Mythical Era: My Evolution into a Celestial Beast

Chapter 87: Monster

Chapter 87: Monster

The next morning, Xia Youhui and the others went back to the Law Enforcement Bureau to check if any new homicides had been reported.

Meanwhile, Chen Chu went to the adjacent military base to request a cultivation room. He took a deep breath in anticipation as he mentally commanded, Consume 20 attribute points to enhance the Insightful Blade to the third stage.


As the 20 attribute points vanished, Chen Chu's consciousness was instantly drawn into a mysterious realm. It was similar to the Insightful Eye, but more expansive, as if his entire mind had been greatly expanded, enveloping the room and a radius of dozens of meters outside.

Within this range, Chen Chu could sense the wind passing by and the waves of air flow. This perception was profound and mysterious, not like the clear visual sensation when using spiritual power, but rather a kind of intuition deep within.

At the same time, a sharp force spawned within Chen Chu's body, automatically circulating and opening up a new route within him.

This circulation route was different from the Dragon Elephant Art that covered his entire body. It involved mainly the upper body and arms, returning to the dantian after ten repetitions of circulation.

Alongside this force emitting a sharp aura, the Dragon Elephant True Power in Chen Chu's dantian erupted with a powerful and violent energy.


The two forces collided, erupting into a strong shockwave.

Chen Chu didn’t react to this. At the moment, he was immersed in the third realm of the Insightful Eye, allowing the two forces in his dantian to collide and entangle.

He didn't know how much time had passed; when he woke up, he found that the true power in his body had doubled, and the originally thick Dragon Elephant true power had become slightly sharper.

Chen Chu was not surprised by this result. The moment a saber art broke through to the third level, a form of true power called saber qi would be born from the outside reaching in. If there were other main cultivation arts, this saber qi would merge with their true power.

He drew his saber slowly. True power flowed along the new route of his arms and fused into the blade, instantly revealing a layer of black saber qi.

Compared to the faintly glowing aura, the saber qi was more condensed, as if an extra inch of thick misty black blade had been added to the saber, showing off a sharp edge.


Chen Chu merely waved his straight saber lightly, and the sound of air being torn apart resonated in the air, sharp and terrifying.


That afternoon, Chen Chu walked through a prosperous area that had recovered a bit of its bustle. With his black and red armor, swaying black cloak, and the long saber on his back, he didn't match the style of the surrounding businesses at all, attracting a lot of attention.

Most of the pedestrians didn’t dare to stare directly at him, simply glancing before just as quickly withdrawing their gaze with a respectful look. Although Chen Chu and the others had only been in Leisteru for a week, everyone knew that these special forces in black and red armor were not to be trifled with.

These special forces followed the armored squads that patrolled the entire city. In the midst of gunfire, they had killed many rebels, displaying terrifying strength.

In the past two days, rumors had spread that they were searching everywhere for dangerous individuals, even breaking into houses and killing anyone on sight. It was said that one guy carrying a shield would even destroy everything in the house before leaving. Extremely vicious; too horrifying, even!

Chen Chu, however, wasn’t privy to these peoples’ thoughts. His attention was focused on himself, or rather, on sensing their gazes.

"This one is respectful. That gaze is a bit fearful. But this one feels indifferent. Curiosity. Ridicule. This one seems to carry a bit of resentment, I wonder if someone in his family had been a rebel I’d slain..."

With the breakthrough to the third stage of the Insightful Eye, the art’s intuition had become even more acute, allowing Chen Chu to sense and react to any gaze that fell on him. Unlike the vague perception of the second stage, he could even sense the faint emotions these gazes carried.

But, there was such a thing as being too sensitive. Ever since the breakthrough, Chen Chu had had a constant and very uncomfortable feeling of being pricked by needles.

If this went on for too long, he would soon suffer a nervous breakdown, which was why he had come here. Once he became familiar enough with the sensation, he could train himself to tune it out most of the time, and only really notice actual malicious intent...


Chen Chu abruptly looked up to his left, his gaze piercing through the glass of a nearby building. It landed on a young man in a suit and leather shoes on the fifth floor.

Although this guy appeared normal, Chen Chu sensed strong malice from his gaze.

"I didn't expect to get a lead just by practicing my arts." Chen Chu's lips curled slightly as he walked into the lobby and took the elevator to the fifth floor.

This was a foreign trade commerce firm called Aites. Chen Chu pushed open the glass door and walked in, glancing at the employees working inside.

Seeing Chen Chu’s armor, the female receptionist stood up nervously and said, "Hello, may I help you with something?"

Under his face mask, Chen Chu's gaze swept over her and calmly said, "I suspect there are dangerous individuals hiding in your company, and I'm here to check."

"Ah! H-how could that be? Perhaps you’re mistaken? We’re a legitimate company with qualified operating permits..."

Chen Chu simply ignored the receptionist even as she continued to panic, going straight to the manager's office.

The door opened, and the elite young man in suit and leather shoes walked out, smiling, "Sir, I am the manager here. What can I do for you?"

As the young man came out, Chen Chu paused slightly. There was no scent of blood on this man, nor was there the instinctively repulsive feeling he’d gotten from the other Blood Cultists.

If it hadn’t been for the intuition of the improved Insightful Eye telling him that this person was a problem, he would have never suspected this man.

Chen Chu couldn't help but be amazed. "Your ability to conceal is impressive. In my normal perception, you are almost the same as an ordinary person."

The young man's face changed slightly, his expression becoming somewhat stiff, and he forced a smile. "I'm sorry, I don't understand what you're talking about?"

"No need for pretense. Are you coming with me to the federal military base, or shall I cut off your limbs and take you away?" With that, a heavy oppressive feeling emanated from Chen Chu.

"...You're really amazing. I didn't expect you to discover it like this."

Seeing that Chen Chu had already recognized him, the young man no longer pretended. His eyes became cold and sharp, scanning Chen Chu and the other employees with regret.

"Actually, you shouldn't have come up. You newbies have only just broken through to the Second Heavenly Realm. You could have had a much brighter future.

"And my employees, they've been diligently working with me for a year. It’s a shame that I’ll have to kill them.

"But since you insist on seeking death, I'll oblige. Come to think of it, I haven't tasted the flesh of a genius yet. I wonder how it differs from the ordinary."

As he spoke, the young man's eyes turned blood red, his muscles continuously expanding, and red snake-like scales grew all over his body.


The clothes were shredded, and in the blink of an eye, a monster over two meters tall, with sharp claws and muscles covered in red scales, appeared in front of everyone. A blood-like crimson light was circulating on its body, which emitted a terrifying aura, causing fear in the surrounding employees like a rabbit encountering a tiger. Many of them were frozen in place, blank expressions of horror on their faces.

Most importantly, the aura emanating from this red monster was that of the Third Heavenly Realm. Different from the weak feeling aura of the Third Realm cultivator that Chen Chu had encountered before, and also different from the rebels who had severely injured by missiles.

This monster was genuinely strong. Just its aura alone made the surrounding air seem to stop, terrifying and oppressive.

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