Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 1110 Plans Against Rokarns Army

Chapter 1110 Plans Against Rokarn's Army

Seeing that Syradil had finally read her text, Shiro decided to call her.

Waiting for a short moment, the line connected.


"Yo, sorry I couldn’t pick up the call. I was a bit busy." Syradil chuckled as Shiro nodded her head.

"I had figured. What happened? It’s not like you to ignore the texts." Shiro asked.

"Some of Rokarn’s followers have come to Earth earlier than expected. Did you interact with the gate at all before? If you did, you might have started a countdown for it to open ahead of time. But it’s fine. Start gathering everyone since we’ll be preparing to fight it out soon. I’ll give everyone a briefing once I heal myself."

"Alright." Nodding her head, Shiro ended the call.

"I suppose we should wake everyone up." Nan Tian smiled as Shiro nodded.

"Mn, for them to keep Syradil busy for this long, it’s not going to be an easy fight." Shiro furrowed her brows as Nan Tian nodded.

"Perhaps we want to move with a small group of people to avoid casualties." Nan Tian suggested.

"Maybe. We’ll have to see what happens." Shiro shrugged while clearing up the table.

Sending out an announcement to the core fighting force, Shiro made her way towards the conference room.

Suddenly, a portal opened beside her as Estrella landed with a slight yawn.

"Sorry for waking you up but there’s been a slight change to the situation." Shiro apologised with a small smile.

"Mn it’s fine Shiro. What’s the situation about?" Estrella asked curiously.

"Remember how I told you about our cooperation with Syradil for the time being since there is an imminent danger? Well it turns out that I might have accidentally forced this danger to come early thanks to my actions before. We’re gathering to figure out a plan of action." Shiro said as Estrella paused for a moment before nodding her head.

"If you’re uncomfortable with seeing Syradil, I can give you a briefing later." Shiro offered but Estrella shook her head.

"It’s ok. I can keep my cool."

"If you say so. But if somethings wrong, tell me, ok?" Shiro said as Estrella smiled and nodded her head.

Making their way to the conference room, Shiro could see Silvia yawning while propping her head up with her hand. Even though Chen Yu seemed like he was relaxed as usual, Shiro could tell that he was wanting to sleep.

Looking around, Shiro realised that everyone was in a similar situation.

’I suppose this is the first break they got in a while since we were clearing dungeons non stop.’ Shiro thought with a forced smile.

"Sorry for waking all of you up so late but as you read in the message, the time has come for us to prepare for the big raid. We’ll be challenging a Demi God and hopefully kill him before he lays waste to Earth. Even though I have killed a God a while back, this Demi God is many times stronger than this God so we have to be careful." Shiro cautioned as most of the people had arrived.

"Before we go, I will introduce you to a few new helpers. One of which is Revel that you’re familiar with. He can act as vanguard for us in the battlefield and he excels in clearing large armies. Next is Syradil, many of you know of her while some don’t. She is the Dragon Empress who is one of the stronger people that I’ve seen in this world."

Explaining both Revel and Syradil’s strengths to the party, Shiro noticed one slight problem.

They were a super offensive party with practically 0 defence without Madison!

Both Revel and Syradil could be described as Nukers much like Shiro, Yin and Attie as three examples.

They excelled in completely thrashing the enemy with large scale destruction spells that could shape the environment.

In Revel’s case, the more mana the enemy has, the stronger his storms become. For Syradil, she was essentially someone who invested 80% of her stats into pure offence.

Thinking about how one sided their party composition was, Shiro’s lips started to twitch.

"What’s the highest level tank that we have?" Shiro asked as Nan Tian scratched his cheek.

"329." He replied as Shiro was silent.

"Any chance that they’ll survive 1 attack from level 900’s?"

"I don’t need to answer that now do I?" Nan Tian smiled helplessly as Shiro leaned back.

Suddenly, she saw a figure flying towards them from the window and noticed it was Revel.

Waving her finger, she let him in.

"Sorry sorry, I had to finish that game quickly. So what’s this meeting about?" Revel asked as he sat down on his chair.

Seeing his loose clothes and nonchalant expression, the party members wondered if they were hallucinating from a lack of sleep.

’Was this the level 900+ leviathan that Shiro cautioned them about?’ They thought but didn’t say anything.

"We’re talking about our plans for the raid. I know that you can’t cast any spells and most of your power comes from your control over storms right? Are you able to give us examples of what you can do so that we can plan accordingly?" Shiro asked as Revel nodded his head.

"Sure. Hmm... let’s see.... I can mimic most lightning based attacks such as chain lightning. But I have to absorb their mana first. Put it this way, what I can do depends on what my opponents can do. Sure I have my physical prowess and my storm is powerful even without mana. But, if my opponent uses 0 mana and uses pure physical power, then I’m afraid there’s not much I can do when it comes to using lightning. I’m the worst enemy for mages but that’s about it." Revel explained as Shiro nodded her head.

"It doesn’t have to be enemies does it? I can fuel your storm, no?" Shiro asked as Revel nodded his head

"Yes you can. I’ve done that before with my allies but there’s a catch. You’ll have to take some of the damage. Since I’m a storm leviathan, I’m immune. But I can’t say the same with you." Revel said as Shiro furrowed her brows.

’I can avoid taking damage with my mana but the mana usage will shoot up dramatically. I haven’t even done much testing with this skill so I’m not sure how quickly it’ll drain my mana. If it’s something that could potentially one shot me like the fire dragon’s breath then it might just empty my mana and health instantly.’ Shiro thought to herself while trying to estimate the mana usage.

"Do you want my honest opinion?" Revel asked.

"Go for it."

"If you try to fuel my storm with your mana, you’ll kill yourself in one hit." He said as Shiro paused.

"Come again?"

"If you fuel my storm, you’ll pretty much lose all of your health instantly. I’ve sensed your aura before and I even doubted if my immunity could hold up before we fought. It was immunity but with how much mana you had, it put doubts into my mind. Now, let me ask you. How much lightning resistance do you have? Because if it’s anything less than 90% the damage is massively amplified." He shrugged.

"I think you might be able to get away with powering my storm using remote methods but it’s a bit risky."

Hearing this, Shiro scratched her hair.

"We’ll I suppose we can experiment before the raid." Shiro shrugged.

Looking at the time, Shiro couldn’t help but frown since Syradil should have come here by now.

Thinking about it, she decided to call Syradil and to her surprise, she picked up.

"I know I know I’m late but give me a moment. I didn’t think these bastards could find me again!" Syradil shouted out as Shiro could hear the sound of spells being fired in the background.

"Need any help?" Shiro asked.

"Nope. You better clear some space in there for me, I’ll teleport in a second!"

Hearing this, Shiro waved her finger and the table disappeared.

Quickly moving back, everyone watched as a red portal appeared in the middle of the room and Syradil came charging through, slamming a monster onto the floor before closing the portal.

There were holes through her body but she didn’t seem bothered as they were healing with each passing moment.

"Right then, I’m a bit late but I believe I have a live test subject so that we know what we’re up against in the raid." Syradil smiled as she knocked out the monster in her hands.

Creating a cage that had a no mana zone within it, Shiro placed the monster inside and set it aside for now.

"First of all, they tracked you down without you knowing. Are you sure they won’t just come to my city?" Shiro asked as she had a frown on her face.

"Ah don’t worry about that. It was because of the scout they attached to me. I’ve already dealt with it so it won’t track us down anymore." Syradil reassured. Looking around the room she noticed Estrella.

"Oh my, a familiar face." She muttered, causing Estrella to narrow her eyes.

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