Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 1030 Shiro, Yin and Attie

Chapter 1030 Shiro, Yin and Attie

"Pardon me but it seems like I might have to do a bit of parenting." Shiro forced a smile as Nan Tian couldn’t help but chuckle.

"I’m sure they are just playing around but just in case anyone gets dragged in I suppose."

"Mn, I’ll be back soon."

Taking a step forward, Shiro activated two runes besides her as her gaze phased through the walls.

Locking onto the two mana signals, a vision appeared in her view. She could see two people panicking slightly as a column of fire was blasting into the sky. Sensing the presence of what seemed to be a restrictive magic circle, Shiro guessed that Yin wanted to keep things a secret but it wasn’t able to hold the strength of the fire.

The moment she locked her gaze onto the two, both of them looked towards her direction as Yin paled.

Grabbing onto Attie’s arm, she opened her mouth and said a few things before opening a portal to the rift and dragged Attie along with her.

’Hou hou, seems like Yin wants to play hide and seek.’ Shiro thought with a forced smile as she took another step forward.

The moment she did a portal snapped open in front of her as she was instantly teleported to the location of the fire.

The two runes that she used were ones that gods would use to observe the world. The first allowed her true sight of the target as long as she locked onto their mana signal. This meant that even if they are invisible, she could see them. The only problem right now was that she couldn’t control her presence when using this so her targets would be able to know who was observing them.

As for the second, it was an improved version of her teleport motes. Locking onto the mana signal using the first rune, the second would open a tunnel connecting the two together and allow her to transport to her target almost instantly. This essentially meant that it was now almost if not impossible to run away from her.

Looking to her right, she narrowed her eyes at the pillar of fire that seemed to grow with each passing moment.

Activating analysis, she understood that it was absorbing the ambient mana and fuelling itself. Similar to nanobots, this flame was seeking ways to keep itself from extinguishing. Shiro wouldn’t call it ’sentient’ but it was definitely a danger if it appeared in the city.

Since Attie has almost attained a Demi God state, there were traces of divine energy within this column of fire, making it hard to extinguish using normal means. Plus, with the nature of Yin’s fire, this was a rather powerful combination.

Snapping her finger, a rune appeared in front of Shiro as she waved her finger and the column was cancelled out in an instant.

There was no need to use water or ice since she was quite experienced in cancelling magic but just as she was about to leave, she noticed a tiny spark that flared itself back into a pillar of flame that charged towards Shiro.

Raising her eyebrow, Shiro clicked her tongue.

"Che, annoying this actually charges at the largest mana source." Shiro muttered in annoyance as she clasped her hands together.

Activating analysis, she spotted the core of this spell.

Suddenly, tiny nanotech needles appeared within the fire and stabbed towards the core.

Each of the needles were reinforced using her celestial path so naturally, their main purpose was cancellation.


Shattering the core, the fire extinguished itself as Shiro double checked to make sure it was extinguished properly. Once it was done, she nodded her head before turning towards where Yin opened the portal.

Closing her eyes, a rune hovered above her right eye as she opened it once more.

Peering into the rift, a link was formed between her and Yin. This was a rune that allowed her to peer into different dimensions that she had a connection to. In this case, the rift. However, she could use this for the spirit world.

Seeing Yin putting on a brave act in front of Attie, Shiro felt like a vein was about to burst.

"Smug little sh*t." She muttered with a forced smile.

Reaching in front of her, Shiro gripped the air in front of her as two runes appeared on the back of her hands.

Ripping open a direct path towards Yin with space magic to help her, Shiro stepped into the rift and appeared directly behind Yin.

"So like I said, we just hide from mum for a bit and it’ll be fine. What’s she gonna do-!!!!" Widening her eyes, Yin immediately shut her mouth as she could sense Shiro behind her and she didn’t feel peaceful at all.

In fact, she would describe Shiro as being quite ticked off right now.

"Go on, finish that sentence of yours. I’m listening." Shiro narrowed her eyes with a ’smile.’

"Err... I seem to be having a case of short term memory dear mother of mine. It’s just the darndest thing that I cannot remember what thought I just had in my mind a few seconds ago. After all, as your precious daughter, the jewel of your life, the honey in your jar, I would not lie to you dearest mother. Just look at my adorable face, does this seem like the face of a liar? These puffy cheeks and eyes that resemble the beautiful mother of mine?" Yin turned around as Shiro grabbed her by the head.

"For someone that wouldn’t lie to me, you sure are spouting a lot of bullsh*t right now." Shiro forced a smile as a vein threatened to burst.

"Oh I am simply shocked. The fact that you would even suggest the thought of me speaking, and I quote, ’bullsh*t’, is simply absurd. I would like to correct this thought of yours immediately dear mother of mine. What if I cook you the best meal you ever had, surely that would change your mind." Yin offered with a smile despite almost being lifted by the head.

She had to admit, her grip is both strong but delicate. A strange feeling. It was almost as though her head was magnetised to her palm.

"You know, that’s a good idea. We can grill some barbeque too using that column of fire you two created. It’s surely the most efficient choice. Unfortunately, I had to douse those flames out since it would’ve damaged the city, but you can just make another one, can’t you?"

"Of course dear mother, I will be happy to provide you with another column of fire, free of charge. What kind of barbeque would you like?"

"I’m craving chicken now and apparently, a fresh one appeared right in front of me."

"First of all mother, I am appalled that you would even call me chicken. I am a proud phoenix after all. And second of all, I’m sure you’ll be heartbroken if you lost an adorable daughter like me to your stomach."

"Blerg, drop the act smartass, what happened." Shiro rolled her eyes as Yin stuck out her tongue.

"Well you see dea-"

"If you say dear mother of mine in that voice again I’ll fry you." Shiro warned as flames flickered beside her.

"You know flames don’t hurt me but fine~" Yin grinned as Shiro flicked her head.

"Ouch. Fine fine, I’ll be serious. I was just curious what would happen when two devour type flames met. I figured that one would just be extinguished but nope, the two fused and became something we couldn’t deal with. If anything you should blame the flame." Yin shrugged as the corner of Shiro’s eye started to twitch from her annoyance.

"Sorry mum. I won’t do it again." Attie spoke up from the side as Shiro couldn’t help but feel as though her heart was going to melt. Seeing that apologetic face of his, she couldn’t stay angry at al-

"Seems like Attie’s cute face trick still works." Yin muttered.




Rubbing her head, Yin felt like she was about to cry.

"Animal cruelty." She complained as Shiro rolled her eyes.

"Would you rather be an animal or my daughter?" Shiro asked as Yin dropped her act and stuck out her tongue.

"At least Attie doesn’t cause me to have a heart attack from anger."

Patting Attie’s head, she checked both of them to see if the fire harmed them at all.

"Since both of you are fine, I’ll be going back now." Shiro sighed as she drank another mana potion.

"I thought Attie said your mana realm was fixed and all that. How come you’re still using potions?" Yin asked curiously.

"Turns out that sustaining a tier 8 time chamber was no easy task. I have to take this every once in a while to keep it running since there’s someone I’m training in there."

"Which poor b*stard chose your training?" Yin asked in surprise.

"One of the specialised pilots. Regardless, just be careful with your fire ok? Attie’s almost a tier 7 and your fire is special. It’ll cause a lot of damage if it spreads." Shiro sighed as both Yin and Attie nodded their heads.

Talking for a little longer, Shiro made her way back to the training hall. She did offer Attie and Yin to tag along but the two of them wanted to explore a little more.

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