was no less than that of someone at the middle stage of Sixth.

That was also why he couldn't believe he had lost. As a master at the Sixth Heavenly Realm, he had actually been dominated and killed by a student at the middle stage of the Fifth in just a few moves.

The physical body of a cultivator at the Sixth Heavenly Realm was big and powerful, especially for a Giant Cult Apostle who specialized in strength. It took almost an hour for Chen Chu to completely burn Kolant's body to ashes.

While Chen Chu was tending to the fire, the image he had uploaded earlier caused another stir in the monitoring center.

"The student named Chen Chu has slain a second demon cultist. According to submitted intel, this cultist was from the Giant Cult. He possessed formidable strength, probably at the middle stage of the Sixth Heavenly Realm."

"To defeat a cultist at the middle stage of the Sixth Heavenly Realm while only being in the middle stage of the Fifth... This student is incredible. His strength is enough to break into the top ten of the Achievement List in the south."

"Forget about the top ten, I feel like they wouldn't even be his match. Think about it, he killed that Giant Cult Apostle without getting injured at all. This clearly indicates that his combat power has already surpassed the middle stage of the Sixth Heavenly Realm. And he's only in his first year. He’s absolutely terrifying!"

"That’s true. I also think the current top ten on the list are no match for him. They haven't even battled each other. Their rankings are entirely based on accumulated points, which is quite misleading. Qin Tianhu had been at the top of the list, and he was actually killed by a Shadow Cult Agent."

"Yes, when those guys first infiltrated, their strength was at most in the late stage of the Fifth Heavenly Realm. That’s a minor level lower than Qin Tianhu, who had been at the peak, but this ‘genius’ had no ability to fight across realms? Being ambushed and killed under such circumstances is a disgrace to our battlefield."

When Qin Tianhu was mentioned, these staff members were somewhat disgusted. They felt like he had embarrassed the southern battlefield.

After all, the guy from the North Lin battlefield had not only killed a demon cultist when encountering their passage, but had also managed to send out the message about the invading demon cult. In comparison, this generation of students from the southern battlefield seemed inferior.

Of course, these people didn't know that Qin Tianhu had already been seriously injured by Zuo Jing at the time. Otherwise, given his combat power that had once killed a late stage level 6 mutated beast, it would have been uncertain who would win.

Albeit, the chance that he would have still been killed by the Agent was likely, as he had heavily relied on his thrice-refined transcendent armor and weapons, to the point where they had made up a significant portion of his combat power. This was also the reason why Zuo Jing had ultimately looked down on him; although he had cultivated to the peak of the Fifth Heavenly Realm, in the end, he still didn't have a clear understanding of his own path.

Roar, roar, roar!

Deep in the mountains, level 5 and 6 mutated creatures roared, unleashing power that shook the heavens and earth, only to be swiftly killed by the even stronger teachers.

After this massacre, the number of high-level mutated beasts in the depths of the Yunwu Mountains was expected to significantly decrease, and likely wouldn’t recover for a long time.

To make things worse, since the teachers had to chase down the demon cultists, they were forced to leave the corpses behind, with only some valuable parts being cut off and taken. For all their strength, none of them had been able to afford enhancing their Sumeru Bracelets enough to let them take entire mutated beast bodies with them.

Soon, the sky gradually darkened. After a day had passed, among the twenty-three infiltrators, most of them had been caught off guard and killed or injured.

With the satellites and information transmitters forming an expansive network that covered the entire Yunwu Mountain Range, these infiltrators had been surrounded and killed almost as soon as their auras had been detected.

By now, only seven of them remained, including Zuo Jing and Maximus, who had escaped with injuries. However, now that they were aware of the powerful humans hunting them down, the survivors had been hiding very deep in the mountains. With how vast the mountain range was, detecting them in a short time was difficult.

At night, on a small hill backed against a mountain wall just a hundred meters away from a cliff, Chen Chu tossed down the corpse of a three-meter-long mutated beast and then built a campfire.

After running into An Fuqing, he had learned that, compared to carving out a hole in a large tree, a precipitous environment like this was more suitable for resting. He could even light a fire and not easily attract mutated creatures.

As he ate, Chen Chu took out his phone and found An Fuqing's contact from the Nantian School group chat, sending her a private message.

He certainly hadn't forgotten about the individual he suspected of being a demon cultist.

Just as Chen Chu was finishing his meal, An Fuqing replied. The message was simple: She and Zuo Jing had been talking about philosophies and the way of life all day.

Seeing this, Chen Chu nodded slightly and didn't ask further questions. He believed that An Fuqing would make the right decision after receiving the information about the demon cultists via the network link at noon. There was no need for him to intervene for now.

Having eaten and drank his fill, Chen Chu tidied up a bit, then sat cross-legged at the cliff’s edge, leaning against the mountain wall and closing his eyes to begin his cultivation.


As Chen Chu cultivated, transcendent energy from within a hundred-meter radius swarmed toward him, and his pores opened wide to absorb it.

Chen Chu’s cultivation speed had become astonishing after reaching the sixth stage of his art and condensing the Divine Might Tyrant Body, since he now contained a trace of power from the Dragon Elephant Colossal Beast.

He felt that, even without additional resources, simply cultivating in the mountains would allow him to break through to the late stage of the Fifth Heavenly Realm within just over a month, and then reach the Sixth Realm within four months.

Soon, as Chen Chu sank deeper into his cultivation state, his consciousness moved over to the Thunder Fiery Colossal Beast.

Waves surged under the night sky, and outside a deserted island, one nineteen- and two eighteen-meter-long mutated orcas frolicked in the sea, emitting squeaking calls. Not far away, a thirty-four meter black and white orca that exuded a level 7 aura watched over them.

Thanks to the diligent support of the Single-horned Kun, the orca family was growing well, although it also left the Kun somewhat exhausted.

Several dozen meters away, in the depths of the sea, a forty-five-meter-long colossal beast with black and red scales was feeding.

Under the Thunder Fiery Colossal Beast's claws was a fifteen-meter-wide colossal crab, with pincers that were two feet long. With a crunch from its monstrous jaws, the colossal beast shattered one of the giant crab's pincers. The firm and tender crab meat filled its mouth with a rich, meaty taste.

Roar! Delicious. The Fiery Beast let out a satisfied growl. This was its first time eating such delicious crab.

Crunch, crunch!

The Fiery Beast wolfed down the crab pincers and legs in a few bites. It then shattered the crab's shell with another bite, releasing rich, oily crab meat.

Roar! This crab roe is so fragrant.

It didn’t expect these crabs to taste even better after mutation. Each bite was filled with the delightful taste of crab roe and meat.

As the colossal beast chomped down, countless bits of crab meat flowed out from between its sharp teeth, drifting in the seawater.

Soon, the beginning stage level 5 mutated giant crab was completely devoured. The Fiery Beast’s size grew a little after that meal, but it was still very hungry, starting to look around at the now empty surroundings.

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