Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 1041 Shiro and Misu

Chapter 1041 Shiro and Misu

"Hyup." Jumping off her chair, Shiro stretched her body with a smile.

"Seems like I don’t get to rest just yet. Misu’s already sent scouts so I might as well greet her now." Shiro grinned.

"Already?" Nan Tian raised his eyebrow as Shiro nodded.

"Yup. Misu’s one of the few good Queens that I meet in the future. Plus, this time she seems even friendlier than before. If I had to describe it, last time our relationship was just that of a client and a weapons dealer. If I can get Misu on my side, that’s another Queen we don’t have to kill. Her desire is to help people too so I’m sure the talk will go fine." Shiro smiled.

"Should I come as well or are you fine on your own?" Nan Tian asked as Shiro thought about it for a moment.

"Yeah you should come. I’m pretty sure that the talk will take more than just 10 minutes. Plus, it’s not bad for you to come since you’ll be talking to her a lot in the future." Shiro smiled as Nan Tian nodded.

"Then perhaps we should go with a different wheelchair. Don’t we want a better impression?"

"Nope~ You’re coming with me like this princess Nan Tian." Shiro grinned as she flickered behind his wheelchair and started to push him towards the portal that she had opened.

"Don’t call me that." Nan Tian facepalmed as Shiro chuckled.

"Why not? Don’t you feel warm inside having a prince like me escort you?"

"I’ll remember this." Nan Tian shook his head with a sigh.

"Pft, what are you going to do even if you do." Shiro replied with a smug grin.

Staying silent, Nan Tian rested his head on his hand while his fingers covered his eyes.


Teleporting to the forests near the zone, Shiro could see that the construction was going smoothly and everyone was helping with the setup of the new base.

Making sure that she wasn’t detected by them, she walked towards where the scouts were spotted.

’If I remember, the skeletons should be just ahead.’ She thought to herself while walking through the forest.

As she was walking through, she noticed a few unwelcomed scouts and flexed her finger.

Suddenly, thousands upon thousand of nanotech wires spread throughout the forest.

Like a spider setting up its home, Shiro could now sense all the scouts within the perimeter.

"A few rats?"

"Yup. I’ll clean it up now though." Shiro replied.

Raising her finger, she swiped down.

Seeing a few of the tree’s rustling and a few birds scatter away, Nan Tian understood that she had most likely killed all the ones that weren’t invited.

"Right then, let’s keep going." Shiro smiled, retracting the nanotech wires.


"What? All the scouts are dead?" A woman narrowed her eyes after hearing the report.

"Yes your highness. Our connection was cut off the moment they entered the perimeter of the zone. There seemed to be a formation there that can kill all scouts in a second as long as they’re within the perimeter." Her subordinate explained while making sure he didn’t raise his head. If he did, he might get his eyes gouged out right now since he could practically feel her annoyance on his skin.

"Are you sure it’s a formation?"

Hearing this, the man froze up for a moment.

"We believe it’s a f-"

"You believe or you know? Tell me." The woman narrowed her eyes before sighing.

"Forget it. I’ll give you a second chance." She smiled.

Blinking his eyes in surprise, he didn’t think her highness would actually let him off.

But before he could say anything, his head snapped to the right as his eyes rolled back. Convulsing for a moment, he stood completely still.

"Herace, send him to get re-educated. Make sure he actually does a good job this time." The woman snapped her fingers as a black shadow wisped away the man in an instant.

"Indri, send a few of our failed products to test out her defences. Get me some details on her powers since this is a completely new crest." She ordered.


Hearing the response, the woman nodded as she glanced towards the direction of Shiro’s zone.

The crest above her was that of the woman holding a sword and a scale.


"!!!" Widening her eyes, Misu paused for a moment before chuckling.

"Ahh so in the end it was her. No wonder I never saw that crest before. Prepare yourself, Shiro’s coming here in a second. She’s already created a tether to me using my skeleton scouts." Misu smiled as a portal opened up in front of her.

"I believe this should be our first proper meeting." Shiro waved her hand with a smile.

Misu was about to respond when she made eye contact with Nan Tian sitting on the wheelchair.

".. ."

Staying silent, Nan Tian slowly face palmed and sighed.


Releasing another spray of glitter using the chair, Shiro broke up the silence.

"No need to be too serious. Don’t mind him, he’s a little injured. Where do you want our talk? I can invite you to talk at the zone if you want." Shiro offered with a smile.

".. .Sure." Nodding her head, Misu was a little taken aback by Shiro’s attitude. With the pressure she had felt from Shiro during the first event, she had expected the talk to be super serious.

However, despite what had happened, the current situation is favourable for a talk.

"We’ve only just claimed the zone so the office isn’t as good as I hope it can be but it’ll do for now." Shiro smiled, opening another portal as she gestured for Misu to step through with her subordinate.

Seeing the hesitation, Shiro understood and stepped in first and they followed behind her.

Arriving in a room that seemed like it was situated at the top of the pseudo world tree which appeared earlier today, Misu couldn’t help but look around in surprise since this was much better than what she had expected.

When Shiro mentioned that the office wasn’t as good as she had hoped, she expected just a room repurposed to be an office rather than this.

"Take a seat. Do you want anything to drink?" Shiro asked with a smile as she gestured towards the table.

"Ah I’ll be fine. I’m here to talk about a potential partnership." Misu said seriously as Shiro nodded her head.

"I know about this. What kind of partnership are we talking about here? Something along the lines of me giving you weapons against the lightning Queen?" Shiro smiled as she brought out two cups of juice for herself and Nan Tian.

"I suppose it’s only natural that you’d assume so since everyone knows about the battle between me and the lightning Queen. However, that’s not what I’m here for."

Hearing this, Shiro paused since this was a little different to what she had expected.

"I see. What kind of partnership do you desire then?"

"I want you to help me properly revive the citizens under my care. As you probably know, my powers govern the dead. Everyone that I revive is turned into undead constructs. However, that’s only because this is the only option I had back then. Before I was a Queen, I was a healer. There was a period of time where revival spells no longer worked.

"The revival spell that most healers know requires a few restrictions before use. They have to revive them before a certain amount of time has passed. They cannot revive them if they have an injured soul. There was a big war and I accepted the power of necromancy to save people." Misu started to explain as Shiro listened silently. This was something she didn’t know since she didn’t hear a word about this in the future.

All she knew was that Misu pitied the casualties and tried her best to keep people happy while reuniting them with the ones that have passed.

What she’s telling now matched pretty well with the information she had, the only difference was that she now knew what Misu was before.

Plus, there was another thing that concerned her.

The fact that there was someone not in the future next to Misu. Since Misu had brought him here, it meant that she trusted him. Yet there was not even a single sign of a person like this in the future.

"So after I saw the video of you reviving people, I realised something important. Your skills have the capability to heal parts of the soul as long as the core is still intact. My necromancy preserves what little of the soul is left and reanimates them. If I was to get your help, I can revive everyone in the city as proper living people again. I don’t desire to win this new age bullsh*t that destroyed countless lives. I just want there to be fewer casualties ripping families apart. I don’t know how I can prove my trustworthiness to you but I’ll do what you ask of me to the best of my capabilities."

Shiro looked at Misu. Her eyes flickered for a moment as her lips curled into a small smile.

"What a clear soul." Shiro muttered as the colour of Misu’s soul was pure white. This is a woman that touched the power of death just so that those who died in accidents can be reunited with their family once more.

"There’s a way for you to prove it. A contract."

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