Naked Sword Art

Chapter 147 - Popular Boy

Chapter 147 - Popular Boy





The dim corridor suddenly became darker as Xiao Fang’s death Reaper aura seeped out of him. When it reached the girl she began to tremble again.

The girl instantly regretted her actions. It didn’t matter that he was a first year, she had never seen anyone break her spirit whip so effortlessly before.

’I’m dead, I’m dead, I’m dead...’ she thought worriedly.

Unlike in the outer court, there were severe consequences for killing someone in the inner court, but still she felt as though he was going to do it. He was really going to take her life.

Every cell in her body was screaming for her to run, but her legs weren’t responsive. But then, she heard what sounded like the hissing of a snake.

A steady stream of air was leaving Xiao Fang’s lungs as he calmed himself down. As long as he was still conscious he wasn’t going to let the urges take control of his actions. His fighting spirit was too strong for that.

Eventually the Death Reaper aura began to disappear, then the girl felt like she could breathe again. Just when she thought it was over, she suddenly felt a tugging sensation on her body. In the next moment she was being pulled across the floor by an invisible force towards Xiao Fang, stopping only a few meters away from him.

Now kneeling behind him she wanted to beg for her life, but before she could, he began to speak.

"I don’t know who this Chen Li is. Tell her if she has something to say to me, she can come say it to me herself."

"I will, I promise I will!" The girl said as if her life depended on it.

Xiao Fang continued to walk down the hallway leaving the girl behind, but even though he was gone she still couldn’t get up.

In all her life she had never felt so close to death.

’That man is a monster.’




Standing farther back in the same curving hallway, Zhao Pan stood motionless.

’What was that...’ she thought as sweat began to appear on her face.

When the feeling finally passed she cautiously continued walking down the hallway, eventually seeing a girl lightly trembling on her knees.

’What the hell happened here,’ Zhao Pan thought.

She continued walking down the hallway, but when she got closer, the girl eventually heard Zhao Pan coming then began to panic,

"Get away!" She screamed.

Without thinking, she quickly whipped Zhao Pan with the same attack, but Zhao Pan easily caught the spirit whip in the air.

When the girl realized who it was, she heaved a sigh of relief.

"Sorry about that, I thought you were someone else," the girl said as she let the whip fade into a mist of qi.

"What happened here," Zhao Pan asked.

"It’s... it’s nothing. I must’ve tripped," the girl replied as she began to stand back up.

However, after she stood up, they both noticed the puddle of urine under her.

"Tripped... right," Zhao Pan sighed and shook her head.

Since the girl didn’t want to say anything, then there was nothing else to do. Zhao Pan didn’t care enough to get involved in her business, so she continued walking passed her.




When Zhao Pan exited the hallway, she saw Xiao Fang and Bai Fan already here, speaking to an inner court elder with the Phoenix symbol on her robe. Suddenly, Xiao Fang left, then a few seconds after he was gone, the elder gave Bai Fan something then she left too.

When Zhao Pan approached the elder, she immediately asked,

"Teacher, please tell me where they’re going?"

"I am not your teacher, I am your teacher’s assistant. As for Long Wang and Bai Fan, they were both too tired to take the tour tonight, so I let them go home to rest," the elder replied.

"Elder, that guy was a huge troublemaker in the outer court, and he was almost impossible to find. We can’t let him get away like this."

"I wouldn’t worry about that if I were you. Every inner court disciple’s robes are specially made to track your location and life signs. If there are any problems we are quick to respond to any emergencies."

"What if he doesn’t wear the robes?" Zhao Pan asked.

"Wearing the inner court robes and going to classes are mandatory. Failure to wear your robes or attend classes may result in your immediate demotion to the Tiger class," the elder explained.

"I see. Does he know all of this?"

"Mh hm, but he didn’t seem too happy about the last bit of information I just told you. It seems he really was a troublemaker in the outer court," the elder seemed amused.

Zhao Pan’s eyes lit up. ’Finally! Your days of hiding are over,’ she thought.

"Is it possible for you to put me in a house closest to his?" Zhao Pan requested.

"Of course, I could even put you into the same house if that’s what you really want," the elder smirked meaningfully. "but you’d need his permission first since he chose the house before you."

"No need. Any house close to his would be fine," Zhao Pan acted as if she didn’t catch the meaning behind the elder’s mischievous smirk.

Since the elder assumed that none of the girls would’ve wanted a boy to live near them, she intentionally gave him a house away from the others, she didn’t think both Zhao Pan and Bai Fan would ask to live next to him.

’He must be a popular boy to have so many beautiful girls after him like this,’ the elder thought.

"Alright, here you go then," the elder said as she handed Zhao Pan a key.

"Hurry off to bed, I’ll see you tomorrow morning." the elder said, noticing that Zhao Pan seemed to be in a hurry to leave.

"Thank you, elder."

Zhao Pan quickly bowed to the elder before rushing off.

’Ah, must be nice to be young and in love. I wonder which of those two girls will get to him first," she chuckled.

The inner court elder then sighed.

’If only I fooled around more when I was their age,’ the middle-aged looking elder thought as she watched Zhao Pan go.

’Should I go visit Lust City again? But the last time I went it was so expensive,’ she thought.

The elder checked her spatial pouch.

’It looks like it’s going to take me another few months till I have enough to go again,’ she frowned.

Suddenly, she started thinking about Xiao Fang.

Even if most people couldn’t see it, his robes couldn’t hide his incredible physique from her eyes. She could tell Xiao Fang was too fit to be a spirit cultivator, but since Xiao Fang was in the Profound Body realm, what she was fantasizing was still shy of the truth.

’If only I could...’ she paused.

’... (sigh) why am I having such useless thoughts. Something like that will never happen.’




Unlike men, most female cultivators never wanted to sleep with anyone weaker than, or even in the same realm as them. So the higher their cultivation got, the more limited their options became.

The Black Paradise sect was pretty much a chastity prison, but also every father’s dream. So, the only way the sect could get girls to stay was to have them hate men. However, there were several elders that saw through the propaganda as they got older, but they still stayed in the sect for the benefits they received. Whenever they needed to blow some steam there was a place between provinces known as Lust City where they could go to, but since it was harder to climax due to their high cultivation realms, they needed to spend a lot more money to satisfy their urges.

This was the current problem with the sect. Luckily, they were finally starting to accept more men into the sect, so many of the elders were starting to get ideas...

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