Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 1032 Artillery Blueprint

Chapter 1032 Artillery Blueprint

With everyone leaving the training hall, Shiro stretched her body since they only had a few hours left till the event. They were roughly 5 hours away from Vrish’ Lir with their current speed but she wasn’t planning on getting any closer.

After all, if they get any closer, there was the chance of being dragged into the fight. She just needed them to be close enough so that they could deploy more mechs if needed.

"Let’s head back." Shiro smiled as Nan Tian nodded his head.

"Everything is prepared. The mechs are done, the training could be better but it is very last minute so this is fine for now. Once they enter the mech, they can definitely deploy an incomplete domain. Since they’re all specialised pilots, I trust in their talent." She chuckled while pushing Nan Tian’s wheelchair.

"Indeed. Though I do wish I could participate in the fight." Nan Tian sighed as he looked down at his own body.

"Well you managed to repel a Queen and even injured her to the extent where killing her was a piece of cake, even with her guards around. You will recover, she won’t." Shiro chuckled.

"True. Though I am curious about her territory. What will happen to the people that find refuge under her and what of her followers?" Nan Tian asked as Shiro shrugged.

"No idea but I don’t exactly have the resources to find out. Each of the Queens hide their main anchor to the best of their abilities so it would be hard to find out what happened to the people living there. But I’m guessing chaos." Shiro replied.

"Without a leader to rally under and no guaranteed protection, they would probably form their own hierarchy using power, and take over the main city to be used as their base."

"Either that or the monsters who no longer sense the Queen will kill everyone." Shiro added.

"That too." Nan Tian agreed. The only reason why most people seek shelter under the Queens despite knowing how bad it would be was because of protection. Surviving outside has become much harder thanks to the myriad of peak tier 5 monsters roaming around and tier 6 guards keeping a watch on territories.

There are still dungeons around but most of them had been destroyed during the chaos of the first day. Now, monsters from inside the dungeons are freed and they have made their own settlements deep in forests, icy tundra’s and volcanoes depending on what type of monster they are.

It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that one of the only reasons a majority of humans were alive right now was thanks to the Queens providing protection. Without them, humans would be on the verge of extinction excluding those near the top in terms of levels. For anyone below level 300 to survive alone in the wild was near impossible now.

"Now that I think about it, the fact that Asher and the others were able to survive by travelling from place to place is quite impressive isn’t it? Even though their levels are low they’re adapting to the new world rather nicely. I should have given them more items to support them to be honest since you never know what you might run into." Shiro shrugged.

"True. But since Lyrica’s with them they should be fine. She’s strong after all. Even if she doesn’t think so only because she’s comparing herself with you." Nan Tian smiled.

"True. The fact that she couldn’t help her mother or father when we were out in space must have taken a toll on her. If I look back at it, she probably put on a brave front so that I didn’t blame myself more than I already have back then. Honestly, if she did I think I might actually lose my mind back then." Shiro smiled sadly as Nan Tian patted her arm.

"Don’t be like that. You know that Lyrica isn’t someone who would do that. She’s trying her hardest right now so that she can do something about it herself rather than leaving everything on your shoulders." Nan Tian comforted as Shiro nodded her head.

"I know. Don’t worry, the fact that you actually almost killed a Queen hundreds of levels above you told me enough. I won’t take everything on my shoulders." Shiro leaned forward so that her head was above him and smiled.

"Well isn’t that a charming smile." Nan Tian chuckled.

"I know. Aren’t I just adorable?" Shiro grinned.


Making her way back to her room, Shiro sat on the bed and started to make some blueprints using her tablet.

Thinking about what might be needed, Shiro decided to make an artillery system. It won’t be something as powerful as the cannon that she had created in space but each of them would be roughly the same strength as Wrath of stars.

"Should I add a petrification ability to the artillery shells?" Shiro asked as Nan Tian raised his eyebrow.

"So you’re going to blow them to pieces and turn them to stone if they survive?"

"Well it’s more like backup. Since we’re a bit low on manpower compared to the other Queens, I need a way to clear out a large horde of enemies. There’s no doubt that the country will probably be destroyed during this event so I might as well let loose a little too. I want to win after all." Shiro shrugged.

"Hmm... in that case then why don’t you make it so that the shells are linked with the Requiem of the Dead skill that you told me about before?" Nan Tian asked as Shiro scratched her head.

"Well the problem with that is even if I have the skill in my inventory, I wasn’t able to cast it the last time I checked. I was only able to cast this since I had someone helping me in the forgotten realm."

"Well you’ve certainly improved and you’ve even gained the power of the divine runes. I think it should be within your capabilities now, especially since it’s registered with the system.

"Hmm... I’ll see what happens. Right now, we have 15 specialised pilots and hundreds of registered pilots. Our attack force is pretty strong since they’re all using mechs but the problem is that to put it harshly, it’s almost like mass produced trash. Even if the mechs are strong, a powerful general under one of the Queens would be able to take it out with ease once it observed the mech for a few moments. Of course, even though I was harsh with saying mass produced trash, it is still more powerful than whatever foot soldier they have." Shiro laughed as Nan Tian nodded his head.

"True. And your generals, in which case us, can fight against their Queens. It’s still a coin flip as to whether or not we kill them though. I got quite lucky in that she was awful at close quarters so half the time her summon was trying to protect her." Nan Tian admitted.

"And I’m a Demi God too. I can give some court titles to Shiina and the others too if it comes down to it. Plus, Attie, Nimue and Iziuel are pseudo demi gods like me. In terms of quality, we dwarf everyone else. But we can’t get arrogant because of that since if we do, they can just pull the rug under us and we’ll lose." Shiro shrugged before finalising a few of the blueprints for the artillery cannons.

Waving her finger, she did a quick simulation of their power and watched as the simulated hologram demolished a large monster in an instant.

"Hmm... roughly the power of tier 5 me pushed to the limit. Each shot can heavily wound a tier 6 being if they’re not careful. If I add some petrification, it allows us to crowd control the situation better, wait... actually no. If I add some runes, there’s a chance that I can make a no mana zone remotely while firing the weapon." Shiro muttered as her eyes widened.

Seeing her expression, Nan Tian smiled knowing that she’s getting excited for another blueprint that might easily turn the tides of war.

Tapping away at her keyboard for a moment, Shiro simulated a new scene as Nan Tian watched carefully.

Suddenly, a guiding laser appeared as it drew a rune on the point of impact. There’s a moment where the monster’s body froze up before a faint barrier expanded.

Narrowing his eyes, Nan Tian couldn’t help but pause in surprise.

The rune doesn’t activate immediately since the first skill that activates was Keitoma. By freezing her enemies movements for a moment, it guaranteed that they’ll be covered by the barrier. Once the barrier is up, they’ll be suffering from a no mana zone while the artillery strikes.

"Say, what do you think would happen if I was to find out where their main city is?" Shiro asked with a dark smile.

"Absolute panic unless they can activate a barrier. But if they’re in a no barrier zone..."

"Death. Though it would be a shame since many innocents might get dragged into this for no reason. Even if I can revive them, they would be quite traumatised by hellfire raining down on them and the sensation of being killed would be fresh on their mind. Well I can think about that next time." Shiro shrugged as she yawned.

Taking a quick shower, she prepared herself for tomorrow’s event.

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